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Demonstration application

There are a number of pages in the demo application in the source repository.

  1. Direct insertion of one or more dash applications
  2. Initial state storage within Django
  3. Enhanced callbacks
  4. Live updating
  5. Injection without using an iframe
  6. Simple html injection
  7. Bootstrap components
  8. Session state storage
  9. Local serving of assets
  10. Multiple callback values

The templates that drive each of these can be found in the github repository.

There is a more details walkthrough of the :ref:`session state storage <session_example>` example. This example also shows the use of dash bootstrap components.

The demo application can also be viewed online.

Session state example walkthrough

The session state example has three separate components in the demo application

  • A template to render the application
  • The django-plotly-dash application itself
  • A view to render the template having initialised the session state if needed

The first of these is a standard Django template, containing instructions to render the Dash application:

{%load plotly-dash%}


<div class="{%plotly_class name="DjangoSessionState"%}">
  {%plotly_app name="DjangoSessionState" ratio=0.3 %}

The view sets up the initial state of the application prior to rendering. For this example we have a simple variant of rendering a template view:

def session_state_view(request, template_name, **kwargs):

    # Set up a context dict here
    context = { ... values for template go here, see below ... }

    return render(request, template_name=template_name, context=context)

and it suffices to register this view at a convenient URL as it does not use any parameters:


In passing, we note that accepting parameters as part of the URL and passing them as initial parameters to the app through the template is a straightforward extension of this example.

The session state can be accessed in the app as well as the view. The app is essentially formed from a layout function and a number of callbacks. In this particular example, dash-bootstrap-components are used to form the layout:

dis = DjangoDash("DjangoSessionState",

dis.layout = html.Div(
        dbc.Alert("This is an alert", id="base-alert", color="primary"),
        dbc.Alert(children="Danger", id="danger-alert", color="danger"),
        dbc.Button("Update session state", id="update-button", color="warning"),

Within the :ref:`extended callback <extended_callbacks>`, the session state is passed as an extra argument compared to the standard Dash callback:

    dash.dependencies.Output("danger-alert", 'children'),
    [dash.dependencies.Input('update-button', 'n_clicks'),]
def session_demo_danger_callback(n_clicks, session_state=None, **kwargs):
    if session_state is None:
        raise NotImplementedError("Cannot handle a missing session state")
    csf = session_state.get('bootstrap_demo_state', None)
    if not csf:
        csf = dict(clicks=0)
        session_state['bootstrap_demo_state'] = csf
        csf['clicks'] = n_clicks
    return "Button has been clicked %s times since the page was rendered" %n_clicks

The session state is also set during the view:

def session_state_view(request, template_name, **kwargs):

    session = request.session

    demo_count = session.get('django_plotly_dash', {})

    ind_use = demo_count.get('ind_use', 0)
    ind_use += 1
    demo_count['ind_use'] = ind_use
    session['django_plotly_dash'] = demo_count

    # Use some of the information during template rendering
    context = {'ind_use' : ind_use}

    return render(request, template_name=template_name, context=context)

Reloading the demonstration page will cause the page render count to be incremented, and the button click count to be reset. Loading the page in a different session, for example by using a different browser or machine, will have an independent render count.