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WATI: WebAssembly Text Format Improved!

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WATI provides code completion, intellisense, and hover information for the WebAssembly Text Format (.wat files).

Demo of hover and code completion provided by WATI


Quality of Life

  • Auto completion and type information for variables and functions
  • Auto completion for most instructions
  • Docs and type information on hover
  • See type information on a function when calling it (signatures)
  • Magical emmet-like completions:
    • Easily create constants: 5i32 -> (i32.const 5), 30.12f64 -> (f64.const 30.12), 100_000i64 -> (i64.const 100000)
    • Access local and global variables easily, with autocompletion: l$someLocal -> (local.get $someLocal), g$someGlobal -> (global.get $someGlobal)
    • Set local and global variables with autocompletion: l=$someLocal -> (local.set $someLocal |), g=$someGlobal -> (global.set $someGlobal |)


  • JSDoc Tags
  • Rich color for @param tags
  • Rich color for function-related tags (e.g. @function)
  • Highlighting of @todo

Extension Settings

  • wati.useIntellisenseInWatFiles: If true, WATI intellisense (hover, completion, signatures) will be used in WAT files. (Defaults to true)

Note This extension also adds support for the .wati language. The .wati language is deprecated and is not recommended for use.

Release Notes


New emmet-like WAT completions are now available. These new completions allow you to quickly write WAT code with fewer keystrokes!


Greatly improved code comprehension: Much more accurate variable recognition, display global initial values, completion and hover information for block labels.

Also adds more documentation and deprecate .wati support.


Fix issues regarding hover and signature information with newlines in function definitions


Default intellisense use in WAT files to true.


Initial release.


No other extensions are required, though for the WAT intellisense you will need to have the WebAssembly extension.