Loads environment variables from .env for nodejs projects.
Mar 7, 2025 - JavaScript
.env (dotenv) is a file, used to store configuration values as key-value pairs, similar to the ini file format. Since this file usually contains confidential information like credentials, it's commonly prevented from being tracked by version control.
Loads environment variables from .env for nodejs projects.
Loads environment variables from `.env` to `getenv()`, `$_ENV` and `$_SERVER` automagically.
A Go port of Ruby's dotenv library (Loads environment variables from .env files)
Reads key-value pairs from a .env file and can set them as environment variables. It helps in developing applications following the 12-factor principles.
Registers environment variables from a .env file
a better dotenv–from the creator of `dotenv`
💥 A boilerplate application for building RESTful APIs Microservice in Node.js using express and mongoose in ES6 with code coverage and JsonWebToken Authentication
⚡️Lightning-fast linter for .env files. Written in Rust 🦀
A secure webpack plugin that supports dotenv and other environment variables and only exposes what you choose and use.
Variable expansion for dotenv. Expand variables already on your machine for use in your .env file.
A Babel preset let you import application configs from .env file (zero runtime dependency)
Loads environment variables from .env.[development|test|production][.local] files for Node.js® projects.
Load react native environment variables using import statements for multiple env files.
Config module for nestjs using dotenv 🔑
Verification, sanitization, and type coercion for environment variables in Node.js
Application secrets and configuration management for developers.
Branch your PostgreSQL Database like Git