There are a number of pages in the demo application in the source repository.
- Direct insertion of one or more dash applications
- Initial state storage within Django
- Enhanced callbacks
- Live updating
- Injection without using an iframe
- Simple html injection
- Bootstrap components
- Session state storage
- Local serving of assets
- Multiple callback values
The templates that drive each of these can be found in the github repository.
There is a more details walkthrough of the :ref:`session state storage <session_example>` example. This example also shows the use of dash bootstrap components.
The demo application can also be viewed online.
The session state example has three separate components in the demo application
- A template to render the application
- The
application itself - A view to render the template having initialised the session state if needed
The first of these is a standard Django template, containing instructions to render the Dash application:
{%load plotly-dash%} ... <div class="{%plotly_class name="DjangoSessionState"%}"> {%plotly_app name="DjangoSessionState" ratio=0.3 %} </div>
The view sets up the initial state of the application prior to rendering. For this example we have a simple variant of rendering a template view:
def session_state_view(request, template_name, **kwargs): # Set up a context dict here context = { ... values for template go here, see below ... } return render(request, template_name=template_name, context=context)
and it suffices to register this view at a convenient URL as it does not use any parameters:
... url('^demo-eight', session_state_view, {'template_name':'demo_eight.html'}, name="demo-eight"), ...
In passing, we note that accepting parameters as part of the URL and passing them as initial parameters to the app through the template is a straightforward extension of this example.
The session state can be accessed in the app as well as the view. The app is essentially formed from a layout function and a number of callbacks. In this particular example, dash-bootstrap-components are used to form the layout:
dis = DjangoDash("DjangoSessionState", add_bootstrap_links=True) dis.layout = html.Div( [ dbc.Alert("This is an alert", id="base-alert", color="primary"), dbc.Alert(children="Danger", id="danger-alert", color="danger"), dbc.Button("Update session state", id="update-button", color="warning"), ] )
Within the :ref:`extended callback <extended_callbacks>`, the session state is passed as an extra
argument compared to the standard Dash
@dis.callback( dash.dependencies.Output("danger-alert", 'children'), [dash.dependencies.Input('update-button', 'n_clicks'),] ) def session_demo_danger_callback(n_clicks, session_state=None, **kwargs): if session_state is None: raise NotImplementedError("Cannot handle a missing session state") csf = session_state.get('bootstrap_demo_state', None) if not csf: csf = dict(clicks=0) session_state['bootstrap_demo_state'] = csf else: csf['clicks'] = n_clicks return "Button has been clicked %s times since the page was rendered" %n_clicks
The session state is also set during the view:
def session_state_view(request, template_name, **kwargs): session = request.session demo_count = session.get('django_plotly_dash', {}) ind_use = demo_count.get('ind_use', 0) ind_use += 1 demo_count['ind_use'] = ind_use session['django_plotly_dash'] = demo_count # Use some of the information during template rendering context = {'ind_use' : ind_use} return render(request, template_name=template_name, context=context)
Reloading the demonstration page will cause the page render count to be incremented, and the button click count to be reset. Loading the page in a different session, for example by using a different browser or machine, will have an independent render count.