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- CompositionalNetworks.jl Public
A Julia package for Interpretable Compositional Networks (ICN), a variant of neural networks, allowing the user to get interpretable results, unlike regular artificial neural networks.
- LocalSearchSolvers.jl Public
A Julia package to manage Constraint-Based Local Search (CBLS) solvers.
- ConstraintProgrammingExtensions.jl Public
Extensions to MathOptInterface to support constraint programming.
- ConstraintLearning.jl Public
A Julia package for people that love to learn new things about constraints
- ConstraintLearningBenchmarks.jl Public
Benchmarks scripts for CompositionalNetworks.jl using DrWatson.jl
- ConstraintExplorer.jl Public
A MOI/JuMP wrapper around the search space explorer for Constraint Programming implemented in ConstraintDomains.jl
- ConstraintsTranslator.jl Public
Translate natural-language descriptions of optimization problems into Constraint Programming problems via Large Language Models
- ConstraintDomains.jl Public
A package to handle the domain of variables in JuliaConstraints packages.