Ξ» phase
Securely manage application secrets and environment variables with Phase.
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#@@@B @@^ #@@@B
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@@@@@@ &.@ P@@@@@7
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version, -v
show program's version number and exit
auth π» Authenticate with Phase
init π Link your project with your Phase app
run π Run and inject secrets to your app
secrets ποΈ Manage your secrets
secrets list π List all the secrets
secrets get π Get a specific secret by key
secrets create π³ Create a new secret
secrets update π Update an existing secret
secrets delete ποΈ Delete a secret
secrets import π© Import secrets from a .env file
secrets export π₯‘ Export secrets in a dotenv format
users π₯ Manage users and accounts
users whoami π See details of the current user
users logout π Logout from phase-cli
users keyring π Display information about the Phase keyring
docs π Open the Phase CLI Docs in your browser
console π₯οΈ Open the Phase Console in your browser
update π Update the Phase CLI to the latest version
- Inject secrets to your application during runtime without any code changes
- Import your existing .env files and encrypt them
- Sync encrypted secrets with Phase cloud
- Multiple environments eg. dev, testing, staging, production
You can install Phase-CLI using curl:
curl -fsSL https://get.phase.dev | bash
Create an app in the Phase Console and copy appID and pss
phase auth
Link the phase cli to your project
phase init
Import and encrypt existing secrets and environment variables
phase secrets import .env
phase secrets list --show
phase run // your run command
phase run yarn dev
phase run go run
phase run npm start
pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv phase-cli
source phase-cli/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 phase_cli/main.py