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This package has a dependency of React Native Elements. Install RNE first with:

yarn add react-native-elements (make sure the version is 0.19.1)

Finally install this package using yarn or npm:

yarn add react-native-parallax-scrollview


Default Profile Component

import ParallaxScrollView from 'react-native-parallax-scrollview';

<ParallaxScrollView />

Default header view with custom User

  windowHeight={SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.4}
  navBarTitle='John Oliver'
  userName='John Oliver'
  leftIcon={{name: 'rocket', color: 'rgba(131, 175, 41, 1)', size: 30, type: 'font-awesome'}}
  rightIcon={{name: 'user', color: 'rgba(193, 193, 193, 1)', size: 30, type: 'font-awesome'}}

Default Header view & Custom ScrollView content

  windowHeight={SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.4}
  navBarTitle='John Oliver'
  userName='John Oliver'
  leftIcon={{name: 'rocket', color: 'rgba(193, 193, 193, 1)', size: 30, type: 'font-awesome'}}
  rightIcon={{name: 'user', color: 'rgba(193, 193, 193, 1)', size: 30, type: 'font-awesome'}}
  <ScrollView style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: 'rgba(228, 117, 125, 1)'}}>
    <View style={{height: 300, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
      <Text style={{fontSize: 32, color: 'white'}}>Custom view</Text>
    <View style={{height: 300, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
      <Text style={{fontSize: 32, color: 'white'}}>keep going.</Text>
    <View style={{height: 300, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
      <Text style={{fontSize: 32, color: 'white'}}>keep going..</Text>
    <View style={{height: 300, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
      <Text style={{fontSize: 32, color: 'white'}}>keep going...</Text>
    <View style={{height: 300, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
      <Text style={{fontSize: 32, color: 'white'}}>the end! :)</Text>

Custom Header view & ScrollView content

  navBarTitle='Custom Title'
    <View style={styles.headerView}>
      <View style={styles.headerTextView}>
        <Text style={styles.headerTextViewTitle}>My App</Text>
        <Text style={styles.headerTextViewSubtitle}>
          Custom Header View
  leftIcon={{name: 'rocket', color: 'rgba(228, 117, 125, 1)', size: 30, type: 'font-awesome'}}
  leftIconOnPress={() => this.setState({index: (this.state.index + 1 ) % 3})}
  rightIcon={{name: 'user', color: 'rgba(228, 117, 125, 1)', size: 30, type: 'font-awesome'}}
  rightIconOnPress={() => this.setState({index: (this.state.index + 1 ) % 3})}
  <ScrollView style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: 'rgba(228, 117, 125, 1)'}}>
    <View style={{height: 300, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
      <Text style={{fontSize: 32, color: 'white'}}>Custom view</Text>
    <View style={{height: 300, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
      <Text style={{fontSize: 32, color: 'white'}}>keep going.</Text>
    <View style={{height: 300, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
      <Text style={{fontSize: 32, color: 'white'}}>keep going..</Text>
    <View style={{height: 300, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
      <Text style={{fontSize: 32, color: 'white'}}>keep going...</Text>
    <View style={{height: 300, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
      <Text style={{fontSize: 32, color: 'white'}}>the end! :)</Text>


prop default type description
backgroundSource {uri:} ImageSourcePropType The background image for the header. The image source is (either a remote URL or a local file resource) backgroundSource={{uri:}} or backgroundSource={require('./image.png')}
onBackgroundLoadEnd none callback Callback function when the background finishes loading (either with success or failure)
onBackgroundLoadError none callback Callback function when the background loading fails (an object is received with the error details)
windowHeight SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.5 number The height of the header window
navBarTitle Katy Friedson string The title to be display on the NavBar header
navBarTitleColor 'white' string Color of the navBar title when displayed
navBarColor 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0)' string Color of the navbar when shown
navBarHeight 65 number Height of the navBar when displayed
navBarView Left/Right Icons View custom object Pass in a custom object to override the default navigation bar view
userName Katy Friedson string The user name displayed in the collapsable header view
userImage string The user image displayed in the collapsable header view
userTitle Engineering Manager string The user title displayed in the collapsable header view
headerView Profile View custom object Pass in a custom object to override the default header view
leftIcon none object Pass in the left icon name and type as an object. leftIcon={{name: 'rocket', color: 'red', size: 30, type: 'font-awesome'}}
leftIconOnPress none callback Callback function when the left icon is pressed
leftIconUnderlayColor 'transparent' string Underlay color for the left icon.
rightIcon none object Pass in the right icon name and type etc as an object. rightIcon={{name: 'user', color: 'blue', size: 30, type: 'font-awesome'}}
rightIconOnPress none callback Callback function when the right icon is pressed
rightIconUnderlayColor 'transparent' string Underlay color for the right icon.
children List View React Components Render any react views/components as children and these will be rendered below the headerView

Try it out

You can try it out with Exponent here


Look at the example folder to run the expo app locally.


Currently there are a couple packages that provide a similar parallax Scrollview component (here and here) although both of them are not maintained and wasn't exactly what I was looking for.

So I challenged myself to create a Parallax ScrollView component (using react-native-parallax-view as a base) with

  1. Sticky NavBar Header πŸŽ‰
  2. An awesome default profile component that just works out of the box (<ParallaxScrollView />)
  3. Flexible and comprehensive API to use the ScrollView component for any use case.

aka it's a (Parallax) ScrollView component for React Native that we truly deserve πŸš€


This repo is being actively manitained. Feel free to open a new Issue with a Feature Request or submit a PR with an Enhancement.