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Dhruv Malik dhruvmalik007
buildL / consultant for web3 , generative AI and security auditor

Frontier-tech Europe

Ronald Nap napronald
Grad Student Descent

UC Berkeley Bay Area (San Jose)

Huaqi Fang fanghuaqi
Embrace AI-IoT | RISC-V | ARM | ARC

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, Hubei

rhpidfyre unixtensor
Multi-language programmer | FOSS

@rhpidfyre-io EST/EDT

Suman Garai aka-0x4C3DD
tech aficionado • maverick • gamer

West Bengal, India

cha557 cha557

LLM Inference Optimization @AMD @ROCm

Christian Arce Borro carce-bo42
lzx1413 lzx1413


John Shumway shumway
Google Cloud in Kirkland, working on GPU computing for ML Serving. Former physics prof @ Arizona State where I led computational quantum mechanics research.

@google Snohomish, WA

Daniel J Martingano DO MBA PhD apollyon888

Episcopal Health Services Inc., Far Rockaway, NY

ysh1017 ysh1017
📫 Feel free to reach out or check out my repositories! 🚀
not a bugs busy bounties

songqiang songqiang321
Graduate student at NJU

Nanjing University

Sibusiso Mabuza ssmabuza
Computational Scientist, HPC, SciML

Braselton, GA

Caio Campos caiocampos
Rust is the best 💓

Uberlândia, MG, Brasil

jabberwocky238 Jabberwocky238
The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.