Hi, welcome to my Github page.
I enjoy exploring my areas of interest doing projects that both teach me new skills and are useful, too.
✅ Linux with Open Source tools
✅ Python with OOAD, Design Patterns
✅ Data Science/ML: EDA, Feature Engineering/Selection, Modelling/Hyperparameter Tuning/Evaluation
✅ Deep Learning: ANN/CNN/LSTM applications, Time Series
✅ Deep Learning: NLP(Classification, Sentiment Analysis, Topic Modelling, Summarization, Chatbots)
✅ Data Science/ML/DL libraries: sklearn, keras, spacy, numpy, pandas, plotting
✅ Pandoc/Latex, Git, Github, Docker, technical blogging with videos and podcasts
🔹 Briefly an extractive multilingual text summarizer.
🔹 Health-pred ML-based prediction of diabetic and cardiovascular conditions with Flask deployment.
🔹 Topic modelling Performance of topic models: man vs. machine
🔹 Are customer ratings reliable? The inconsistency across ratings and reviews
🔹 ML from Scratch an attempt to implement ML algorithms from scratch.
🔹 Algorithms Cutaway an animated cutaway of searching and sorting algorithms.
🔹 Churn Prediction using Keras/ANN with Flask deployment.
🔹 Various Kaggle Data Science/ML/DL project notebooks covering a range of datasets and techniques.