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These benchmarks are intended to provide stable and reproducible measurements of the performance characteristics of the ddtrace library. A scenario is defined using a simple Python framework. Docker is used to build images for the execution of scenarios against different versions of ddtrace.


A scenario requires:

  • implements a class for running a benchmark
  • config.yaml: specifies one or more sets of configuration variables for the benchmark
  • requirements_scenario.txt: any additional dependencies

The scenario class inherits from bm.Scenario and includes the configurable variables. The execution of the benchmark uses the run() generator function to yield a function that will handle the execution of a specified number of loops.

Remember that the name: str attribute is inherited from bm.Scenario, and keep in mind we use dataclasses underneath now instead of attrs.


import bm

class MyScenario(bm.Scenario):
    size: int

    def run(self):
        size = self.size

        def bm(loops):
            for _ in range(loops):
                2 ** size

        yield bm


  size: 10
  size: 1000
  size: 1000000

Run scenario

The scenario can be run using the built image to compare two versions of the library and save the results in a local artifacts folder:

scripts/perf-run-scenario <scenario> <version> <version> <artifacts>

The version specifiers can reference published versions on PyPI, git repositories, or . for your local version.


# Compare PyPI versions 0.50.0 vs 0.51.0
scripts/perf-run-scenario span ddtrace==0.50.0 ddtrace==0.51.0 ./artifacts/

# Compare PyPI version 0.50.0 vs your local changes
scripts/perf-run-scenario span ddtrace==0.50.0 . ./artifacts/

# Compare git branch 1.x vs git branch my-feature
scripts/perf-run-scenario span Datadog/dd-trace-py@1.x Datadog/dd-trace-py@my-feature ./artifacts/


You may also generate profiling data from each scenario using viztracer by providing the PROFILE_BENCHMARKS=1 environment variable.


# Compare and profile PyPI version 2.8.4 against your local changes, and store the results in ./artifacts/
PROFILE_BENCHMARKS=1 scripts/perf-run-scenario span ddtrace==2.8.4 . ./artifacts/

One viztracer output will be created for every scenario run in the artifacts directory.

You can use the viztracer tooling to combine or inspect the resulting files locally

Some examples:

# Install viztracer
pip install -U viztracer

# Load a specific scenario in your browser
vizviewer artifacts/<run-id>/<scenario_name>/<version>/viztracer/<config_name>.json

# Load a flamegraph of a specific scenario
vizviewer --flamegraph artifacts/<run-id>/<scenario_name>/<version>/viztracer/<config_name>.json

# Combine all processes/threads into a single flamegraph
jq '{"traceEvents": [.traceEvents[] | .pid = "1" | .tid = "1"]}' <config_name>.json > combined.json
vizviewer --flamegraph combined.json

Using the vizviewer UI you can inspect the profile/timeline from each process, as well as execute SQL, like the following:

SELECT IMPORT("experimental.slices");
  count(*) as calls,
  sum(dur) as total_duration,
  avg(dur) as avg_duration,
  min(dur) as min_duration,
  max(dur) as max_duration
FROM experimental_slice_with_thread_and_process_info
WHERE name like '%/ddtrace/%'
group by name
having calls > 500
order by total_duration desc

See viztracer documentation for more details.
