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Tags: noraj/haiti




- **Breaking changes**:
  - **Drop** Ruby 2.7 support, [EOL since 31/03/2023](, no longer compatible with newest version of bundler
  - **Drop** Ruby 3.0 support (EOL)
- **Additions**:
  - WPA-PMKID-PMK [#162][#162]
  - WPA-EAPOL-PBKDF2 [#162][#162]
  - WPA-EAPOL-PMK [#162][#162]
  - WPA-PBKDF2-PMKID+EAPOL [#162][#162]
  - WPA-PMK-PMKID+EAPOL [#162][#162]
  - PFX (PKCS#12 PBE) (SHA1/SHA2) [#170][#170]
  - FileVault 2 [#216][#216]
- **Enhancements**:
  - OpenSSH private key
    - Better naming (add algorithm)
    - Better regexp (add john format support)
    - Add type `$2$`
  - IPB 2.x (Invision Power Board)
    - fix HC ref. [#182][#182] (thanks to @junewerner)
    - Different separators
- **Chore**:
  - Add support for Ruby 3.4
  - Change the way version is included. Insted of including a module `Version`, directly add the `VERSION` constant in the `HashIdentifier` class. It could avoid namespace collision with that kind of generic name.
- **Documentation**:
  - Use syntax highlight for shell commands without output
  - Add bash syntax highlight support
  - Update docsify, docsify plugins
  - Enhance of docsify theme
  - Include version number in docsify scripts and themes as well as CDN url for easier update
  - Comparition with more tools




- **Additions**:
  - 4 new binaries
    - `hashcat-haiti`: wrapper for Hashcat where you can select the mode using haiti and fzf
    - `john-haiti`: wrapper for John the Ripper where you can select the format using haiti and fzf
    - `haiti-fzf`: select a Hashcat or John the Ripper reference with fzf from one of the matching hash types
      - mostly useful for `hashcat-haiti` and `john-haiti` or building another binary or alias that will make use of haiti with fzf input
    - `haiti-parsable`: display hash types matching that have a Hashcat reference in an easily parsable format
      - mostly useful for `haiti-fzf` or building another binary or alias
- **Documentation**:
  - migrating from ronn to asciidoc for man page generation
  - add documentation for how to package haiti
  - add more demo casts



- **Breaking changes**:
  - **Drop** Ruby 2.5 support, [EOL since 05/04/2021]( and not supported by Rubocop since [1.29.0](
  - **Drop** Ruby 2.6 support, [EOL since 12/04/2021]( and not supported by Rubocop since [1.51.0](
  - _Warning_: Drop Ruby 2.7 support soon, [EOL since 31/03/2023]( but still supported by Rubocop
- **Additions**:
  - New `list` command [#159][#159]
  - SSHA-256 (Base64) [#147][#147]
  - LDAP (SSHA-256) [#147][#147]
  - IPMI 2.0 RAKP HMAC-MD5 [#144][#144]
  - RedHat 389-DS LDAP (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256) [#160][#160]
  - PBKDF2-HMAC-MD5 [#160][#160]
  - PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 [#160][#160]
  - PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 [#160][#160]
  - Ethereum Wallet (SCRYPT)
  - WPA-PMKID-PBKDF2 [#160][#160]
  - PBKDF2-HMAC-MD4 [#160][#160]
  - Web2py (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512) [#160][#160]
  - VMware VMX (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 + AES-256-CBC) [#160][#160]
  - ENCsecurity Datavault (PBKDF2/no keychain) [#160][#160]
  - ENCsecurity Datavault (PBKDF2/keychain) [#160][#160]
  - ENCsecurity Datavault (MD5/no keychain) [#160][#160]
  - ENCsecurity Datavault (MD5/keychain) [#160][#160]
  - Python Werkzeug MD5 (HMAC-MD5 (key = $salt)) [#160][#160]
  - Python Werkzeug SHA1 (HMAC-SHA1 (key = $salt)) [#160][#160]
  - Python Werkzeug SHA224 (HMAC-SHA224 (key = $salt)) [#160][#160]
  - Python Werkzeug SHA256 (HMAC-SHA256 (key = $salt)) [#160][#160]
  - Python Werkzeug SHA384 (HMAC-SHA384 (key = $salt)) [#160][#160]
  - Python Werkzeug SHA512 (HMAC-SHA512 (key = $salt)) [#160][#160]
  - Python Werkzeug scrypt (scrypt (key = $salt)) [#160][#160]
  - Python Werkzeug PBKDF2-HMAC-MD5 (key = $salt) [#160][#160]
  - Python Werkzeug PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 (key = $salt) [#160][#160]
  - Python Werkzeug PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA224 (key = $salt) [#160][#160]
  - Python Werkzeug PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 (key = $salt) [#160][#160]
  - Python Werkzeug PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA384 (key = $salt) [#160][#160]
  - Python Werkzeug PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 (key = $salt) [#160][#160]
  - JWT [#164][#164]
  - VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit (legacy) [#154][#154]
  - VeraCrypt SHA512 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit (legacy) [#154][#154]
  - VeraCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit (legacy) [#154][#154]
  - VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit + boot-mode (legacy) [#154][#154]
  - VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit (legacy) [#154][#154]
  - VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit + boot-mode (legacy) [#154][#154]
  - VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit (legacy) [#154][#154]
  - VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit + boot-mode (legacy) [#154][#154]
  - VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit [#154][#154]
  - VeraCrypt SHA512 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit [#154][#154]
  - VeraCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit [#154][#154]
  - VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit + boot-mode [#154][#154]
  - VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit + boot-mode [#154][#154]
  - VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit [#154][#154]
  - VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit + boot-mode [#154][#154]
  - TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit (legacy) [#154][#154]
  - TrueCrypt SHA512 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit (legacy) [#154][#154]
  - TrueCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit (legacy) [#154][#154]
  - TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit [#154][#154]
  - TrueCrypt SHA512 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit [#154][#154]
  - TrueCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit [#154][#154]
  - TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512/1024/1536 bit + boot-mode [#154][#154]
  - TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 256 bit [#154][#154]
  - TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 256 bit + boot-mode [#154][#154]
  - TrueCrypt SHA512 + XTS 256 bit [#154][#154]
  - TrueCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 256 bit [#154][#154]
- **Enhancements**:
  - SSHA: [#145][#145]
    - update JtR label
    - fix regexp
    - add OPENLDAPS flavor
    - add samples
  - AIX: [#146][#146]
    - AIX (smd5): add samples
    - AIX (ssha256): add samples
    - AIX (ssha512): add samples
    - AIX (ssha1): add samples
  - SSHA-512: [#147][#147]
    - fix regexp
    - add samples
  - IPMI2 RAKP HMAC-SHA1 [#144][#144]
    - fix regexp
    - add samples
    - add JtR format
  - Django (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256) [#160][#160]
    - add samples
  - PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 [#160][#160]
    - fix regexp
    - split regexp in 2 (1 for HC & 1 for JtR)
    - add samples
  - Atlassian (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1) [#160][#160]
    - enhance regexp
    - add JtR & HC refs.
    - enhance name
    - add samples
  - PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 (Cryptacular) [#160][#160]
    - enhance name
    - add samples
  - macOS v10.8+ (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512) [#160][#160]
    - enhance regexp
    - enhance name
    - add samples
    - remove duplicate mode
  - GRUB 2 (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512) [#160][#160]
    - enhance regexp
    - enhance name
    - add samples
    - add JtR ref.
  - Ethereum Wallet (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256) [#160][#160]
    - fix regexp
    - enhance name
    - add samples
    - fix JtR ref.
  - Ethereum Presale Wallet (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256) [#160][#160]
    - fix regexp
    - enhance name
    - add samples
    - fix JtR ref.
  - Python passlib (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512) [#160][#160]
    - fix name
    - add HC ref.
    - add samples
  - Python passlib (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256) [#160][#160]
    - fix name
    - remove JtR ref.
    - enhance regexp
  - Python passlib (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1) [#160][#160]
    - enhance regexp
    - remove JtR ref.
    - add samples
  - PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 [#160][#160]
    - fix regexp
    - add a special case sample
  - Telegram Desktop [#160][#160]
    - merge _Telegram Desktop 1.3.9_ into _Telegram Desktop < v2.1.14 (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1)_
    - update samples
    - add HC refs.
    - fix regexp
    - add samples
    - fix regexp
    - add samples
    - add samples
    - enhance regexp
  - Telegram Mobile App Passcode (SHA256)
    - add samples
  - Updated hash names in `commons.json` to reflect `prototypes.json` changes
- **Documentation**:
  - added a man page
- **Chore**:
  - Change indentation from 4 spaces to tabs in `data/*.json` to save dozens of KB




- **Additions**:
  - blake2s
  - sm3
  - Shake-128
  - Shake-256
  - Shake-512
  - BLAKE3
  - HighwayHash
  - Streebog-256
  - Streebog-512
  - Add an ascii-art option
- **Enhancements**:
  - **Colors**:
    - help message is colored
    - change reference colors to match the same theme
  - NTLM:
    - Add recognition for common dump format
    - Add samples
  - argon2id:
    - Add samples
  - SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384:
    - Add samples
  - BLAKE2-512, BLAKE2-224, BLAKE2-256, BLAKE2-384:
    - Add samples
    - Enhance name
  - Keccak-224, Keccak-384:
    - Add samples
  - Keccak-256, Keccak-512:
    - Add samples
    - Alternative format
  - SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512:
    - Add samples
  - Whirlpool
    - Add samples
  - Snefru-128, Snefru-256:
    - Add samples
  - MD2, MD4:
    - Add samples
  - Tiger-128, Tiger-160, Tiger-192:
    - Add samples
    - Alternative format
    - 3-4 rounds variant
  - All Skein:
    - Add samples
  - Gost, Gost Crypto:
    - Add samples
  - Adler, CRC-32, FNV:
    - Add samples
  - Joaat:
    - Add samples
  - All Haval:
    - Add samples
- **Changes**:
  - All regexp will now use `\A` and `\Z` instead of `^` and `$` to prevent multi-line false positives
  - Make the `samples` command case insensitive
- **Chore**:
  - Add support for Ruby 3.2
  - Add project reference in help message



- **Additions**:
  - scrypt Crypt
  - ScryptKDF
  - yescrypt [#130][#130]
  - gost-yescrypt [#130][#130]
  - OpenSSH private keys [#131][#131]
  - BitLocker [#134][#134]
  - Open Document Format (ODF) 1.2 (SHA-256, AES) [#135][#135]
  - Open Document Format (ODF) 1.1 (SHA-1, Blowfish) [#135][#135]
  - SIP digest authentication (MD5) [#136][#136]
- **Enhancements**:
  - scrypt:
    - Add samples
  - Cisco Type 9 (scrypt)
    - Add samples
    - Enhance name
    - Fix JtR ref.
  - Cisco Type 8 (PBKDF2-SHA256)
    - Add samples
    - Enhance name
    - Fix JtR ref.
  - Cisco Type 4 (Raw SHA256)
    - Add samples
    - Enhance name
    - Fix JtR ref.
  - Cisco Type 7 (XOR)
    - Add samples
    - Enhance name
  - Cisco Type 5 (MD5)
    - Add samples
    - Enhance name
    - Fix regexp
  - Cisco-ASA (MD5)
    - Add samples
  - Cisco-PIX (MD5)
    - Add samples
  - BSDi Crypt
    - Add samples
  - Sun / Solaris MD5 Crypt
    - Add samples
    - Enhance name
  - SHA-256 Crypt
    - Add samples
  - SHA-512 Crypt
    - Add samples
  - NTHash (FreeBSD Variant)
    - Add samples
  - RACF
    - Add samples
    - Add samples
  - Lastpass [#133][#133]
    - Add samples
    - Fix regexp
    - Add several variants
    - Add JtR support
  - Woltlab Burning Board 3.x
    - Add samples
  - Radmin 2
    - Add samples
  - SipHash
    - Add samples
- **Documentation**:
  - Comparison to HashData
- **Chore**:
  - Stop testing on Ruby 2.5 because Github Action (CI) has some issue with it.




- **Additions**:
  - AzureAD [#93][#93]
  - HTTP Digest access authentication [#94][#94]
  - IPB 2.x (Invision Power Board) [#95][#95]
  - Amazon AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 [#126][#126]
  - Bitcoin WIF private key (P2PKH), compressed [#126][#126]
  - Bitcoin WIF private key (P2PKH), uncompressed [#126][#126]
  - Bitcoin WIF private key (P2WPKH, Bech32), compressed [#126][#126]
  - Bitcoin WIF private key (P2WPKH, Bech32), uncompressed [#126][#126]
  - Bitcoin WIF private key (P2SH(P2WPKH)), compressed [#126][#126]
  - Bitcoin WIF private key (P2SH(P2WPKH)), uncompressed [#126][#126]
  - BLAKE2-512($pass.$salt) [#126][#126]
  - BLAKE2-512($salt.$pass) [#126][#126]
  - DPAPI masterkey file v1 (context 1 and 2) [#126][#126]
  - DPAPI masterkey file v1 (context 3) [#126][#126]
  - DPAPI masterkey file v2 (context 1 and 2) [#126][#126]
  - DPAPI masterkey file v2 (context 3) [#126][#126]
  - Exodus Desktop Wallet [#126][#126]
  - Flask Session Cookie [#126][#126]
  - KeePass 1 AES / without keyfile [#126][#126]
  - KeePass 1 Twofish / with keyfile [#126][#126]
  - KeePass 1 Twofish / without keyfile [#126][#126]
  - KeePass 2 AES / without keyfile [#126][#126]
  - Keepass 2 AES / with keyfile [#126][#126]
  - KeePass 2 ChaCha20 (KDBX 3) / without keyfile [#126][#126]
  - Kerberos 5 DB etype 17 [#126][#126]
  - Kerberos 5 DB etype 18 [#126][#126]
  - Kerberos 5 DB etype 3
  - Kerberos 5 TGT
  - Kerberos 4 TGT
  - PostgreSQL [#126][#126]
  - PostgreSQL SCRAM-SHA-256 [#126][#126]
  - Radmin3 [#126][#126]
  - Teamspeak 3 (channel hash) [#126][#126]
  - Terra Station Wallet [#126][#126]
  - bcrypt(sha512($pass)) / bcryptsha512 [#126][#126]
  - md5(sha1($pass).$salt) [#126][#126]
  - sha1($salt.sha1(utf16le($username).':'.utf16le($pass))) [#126][#126]
  - sha256($salt.sha256_raw($pass)) [#126][#126]
- **Enhancements**:
  - 7-zip: [#118][#118]
    - Add samples
    - Match variants with optional fields
  - WinZip: [#118][#118]
    - Add samples
    - Enhance regexp, 7th token can be at max `0x200000 * 4 * 2`
  - SecureZip: [#118][#118]
    - Add samples
  - PKZIP: [#118][#118]
    - Add samples
    - Add HC codes
    - Add several sub-variants
  - PostgreSQL CRAM (MD5): [#126][#126]
    - Add samples
    - Enhance regexp
  - many Kerberos 5 types:
    - Add samples
  - sha1 / RIPEMD-160
    - Enhance regexp
  - sha256(sha256_raw($pass)) / sha256($salt.sha256($pass)) / sha256(sha256($pass).$salt)
    - add HC
    - add sample
  - Hide some uncommon hash types (not removed but set as extended)
- **CLI**:
  - **Now can read hash from STDIN**
  - **New command to display hash samples**
- **Lib**:
  - **New class method to find hash samples**
- **Chore**:
  - Fix github action ruby workflow
- **Install**:
  - Can now be installed on Debian with a `.deb`
  - Can now be installed on Void Linux
- **Documentation**:
  - Comparison to houndsniff
  - Add some legal terms



- Chore:
  - Add support for Ruby 3.1
  - Remove nodejs package lock
  - Update ruby version in Dockerfile
- Documentation:
  - Add `pass` unlock step to build docker (DockerHub) for the publishing page



- Additions:
  - CRC-32C [#101][#101]
  - CRC64Jones [#101][#101]
  - MultiBit Wallet [#101][#101]
    - MultiBit Classic >= 0.5.19 .wallet
    - MultiBit Classic =< 0.5.18 .wallet
    - MultiBit HD wallet >= 0.5.0
  - MurmurHash3 [#101][#101]
  - Windows Hello PIN/Password [#101][#101]
  - VirtualBox [#89][#89]
    - VirtualBox (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 & AES-128-XTS)
    - VirtualBox (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 & AES-256-XTS)
  - SNMPv3 [#88][#88]
    - SNMPv3 HMAC-MD5-96/HMAC-SHA1-96
    - SNMPv3 HMAC-MD5-96
    - SNMPv3 HMAC-SHA1-96
    - SNMPv3 HMAC-SHA224-128
    - SNMPv3 HMAC-SHA256-192
    - SNMPv3 HMAC-SHA384-256
    - SNMPv3 HMAC-SHA512-384
  - Ruby on Rails Restful Auth (one round, no sitekey) [#91][#91]
  - NetNTLM (NT) [#92][#92]
    - NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv1+ESS (NT)
    - NetNTLMv2 (NT)
- Enhancements:
  - NetNTLM (vanilla)
    - Better regexp
    - Better description
    - Add samples
- Chore:
  - MFA required for gem release
  - Better publishing documentation
  - Add a rake task to count the number of hash types supported
- Dependencies:
  - Update to yard [v0.9.27](
    - Move from Redcarpet to CommonMarker markdown provider




- Additions:
  - MD6 (128, 256, 512) [#84][#84]
  - Apple iWork [#65][#65]
  - SQLCipher [#66][#66]
  - Stuffit5 [#67][#67]
  - Stargazer Stellar Wallet XLM [#71][#71]
  - bcrypt(md5($pass)) [#72][#72]
  - bcrypt(sha1($pass)) [#72][#72]
  - MurmurHash [#73][#73]
  - KNX IP Secure - Device Authentication Code [#74][#74]
  - Mozilla key4.db [#75][#75]
  - Mozilla key3.db [#75][#75]
  - OpenEdge Progress 4GL Encode [#76][#76]
  - AES-128-ECB NOKDF (PT = $salt, key = $pass) [#77][#77]
  - AES-192-ECB NOKDF (PT = $salt, key = $pass) [#77][#77]
  - AES-256-ECB NOKDF (PT = $salt, key = $pass) [#77][#77]
  - Bitwarden [#79][#79]
  - XMPP SCRAM PBKDF2-SHA1 [#80][#80]
  - Apple macOS Keychain [#81][#81]
  - PKCS#8 Private Keys (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 + 3DES/AES) [#78][#78]
  - PKCS#8 Private Keys (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + 3DES/AES) [#78][#78]
- Enhancements:
  - MD5 APR: [#83][#83]
    - add JtR ref.
    - add `$1$` and `{smd5}` prefixes support
    - add `crypt(3)` name
    - add samples



- Additions:
  - iPhone passcode [#56][#56]
  - MetaMask Wallet [#56][#56]
  - FortiGate256 [#59][#59]
  - Umbraco HMAC-SHA1 [#60][#60]
  - Jetico BestCrypt v3 Volume Encryption [#61][#61]
  - Jetico BestCrypt Container Encryption (.jbc) [#61][#61]
  - MongoDB (system / network) [#62][#62]
  - MongoDB SCRAM PBKDF2-SHA1 [#62][#62]
  - MongoDB ServerKey SCRAM-SHA-1 [#62][#62]
  - MongoDB ServerKey SCRAM-SHA-256 [#62][#62]
  - `sha1($salt.sha1($pass.$salt))` [#63][#63]
  - PDF 1.4 - 1.6 (Acrobat 5 - 8) - edit password [#70][#70]
- Enhancements:
  - DCC & DCC2:
    - better description
    - accept more formats [#58][#58]
  - Telegram Desktop
    - add HC ref. [#64][#64]
  - Dahua
    - add HC ref. [#68][#68]
    - better description [#68][#68]
  - Add samples
    - DCC & DCC2 [#58][#58]
    - Telegram Desktop [#64][#64]
    - Dahua [#68][#68]
    - Microsoft Office 2016 - SheetProtection [#69][#69]
    - PDF 1.4 - 1.6 (Acrobat 5 - 8) [#70][#70]
- Fixes:
  - DCC & DCC2: correct JtR hash name [#57][#57]
- Chore:
  - Test: Display algo name when failing
