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gormrepo - Provides simple CRUD operations, simplifying GORM usage


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gormrepo - Provides simple CRUD operations, simplifying GORM usage

gormrepo provides simple CRUD operations when using GORM, adding repositories package.

gormrepo isolates the scope of temp-variables when using GORM, simplifying database operations and making the code more concise.

gormrepo works in conjunction with gormcnm and gormcngen, simplifying GORM development and optimizing the management of temp-variable scopes.




go get

Quick Start

Example Code

Select Data

repo := gormrepo.NewGormRepo(gormrepo.Use(db, &Account{}))

var account Account
require.NoError(t, repo.First(func(db *gorm.DB, cls *AccountColumns) *gorm.DB {
    return db.Where(cls.Username.Eq("demo-1-username"))
}, &account).Error)
require.Equal(t, "demo-1-nickname", account.Nickname)

Update Data

repo := gormrepo.NewGormRepo(gormrepo.Use(db, &Account{}))

newNickname := uuid.New().String()
newPassword := uuid.New().String()
err := repo.Updates(func(db *gorm.DB, cls *AccountColumns) *gorm.DB {
    return db.Where(cls.Username.Eq(username))
}, func(cls *AccountColumns) map[string]interface{} {
    return cls.
require.NoError(t, err)

Select Data

var example Example
if cls := gormclass.Cls(&Example{}); cls.OK() {
	err := db.Table(example.TableName()).Where(cls.Name.Eq("test")).First(&example).Error
    fmt.Println("Fetched Name:", example.Name)

Update Data

if one, cls := gormclass.Use(&Example{}); cls.OK() {
    err := db.Model(one).Where(cls.Name.Eq("test")).Update(cls.Age.Kv(30)).Error
    fmt.Println("Age updated to:", 30)

Select Maximum Value

var maxAge int
if one, cls := gormclass.Use(&Example{}); cls.OK() {
	err := db.Model(one).Select(cls.Age.COALESCE().MaxStmt("max_age")).First(&maxAge).Error
    fmt.Println("Max Age:", maxAge)

Gorm-Class-API Overview

Function Param Return Description
Cls MOD CLS Returns the column information (cls), useful when only column data is needed.
Use MOD MOD, CLS Returns the model (mod) and its associated columns (cls), ideal for queries or operations that need both.
Umc MOD MOD, CLS Returns the model (mod) and its associated columns (cls), functioning identically to the Use function.
Usc MOD []MOD, CLS Returns a slice of models (MOD) and the associated columns (cls), suitable for queries returning multiple models (e.g., Find queries).
Msc MOD MOD, []MOD, CLS Returns the model (mod), the model slice ([]MOD), and the associated columns (cls), useful for queries requiring both model and column data.
One MOD MOD Returns the model (mod), ensuring type safety by checking whether the argument is a pointer type at compile-time.
Ums MOD []MOD Returns a slice of models (MOD), useful for queries that expect a slice of models (e.g., Find queries).
Uss - []MOD Returns an empty slice of models (MOD), typically used for initialization or preparing for future object population without needing the columns.
Usn int []MOD Returns a slice of models (MOD) with a specified initial capacity, optimizing memory allocation based on the expected number of objects (MOD).


gormrepo is open-source and released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


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