- 🇨🇳 I’m an iOS & macOS & Python & JavaScript Software Engineer in Beijing
- 👨🏻💻 I’m currently learning SwiftUI
- 📚 I’m currently reading: Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow
- 🔭 I’m currently working on artificial intelligence, neural network
Pinned Loading
SwiftUI-DesignCode Public SwiftUI-DesignCode is some examples in the process of learning swiftUI 2.0
LCPermissionsKit PublicLCPermissionsKit is a convenient wrapper on the macOS permissions API, including photos, contacts, reminders, and full disk access permissions
Swift 3
LCAppSandboxFileKit PublicLCAppSandboxFileKit is a function to write and access files outside of the macOS application sandbox file! (LCAppSandboxFileKit 是一个用于写入和访问 macOS 应用程序沙盒文件之外的文件的功能的框架 ! )
Swift 2
ConfettiSwiftUI PublicSwiftUI Package for Configurable Confetti Animation.
LCDropDownPicker PublicA custom animation type drop-down menu bar library written in SwiftUI.
Swift 2
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