Video and audio broadcasting WebRTC server. With the ability of recording a chat session, both on the server and on the client. An example of a client for the server You can find here opaweb
git clone
cd opachat
Set the GOPATH variable to the current directory "opachat" to avoid cluttering the global GOPATH directory
export GOPATH=$(pwd)
cd src/opachat
go mod init
go mod tidy
Return to the "opachat" root directory, You can see the "opachat/pkg" folder that contains the required Golang packages
cd ../..
r - means "run", b - means "build"
./r b
The "u" script is a watching script then for stopping press Ctrl+C
u - means "update"
You can check the "opachat/bin" folder. It should contain the necessary structure of folders and files
ls -lash --group-directories-first bin
The config file is located here opachat/bin/config.json
"appname": "opachat", // Just a name of application
"address": "", // IP address of the server, zeros mean current host
"port": 7778, // Port, don't forget to open for firewall
"acme": false, // Set to true if You need to use acme/autocert
"acmehost": "", // The domain name, set acme: true
"dirCache": "./certs", // The folder where acme/autocert will store the keys, set acme: true
"crt": "/server.crt", // The path to your HTTPS cert key, set acme: false
"key": "/server.key", // The path to your HTTPS key, set acme: false
"iceList": [ // Settings of WebRTC turn server
"urls": "turn:[some ip]:[some port]", // Example turn:
"username": "login", // The login for turn server if exists
"credential": "password" // The password for turn server