NodeJs Starter Template
- ESLint plugin for TypeScript
- Prettier plugin for TypeScript
- Commitizen to enforce a consistent commit message format
- Husky for git hooks
- Realease for automated versioning and publishing with change logs
- Staged linting with ESLint and Prettier
- Branch name validation for feature branches
- Some useful VSCode extensions
Prittier is already integrated with ESLint. To format yourfiles, run:
npm run format
# or
yarn format
# or
pnpm format
ESLint is already integrated with Prettier. To lint your files, run:
npm run lint
# or
yarn lint
# or
pnpm lint
Conventional commit commands follow the Conventional Commits specification.
# or
git cz
Run this command to create a commit with the selected type, scope, and message.
Release-it will create a new tag, update the
, and push the changes to Github, run:
npm run release
# or
yarn release
# or
pnpm release