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ALB SSL Bridging

When setting up routing configurations from load balancers to target groups, you have three options our how HTTPS connections are handled:

  • Bridging: Have an ALB decrypt the connect and re-encrypt the traffic when forwarding it to a target group.
  • Pass-through: Have a NLB pass encrypted traffic directly to the target groups.
  • Offload: Have an ALB decrypt the connection and have it send un-encrypted to the target groups.

This slide from Adrian Cantrill's Associate Solutions Architect online course summaries it nicely:


This tutorial will demonstrate how to set up a simple Fargate Service that utilizes bridging connections to handle secure traffic. The contents of the Dockerfile are shown below.

Website Dockerfile

We will use a nginx Docker Image to generate and server the pages for our website. No particular reason for using a nginx Docker Image, apart from it being pretty straight to create and attach a self-signed certificate to our website.

FROM --platform=linux/amd64 nginx:latest

USER root

RUN : \
    && mkdir /etc/nginx/ssl \
    && chmod 700 /etc/nginx/ssl \
    && openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout nginx-selfsigned.key -subj /C=AU/ST=/L=/O=/OU=/CN= -out /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx-selfsigned.crt -keyout /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx-selfsigned.key

COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf


The AWS documentation mentions that if a target group is configured to use HTTPS, the load balancer will establish a TLS connections with the target group using certificates installed on the targets. Since these certificates are not checked, we can used self-signed certificates here. I've generated self-signed certificates using the openssl command and have add them to our nginx configuration. Within the docker file, we have a /healthcheck path that returns empty payload and status code of 200 (success).

events {
    worker_connections 1024;

http {
    server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        server_name localhost;

        ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx-selfsigned.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx-selfsigned.key;

        location / {
            root /usr/share/nginx/html;
            index index.html;

        location /healthcheck {
            return 200;

        location /healthcheck/ {
            return 200;

Routing resources

The following cdk loads in a hosted zone from AWS Route53 hosts the domain used in this demo. We also create a certificate for the domain here using AWS Certificate Manager which will provide an SSL certificate from a trusted authority (since a user's browser won't usually trust self-signed certificates).

// Create route 53 resources.

 * Look up the hosted zone created using the registration process
const hostedZone = route53.HostedZone.fromLookup(
    // Keep the vpc field empty since we would like to keep this as a public
    // hosted zone

// Create certificate manager resources

 * This certificate is used for browsers to verify the legitimacy of the
 * domain.
const domainCertificate = new acm.Certificate(this, "exampleCertificate", {
  domainName: domainName,
  validation: acm.CertificateValidation.fromDns(hostedZone),

Health Check Resources

We will create a few resources that will detect if the service endpoint is no longer responding and has fallen in a bad state (no longer returning 2xx or 3xx status codes). To start we can create a health check in route53 that will periodically hit our domain using HTTPS.

 * Create a route53 health check that will make requests to the /healthcheck
 * path of our service.
const healthCheck = new route53.CfnHealthCheck(this, "serviceHealthCheck", {
  healthCheckConfig: {
    type: "HTTPS",
    requestInterval: cdk.Duration.seconds(10).toSeconds(),
    failureThreshold: 2,
    fullyQualifiedDomainName: domainName,
    port: HTTPS_PORT,
    resourcePath: "/healthcheck",

This will generate a metric within the HealthCheckStatus metrics which we can refer to in cdk.

 * Create a metric that monitors the number of successful/failed checks
const healthCheckMetric = new cloudwatch.Metric({
  namespace: "AWS/Route53",
  metricName: "HealthCheckStatus",
  dimensionsMap: {
    HealthCheckId: healthCheck.attrHealthCheckId,
  statistic: cloudwatch.Stats.MINIMUM,
  period: cdk.Duration.seconds(30),

We can add an alarm to this metric which activates when pings fail too often within a certain period of time.

 * Create an alarm when the healthCheck fails too often for too long.
const healthCheckAlarm = healthCheckMetric.createAlarm(this, "route53Alarm", {
  actionsEnabled: true,
  comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN_THRESHOLD,
  threshold: 1,
  evaluationPeriods: 2,
  alarmDescription: "Route53 bad status",

In response to an alarm, we can send a notification to a on-call SNS topic.

 * Create an sns topic to alert engineers of a failed health check
const snsTopic = new sns.Topic(this, "SnsTopic");

// Check that an email has been provided in our SNS topic, otherwise fail
// the build
if (process.env.SNS_EMAIL === undefined) {
  throw new Error("No SNS email provided");

  new sns_subscriptions.EmailSubscription(process.env.SNS_EMAIL),

 * Send a message to the SNS topic when our health check goes into alarm.
healthCheckAlarm.addAlarmAction(new cloudwatch_actions.SnsAction(snsTopic));

We will also make our Fargate service roll back to an earlier deployment, which we will see later.

Network resources

The VPC used here creates a public and private subnet. The public one will hold an ALB that is publicly facing. The ALB will allow any incoming HTTP or HTTPS connection. The private subnet will contain our Fargate service that will listen for incoming connections forwarded by the ALB. NAT Gateways are present in the private subnets so that fargate can discover and pull images from ECR.

 * Create a VPC that occupies two AZs and has both a public and private
 * subnet. The NAT GWs are using for fargate instances within the private
 * subnet to discover/pull from ECR.
const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, "serviceVpc", {
  natGateways: 2,
  maxAzs: 2,
  subnetConfiguration: [
      name: "public-subnet",
      subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC,
      cidrMask: 24,
      name: "private-subnet",
      subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_EGRESS,
      cidrMask: 24,

Service Resources

The service is basically comprised of the ALB and Fargate Service construct. The Fargate service is configured to run the Docker image shown above. It is not provided a public IP since traffic coming into the service should be redirected from the ALB. If our health check alarm is in alarm, we want to roll back the deployment to the previous image.

const fargateService = new ecs.FargateService(this, "fargateService", {
  deploymentAlarms: {
    alarmNames: [healthCheckAlarm.alarmName],
    behavior: ecs.AlarmBehavior.ROLLBACK_ON_ALARM,
  vpcSubnets: {
    subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_EGRESS,
  assignPublicIp: false,
  securityGroups: [fargateSecurityGroup],
  desiredCount: 1,
  minHealthyPercent: 0,
  maxHealthyPercent: 100,

The load balancer on the other hand will be public facing and is given IPv4 addressing.

const loadBalancer = new elbv2.ApplicationLoadBalancer(this, "serviceAlb", {
  vpc: vpc,
  internetFacing: true,
  ipAddressType: elbv2.IpAddressType.IPV4,
  securityGroup: albSecurityGroup,
  http2Enabled: true,

An A-record is created in our hosted zone that maps the Ipv4 address the AWS gives this ALB to our domain

 * Create an A record associating our load balancer's IP address to
 * the domain name create using route53
new route53.ARecord(this, "albARecord", {
  zone: hostedZone,
  recordName: domainName,
  target: route53.RecordTarget.fromAlias(
    new route53_targets.LoadBalancerTarget(loadBalancer),

This rest of this is just setting up listeners and target groups to forward traffic to our Fargate Service from ALB. What is important is that the target group is configured to use HTTPS. This indicates to the ALB that TLS connections are to be when directing traffic to this target group.

const targetGroup = new elbv2.ApplicationTargetGroup(this, "targetGroup", {
  vpc: vpc,
  // Specifying a protocol and port of HTTPS_PORT and HTTPS (respectively)
  // will cause our ALB to communicate to our target group using HTTPS
  protocol: elbv2.ApplicationProtocol.HTTPS,
  port: HTTPS_PORT,
  healthCheck: {
    protocol: elbv2.Protocol.HTTPS,
    path: "/healthcheck",

How to Test

Register a Domain

You will need to register a domain to test out this if you want to test this, setup. It's pretty simple to register a domain through Route 53 and following these instructions: Be warned that register domains can cost a bit (some of the cheaper domains can be purchased for $10 USD). I'm using the domain for this example.


First clone the repository

git clone

and change directory into the alb-ssl-bridging folder.

cd alb-ssl-bridging


npm install

to install the required packages to create our Cloudformation template and then create a config file using the .env.example as a template

sed 's/<YOUR-ACCOUNT>/1234567890123/gI' < .env.example | sed 's/<YOUR-REGION>/us-east-1/gI' | sed 's/<YOUR-DOMAIN>/' | sed 's/<YOUR-EMAIL>/' > .env

Next boot strap and deploy your environment.

cdk bootstrap && cdk deploy

Make sure you have docker running during this step.

Tip: If you're podman, or some other image building client, you can specify the alternative client for cdk by setting the environment variable CDK_DOCKER to the name of the image building command. In the case for podman

export CDK_DOCKER=podman


Once deployed we should be able to visit the website of our domain, in this case


We can emulate a failed deployment, by having the routes on the health check return a status code of 404 instead of 200. My updated Dockerfile looks like this.

events {
    worker_connections 1024;

http {
    server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        server_name localhost;

        ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx-selfsigned.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx-selfsigned.key;

        location / {
            root /usr/share/nginx/html;
            index index.html;

        location /healthcheck {
            return 404;

        location /healthcheck/ {
            return 404;

Running cdk deploy again, you should notice gets stuck for a while. This is our health checks are now failing which sets off our health check alarm.


This will trigger both a roll-back of the deployment, which we can see in the ECS console


as well as an email to our sns topic


The deployment should have also failed. After the alarm the service should have recovered to a good state.



Remember to run cdk destroy once you're done with this demo.
