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Lambda to Fargate

In this video Matt Coulter compares three methods for using lambda functions to handle incoming requests for a small service. One of the three methods involves containerizing a webframework to handle all the requests from a single lambda. One of the advantages of this is that the code could be moved to fargate with minimal changes, once the service has attracted enough traffic. This example demonstrates what a migration to fargate might look like.

The Web Framework

We can create a simple server using the typescript express webframework that provides routes to modify a word provided in the url as a query parameter. For example the uppercase route will provide a response with the query parameter in uppercase form.

export function apiRoutes() {
  const routes = express.Router();

  routes.get("/uppercase", (req: any, res: any) => {
    const input: string = req?.query?.input ?? "default";
    const result = input.toLocaleUpperCase();
    console.log(`result of ${result}`);
    res.status(200).json({ result: result });

  routes.get("/lowercase", (req: any, res: any) => {
    const input: string = req?.query?.input ?? "default";
    const result = input.toLocaleLowerCase();
    console.log(`result of ${result}`);
    res.status(200).json({ result: result });

  routes.get("/capitalize", (req: any, res: any) => {
    const input: string = req?.query?.input ?? "default";
    const result =
      input.charAt(0).toLocaleUpperCase() + 
    console.log(`result of ${result}`);
    res.status(200).json({ result: result });

  return routes;

It's important to note that both the lambda and fargate versions of this service use the exact same apiRoutes function. The main difference between lambda and fargate is how we start the application. When using fargate, we spin up our server and have it passively listen for incoming request on port 80, refer to ./server/fargate/index.ts.

const app = express()
  .use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false }))

const port = 80;

app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Listening on ${port}`));

Things are a little different for our lambda function since lambda functions are not continually running. Instead we can use an open source adapter that takes in our app object and turns it into a lambda handler for us. Matt used the aws-serverless-express typescript package, however, at the time of writing it had moved to @vendia/serverless-express.

const app = express()
  .use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false }))

exports.handler = serverlessExpress({ app });

The Lambda Stack

The lambda stack is rather minimal. First we construct a lambda function that runs docker image that builds our serverless app. We can do this fairly easily using the DockerImageFunction construct.

// lambda function
const myLambda = new DockerImageFunction(this, "LambdaService", {
    code: DockerImageCode.fromImageAsset(join(__dirname, "../server/lambda")),

Next we create a Http API gateway that routes GET requests to our lambda function.

const api = new HttpApi(this, "LambdaAPI");
const getLambdaIntegration = new HttpLambdaIntegration("getLambdaProxy", myLambda);

    path: '/{proxy+}', // Adding {proxy+} catches all paths
    methods: [HttpMethod.GET],
    integration: getLambdaIntegration

The Fargate Stack

This setup is pretty similar to our lambda stack, although we start by creating a vpc and fargate cluster to distribute and serve requests.

const vpc = new Vpc(this, "MyVpc", {
    maxAzs: 3,

const cluster = new Cluster(this, "MyCluster", {
    vpc: vpc,

const fargate = new ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService(
    assignPublicIp: false,
    cluster: cluster,
    cpu: 512,
    desiredCount: 1,
    memoryLimitMiB: 2048,
    publicLoadBalancer: false,
    taskImageOptions: {
        image: ContainerImage.fromAsset(join(__dirname, "../server/fargate")),
        environment: {
        name: "Fargate Service",

Again, we set up a Http API gateway to route requests to fargate, although this time there is a little more set up to connect our gateway to the vpc

const httpVpcLink = new CfnResource(this, "HttpVpcLink", {
    type: "AWS::ApiGatewayV2::VpcLink",
    properties: {
    Name: "V2 VPC Link",
    SubnetIds: => m.subnetId),

const api = new HttpApi(this, "HttpApiGateway", {
    apiName: "ApigwFargate",
    "Integration between apigw and Application Load-Balanced Fargate Service",

const integration = new CfnIntegration(this, "HttpApiGatewayIntegration", {
    apiId: api.httpApiId,
    connectionId: httpVpcLink.ref,
    connectionType: "VPC_LINK",
    description: "API Integration with AWS Fargate Service",
    integrationMethod: "GET",
    integrationType: "HTTP_PROXY",
    integrationUri: fargate.listener.listenerArn,
    payloadFormatVersion: "1.0", // supported values for Lambda proxy integrations are 1.0 and 2.0. For all other integrations, 1.0 is the only supported value

new CfnRoute(this, "Route", {
    apiId: api.httpApiId,
    routeKey: "GET /{proxy+}", // Adding {proxy+} catches all paths
    target: `integrations/${integration.ref}`,

How To Test

First clone this repository

git clone

and change directory into the apigw-to-dynamodb folder.

cd lambda-to-fargate


npm install

to install the required packages to create Cloudformation template and then

cdk deploy --all

to deploy both the FargateStack and LambdaStack to the cloud. Make sure Docker is running during the deployment process. The URLs from the lambda and fargate stacks should appear in the output.

FargateStack.FargateAPIGatewayUrl = https://<fargate url>/
LambdaStack.LambdaAPIGatewayUrl = https://<lambda url>/

We can test some of the lambda methods with the following curl commands

> curl --location --request GET  "https://<lambda url>/lowercase?input=heLLo"

> curl --location --request GET  "https://<lambda url>/capitalize?input=hello"

We can test these same use cases on the fargate stack to produce the same results.

> curl --location --request GET "https://<fargate url>/lowercase?input=heLLo"

> curl --location --request GET "https://<fargate url>/capitalize?input=hello"

Run the following to clean up any resources produced by this service

cdk destroy --all
