- Earth
𓌃𓌃𓌃 : Maduwwe - a project for Ancient Egyptian, Demotic and Coptic etymological datasets
StarGAN v2 - Official Tensorflow Implementation (CVPR 2020)
CJK computer science terms comparison / 中日韓電腦科學術語對照 / 日中韓のコンピュータ科学の用語対照 / 한·중·일 전산학 용어 대조
puzzlet / wenyan-book
Forked from wenyan-lang/book문언음부언해 (文言陰符諺解)
a userscript project that parses korean news site and then making more readable view
Unity C# reference source code.
A repository of the constitution of the Republic of Korea in mark-down format.
Speedy Wavenet generation using dynamic programming ⚡
eSpeak NG is an open source speech synthesizer that supports more than hundred languages and accents.
😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
A curated list of awesome mathematics resources
아스키를 아희 코드로! Convert ASCII characters into Aheui print code