🔗 Link to this guide: om.rs/dev3docs 🔗
This documentation is intended to enable developers to develop and deploy custom UI features for OpenMRS.
Visit the Wiki page if you haven't already. It provides a high-level introduction to the project and all of the relevant links.
You should first read the Implementer Documentation, which provides some conceptual orientation as well as instructions for deployment and configuring.
Once you've read that, click Prerequisite knowledge here or in the left sidebar to begin, or check out some videos below.
Note: This documentation tends to assume that the developer is using React, but this is not a requirement of OpenMRS Frontend 3.0. Indeed, the entire purpose of choosing a microfrontends-based architecture was to allow collaboration between different teams using different technologies. If you are developing frontend modules in a technology other than React, please tell us so in the #openmrs3 channel on Slack. We'd love to work with you to make the development experience as smooth as possible, and take the opportunity to expand OpenMRS Frontend 3.0 support for different frameworks.
These videos are available to show how you can develop new frontend functionalities using the OpenMRS 3.0 setup.
These are videos which have been recorded for some talks and conference sessions.
These are videos below 5 minutes showing small dedicated things.
- Tooling
- Breadcrumbs
- Extensions Introduction
- Internationalization
- How to see UX & component guidance in Zeplin designs
These are more extensive videos with focus on showing how to develop new frontend modules.