Provides an API for managing and evaluating a grid of patient data
packages can be found on GitHub Packages.
Deployments are done for ICRC intern CI/CD Tasks.
Packages are public but a Token is nevertheless required ( Github packages limitation).
You will have to generate a token from a Github package (with read access to packages) and add these lines to the settings.xml
Property Name patientgrid.rowsLimit
Specifies the limit of maximum number of records in a patient grid. By default, the limit will be set to 100.
Property Name patientgrid.defaultPeriod
Specifies the default period to use if no period defined in the frontend query in order to limit the number of rows.
By default, the last 30 days (LASTTHIRTYDAYS) will be used.
Current supported values are defined in the class DateRangeType
Defaults to a folder named .report_cache
in the patientgrid folder in the application data directory
Property Name patientgrid.cacheDirectory
Specifies the location of the directory to use to cache grid report data, it can be an absolute path otherwise a folder name which will be located in the application data directory.
Defaults to a folder named .report_cache
in the patientgrid folder in the application data directory
Property Name patientgrid.maxCacheFileAge
Specifies the max age (in hour) for cache files containing grid report data. Files older than this value will be deleted (via the task org.openmrs.module.patientgrid.cache.CleanCacheTask
Defaults to 120h
Property Name patientgrid.age.ranges
Specifies a comma separated list of age range definitions in years to be used by grid columns that hold age range values, in the future we might add support for months, below is an example list of age range definitions for the global property value,
0-18:<18, 19-29:Youth, 30-39, 40-54:Middle Aged, 55+
Below are the key things to note from the example above,
- Each item in the list is an age range definition and they are separated by a comma
- Each definition can have up to 2 fields separated by a full colon, where the first field is the actual age range, the second field is a label which defaults to the first field if not specified, the label is optional EXCEPT for the last definition, in our example above the third definition is an example of a definition with no label specified, therefore it defaults to 30-39.
- Each age range field is composed of 2 sub fields, a minimum and maximum age in this order separated by a hyphen EXCEPT the last definition for which one is only required to provide a label, the minimum value for the last definition is computed by incrementing by 1 the maximum age for the definition preceeding it in the list and it has no maximum boundary.
For more details about the OpenMRS REST Web Services API, please refer to the links below,
NOTE Authentication, resource representation, searching, paging, limiting results etc are not covered here, please refer to the resources above.
- Fetch A Single Column
- Fetch All Columns For A Grid
- Add New Column To A Grid
- Modify An Existing Column
- Remove Column From Grid