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Solidity Master Cheatsheet

Welcome to the Solidity Master Cheatsheet—created especially for new Solidity developers! Whether you’re just starting to explore the fundamentals of smart contract programming or need a convenient reference while building your DApps, this guide has you covered.

This cheatsheet is based on version 0.8.29

Table of Contents

Getting Started

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Filename: HelloWorld.sol
// The function `greet()` will return the message "Hello, Solidity!"
pragma solidity ^0.8.29;

contract HelloWorld {
    string public message = "Hello, Solidity!";

    function greet() external view returns (string memory) {
        return message;

Specifying compiler version

pragma solidity 0.8.29; // The contract must be compiled with exactly version 0.8.29

pragma solidity ^0.8.29; // Any version greater than or equal to 0.8.29, but strictly less than 0.9.0

pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0; // Any version greater than or equal to 0.8.0, but strictly less than 0.9.0

Best Practice

  • When releasing production contracts, you may want to pin to a narrower range or exact version for complete determinism.
  • During development, using ^0.8.x can be more convenient.

Basic Data Types


Type Description Example
bool Boolean type, true or false bool isReady = true;
uint Unsigned integer (by default 256 bits, i.e. uint256) uint256 count = 10;
int Signed integer (by default 256 bits, i.e. int256) int256 temperature = -5;
address 20-byte Ethereum address (e.g. 0xABC123...), non-payable address owner = msg.sender;
address payable Same as address, but can receive Ether address payable wallet = payable(msg.sender);
bytes Dynamically sized byte array bytes data = hex"001122";
bytesN Fixed-size byte array of length N (1 ≤ N ≤ 32) bytes32 hash = keccak256(...);
string Dynamically sized UTF-8 data string name = "Alice";


  • Stores a single bit of information (true or false).
  • Default value is false if not initialized.

Integers: uint and int

  • uint stands for unsigned integer and does not allow negative values.
    • Range for uint256 is 0 to 2^256 - 1.
    • You can also specify smaller sizes like uint8, uint16, ..., uint256 (increments of 8 bits).
  • int stands for signed integer and allows negative values.
    • Range for int256 is -(2^255) to (2^255 - 1).
    • Similarly, you can specify int8, int16, ..., int256.
  • Default value for both uint256 and int256 is 0.
// Unsigned integer
uint256 public totalSupply = 10000;
// Signed integer
int256 public temperature = -25;

Best Practice

  • Use uint256 unless you have a specific reason to use a smaller size (like uint128, etc.).
    • Smaller types can save storage (gas) if you can tightly pack multiple variables in a struct or the same storage slot.
  • Avoid using signed integers if you only deal with non-negative values.

address and address payable

  • An address type holds a 20-byte value.
  • address has built-in attributes like:
    • balance (returns the account’s balance in wei),
    • code and codehash (get contract code or its hash),
    • and methods like call, delegatecall, staticcall (low-level).
  • address payable is a special variant that allows sending Ether via methods like transfer or send.


In Solidity ^0.8.0, you must explicitly convert an address to address payable if you want to send Ether:

address payable receiver = payable(someAddress);

bytes and bytesN

bytes: dynamically sized array of bytes.

  • Good for arbitrary-length binary data.
  • More expensive to store than fixed-size arrays due to dynamic nature.

bytesN: fixed-size array of length N (where 1 <= N <= 32).

  • Commonly used for storing hashes (bytes32) or other fixed-length data (e.g., signatures).
  • bytes32 is a popular choice for storing keccak256 hashes.
// Dynamically sized
bytes public data = hex"DEADBEEF";

// Fixed-size, exactly 32 bytes
bytes32 public myHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("Solidity"));


  • A dynamically sized UTF-8 encoded data type typically used for text.
  • In practice, string is very similar to bytes (both are dynamically sized), but string is meant for text, while bytes is better for raw binary data.
  • Default value is an empty string "".
string public greeting = "Hello, World!";

Variables & Visibility

In Solidity, variables are categorized based on where they are declared and how they can be accessed:

  1. State Variables
  2. Local Variables
  3. Global (Built-in) Variables
  4. Visibility Keywords

State Variables

  • Declared inside a contract but outside of any function.
  • Stored permanently on the blockchain as part of the contract’s state (in storage).
  • Gas cost: Writing and updating state variables costs gas. Reading is cheaper but not free.
  • Initialization: If not explicitly initialized, they are given default values (e.g., 0 for integers, false for booleans, address(0) for addresses).
pragma solidity ^0.8.29;

contract MyContract {
    // State variables
    uint256 public count;         // defaults to 0
    bool public isActive = true;

    // ...


  • Constants are declared using the constant keyword.
uint256 public constant constantVariable = 10;

Immutable Variables

  • Immutable variables are declared using the immutable keyword.
  • They are initialized once and cannot be changed after that.
uint256 public immutable immutableVariable = 10;

Best Practice

  • Mark state variables as public only if you need external read access.
  • Use private or internal for variables that should not be directly accessible outside the contract.
  • Use immutable for variables that should not be changed after initialization.

Local Variables

  • Declared and used within function scope (including function parameters).
  • Stored in memory or stack, not in contract storage (unless explicitly specified otherwise).
  • Cheaper than state variables because they’re only used temporarily during function execution.
function multiplyByTwo(uint256 _x) public pure returns (uint256) {
    // Local variable
    uint256 result = _x * 2;
    return result; // This value is not saved on-chain


  • Local variables are destroyed after the function call ends.
  • For arrays, structs, or strings passed as function parameters, you often must specify memory or calldata (in external functions) to define the data location.

Global (Built-in) Variables

These are pre-defined variables and functions that give information about the blockchain, transaction, or message context. Examples include:

  • msg.sender — the address that called the function.
  • msg.value — how much Ether (in wei) was sent with the call.
  • — the data sent with the call.
  • block.timestamp — the current block timestamp (a.k.a. Unix epoch time).
  • block.number — the current block number.
  • block.chainid — the chain ID of the blockchain.
  • tx.gasprice — the gas price of the transaction.

These variables are read from the environment and cannot be directly overwritten. They do not require a declaration like normal variables.

For more global variables, see here.


function whoCalledMe() public view returns (address) {
    // msg.sender is a global variable
    return msg.sender;

Visibility Keywords

In Solidity, visibility determines which parts of the contract or external entities can access a function or state variable.

Visibility Accessible By Common Use Cases

Visibility Accessible By Common Use Cases
public - Externally (via transactions or other contracts)
- Internally within the contract itself
Functions/variables that need to be read or called externally
external - Externally only (cannot be called internally without this.) Functions intended solely for external interaction (e.g., an API for Dapp users)
internal - Only within this contract or inheriting contracts Helper functions and state variables used by derived contracts
private - Only within this specific contract Sensitive logic or state variables that shouldn't be accessed even by child contracts


  • public and private keywords are used to define the visibility of state variables and functions.
  • external and internal keywords are used to define the visibility of functions only.


  • A public state variable automatically generates a getter function. For example:
uint256 public count;

This allows reading count externally. The contract ABI will have a function count() that returns the variable’s value.

function getCount() public view returns (uint256) {
    return count;
  • A public function can be called from:
    • Outside via a transaction or another contract
    • Inside by other functions within the same contract


  • Functions only callable from outside the contract (or via this.functionName(...)).
  • Typically used to indicate a function is part of the contract’s external interface.
  • Slightly more gas-efficient if you don’t plan to call that function from within the contract.
function externalFunction() external view returns (uint256) {
    return address(this).balance;

// Inside another function in the same contract, you'd have to call: (but not recommended)


  • Accessible only within the contract and child contracts that inherit from it.
  • Not part of the public ABI, so cannot be called externally.
  • Useful for shared logic across parent-child relationships.
function internalHelper() internal pure returns (uint256) {
    return 42;


  • Only accessible within the same contract.
  • Not accessible in derived contracts.
  • Typically used for sensitive or low-level logic that you don’t want child contracts to override or manipulate directly.
bool private privateVariable = true;

function privateHelper() private pure returns (uint256) {
    return 123;

Best Practices for Visibility

  1. Explicitly Specify Visibility

    • In Solidity, the default function visibility is internal if not specified.
    • Always define visibility (public, external, internal, private) for every function and state variable to avoid confusion and ensure clarity in your code.
  2. Use external for Functions Called Externally Only

    • If a function is never intended to be called internally, mark it external.
    • external functions can be slightly more gas-efficient than public because Solidity handles arguments differently for external calls.
  3. Restrict Access Whenever Possible

    • Follow the principle of least privilege.
    • Use private or internal whenever you don’t need external or inherited access.
    • This minimizes the contract’s attack surface and reduces the likelihood of unintended behavior.


Solidity functions define the behavior of your smart contract. They can be used to read or modify the contract’s state, interact with other contracts, or perform computations.

Basic Syntax

function functionName(Type param1, Type param2) [visibility] [stateMutability] returns (ReturnType) {
    // function body


  • functionName is the identifier (name) of the function.
  • param1, param2 are parameters with specified types.
  • visibility can be public, external, internal, or private.
  • stateMutability includes view, pure, payable, or can be omitted if the function modifies state.
  • returns (ReturnType) specifies the output type(s) (can be multiple).


As covered in Visibility Keywords, a function’s visibility determines who can call it. The most common visibilities for functions are:

  • public: callable from outside and inside the contract
  • external: callable from outside only (or via this.functionName() inside)
  • internal: callable only inside this contract and derived contracts
  • private: callable only inside this contract

State Mutability: view, pure, and payable

  1. view
  • The function can read state variables but cannot modify them.
function getCount() public view returns (uint256) {
    return count;  // reading a state variable
  1. pure
  • The function cannot read or modify state variables (nor use this.balance or block.number etc.).
  • Ideal for pure math or utility functions.
function addNumbers(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure returns (uint256) {
    return a + b;
  1. payable
  • The function can accept Ether sent to it.
  • Without payable, the function will reject any Ether transfer.
function deposit() public payable {}

Return Values

You can return one or more values from a function. There are multiple ways to do so:

  1. Return Single Value
function getNumber() public pure returns (uint256) {
    return 42;
  1. Return Multiple Values
function getValues() public pure returns (uint256, bool) {
    return (100, true);
  1. Named Returns
  • You can name your return variables for clarity.
function namedReturn() public pure returns (uint256 count, bool status) {
    count = 10;
    status = true;
  • This can sometimes make the code more readable but is optional.

Function Parameters and Data Location

For parameters of reference types (e.g., string, bytes, arrays, structs), you must specify the data location (memory, storage, or calldata):

  • memory: non-persistent, used for local copies within a function.
  • calldata: non-persistent, immutable/read-only, only used in external function parameters. It’s more gas-efficient than memory for external calls because it doesn’t copy the data.
  • storage: persists in the contract’s state storage (rarely used as a parameter location, mostly used for state variables). Can be used for internal or private function if you want to pass a reference to an existing storage variable.

Example using calldata:

function concatStrings(
    string calldata str1,
    string calldata str2
) external pure returns (string memory) {
    return string(abi.encodePacked(str1, str2));

Overloading and Overriding

  • Overloading: Defining multiple functions with the same name but different parameters.
function setValue(uint256 _value) public {
    // ...

function setValue(uint256 _value, bool _flag) public {
    // ...
  • Overriding: When a function in a child contract overrides a function from a parent contract.
    • The parent function must be marked as virtual.
    • The child function must use override.
contract Parent {
    function greet() public virtual pure returns (string memory) {
        return "Hello from Parent";

contract Child is Parent {
    function greet() public pure override returns (string memory) {
        return "Hello from Child";

Internal vs External Calls

  • When you call a function internally in Solidity, it uses jump instructions without creating a new message call. This is more gas-efficient.
  • When you call an external function from within the same contract (e.g., this.myExternalFunction()), it triggers a new contract call. This is less gas-efficient and changes msg.sender to the contract itself.

Gas Considerations

  1. Function Complexity:

    • Avoid excessive loops or large data copy operations within a single function.
    • If possible, break down large operations into smaller functions or use off-chain solutions for heavy computations.
  2. Function Parameters:

    • For external functions, using calldata for parameters instead of memory is cheaper in many cases.
    • Passing large arrays around increases gas due to data copy overhead.

Best Practices for Functions

  • Use public or external only if the function needs to be called from outside. Otherwise, consider internal or private.
  • Separate reading (view/pure) and state-changing functions for clarity and potential performance benefits.
  • Overloading can be handy, but use it sparingly; it can cause confusion if the parameter differences are subtle.
  • Overriding is essential for inheritance hierarchies. Make sure to mark parent functions as virtual and child overrides as override.

Control Flow

Control flow in Solidity is largely similar to other languages like JavaScript, C, or Python. You can use if/else, for, while, and do-while loops to direct program execution.

If / Else Statements


function checkValue(uint256 _x) public pure returns (string memory) {
    if (_x > 100) {
        return "Greater than 100";
    } else if (_x == 100) {
        return "Exactly 100";
    } else {
        return "Less than 100";


require statements revert the transaction immediately if a condition is not met:

require(condition, "Error message");

This is often used for input validation or access control checks.

For Loops

function sumArray(uint256[] memory _arr) public pure returns (uint256) {
    uint256 total = 0;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _arr.length; i++) {
        total += _arr[i];
    return total;

While Loops

function decrement(uint256 _x) public pure returns (uint256) {
    while (_x > 0) {
    return _x; // returns 0

Do-While Loops

Solidity also supports do-while loops, which execute the loop body at least once before checking the condition:

function doWhileExample(uint256 _x) public pure returns (uint256) {
    uint256 counter = _x;

    do {
    } while (counter > 0);

    return counter;

Break and Continue

Like many languages, Solidity provides break and continue statements for early termination or skipping an iteration in loops.

  • break: Exits the loop immediately.
  • continue: Skips the remaining statements in the current iteration and moves to the next iteration.
function loopWithBreak(uint256 _x) public pure returns (uint256) {
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < _x; i++) {
        if (i == 5) break; // exits loop when i equals 5
        if (i == 3) continue; // skips remaining statements when i equals 3
        // ...

Best Practices for Loops

Vanila Loop

Don't use >= and <= in the condition

// 37975 gas (+347)
function loop_lte() public returns (uint256 sum) {
    for(uint256 n = 0; n <= 99; n++) {
        sum += n;
  • The EVM has the opcodes LT, GT and EQ for comparison, but there are no convenient LTE or GTE opcodes for the operation we are doing.
  • Therefore each time the condition n <= 99 is checked, 3 instructions must be executed: LT n 99,EQ n 99 and OR to check if either one of those returned true, which leads to extra gas cost.

Increment the variable in an unchecked block

// 32343 gas (-5285)
function loop_unchecked_plusplus() public returns (uint256 sum) {
    for(uint256 n = 0; n < 100;) {
        sum += n;
        unchecked {
  • Since version 0.8 Solidity implements safety checks for all integer arithmetic, including overflow and underflow guards
  • n++ Solidity will insert extra code to handle the case if n would overflow after incrementing it
  • We can skip the overflow check by using unchecked block
  • Use only if you are sure the variables will never overflow

Just write it in assembly

// 26450 gas (-11178)
function loop_assembly() public returns (uint256) {
    assembly {
        let sum := 0
        for {let n := 0} lt(n, 100) {n := add(n, 1)} {
            sum := add(sum, n)
        mstore(0, sum)
        return(0, 32)
  • Removed the declaration uint256 sum from the function header in order to escape Solidity's type system as much as possible
  • Using assembly is the most gas-efficient way to write a loop, but it's also the most complex and harder to read and maintain. So make sure to use it only when necessary.

Array Loop

"Cache" the array's length for the loop condition

// 25182 gas (-230)
function loopArray_cached(uint256[] calldata ns) public returns (uint256 sum) {
    uint256 length = ns.length;
    for(uint256 i = 0; i < length;) {
        sum += ns[i];
        unchecked {
  • We know the length won't change during execution and we can reduce the number of ns.length calls to just 1 for a modest reduction in gas.

Error Handling

require vs revert vs assert

require(condition, "Error Message")

  • Verifies input conditions or other external conditions.
  • Commonly used at the start of a function to validate function inputs, access control, or other preconditions (e.g., ensuring msg.value is sufficient).
require(msg.sender == owner, "Not the owner");
require(amount > 0, "Amount must be greater than 0");
  • If the condition fails, it reverts with the provided error message.

revert("Error Message")

  • Explicitly trigger a revert from any part of the code.
  • Often used to handle more complex logic or custom flows.
if (balance < amount) {
    revert("Insufficient balance to withdraw");


  • Used to check for internal errors and invariants that should never fail.
  • If an assert fails, it indicates a bug in your code (e.g., an invariant has been violated).
  • From Solidity 0.8.x onwards, failing assert also reverts the transaction but uses a different kind of error—often highlighting a critical code issue.
assert(totalSupply == sumOfAllBalances);

Key Points:

  • require is for invalid user inputs or external conditions.
  • revert is a manual revert trigger.
  • assert is for internal invariants—if it fails, something is fundamentally wrong.

Custom Errors (>=0.8.4)

  • Custom errors allow you to define error types with optional parameters.
  • They are more gas-efficient than revert strings because the encoded error data is smaller.
error Unauthorized(address caller);
error InvalidAmount(uint256 requested, uint256 available);

function restrictedAction() public view {
    if (msg.sender != owner) {
        revert Unauthorized(msg.sender);
    // ...

function withdraw(uint256 amount) public {
    if (amount > balances[msg.sender]) {
        revert InvalidAmount(amount, balances[msg.sender]);
    // ...


  • Saves gas compared to long string messages.
  • Provides typed parameters, making debugging easier off-chain.
  • Especially useful in large or complex contracts.

try/catch for External Calls

  • When calling external functions or doing contract creations, you can use try/catch to handle failures without reverting your entire function:
interface DataFeed { function getData(address token) external returns (uint value); }

contract FeedConsumer {
    DataFeed feed;
    uint errorCount;
    function rate(address token) public returns (uint value, bool success) {
        // Permanently disable the mechanism if there are
        // more than 10 errors.
        require(errorCount < 10);
        try feed.getData(token) returns (uint v) {
            return (v, true);
        } catch Error(string memory /*reason*/) {
            // This is executed in case
            // revert was called inside getData
            // and a reason string was provided.
            return (0, false);
        } catch Panic(uint /*errorCode*/) {
            // This is executed in case of a panic,
            // i.e. a serious error like division by zero
            // or overflow. The error code can be used
            // to determine the kind of error.
            return (0, false);
        } catch (bytes memory /*lowLevelData*/) {
            // This is executed in case revert() was used.
            return (0, false);
  • You can choose to handle or re-revert. This can be used to do partial rollbacks or alternate logic.

Best Practices for Error Handling

  • Use require for Input Validation
    • Validate function arguments, check msg.value, verify permissions, etc.
  • Keep Revert Messages Short
    • Revert strings add to the bytecode size and runtime cost.
    • If you need to pass detailed data, consider custom errors.
  • Use custom errors for More Complex Logic
    • Save gas and convey structured data (like addresses, amounts) in the revert reason.
  • Fail Fast
    • Place require checks at the top of your functions to prevent unnecessary computations.

Arrays, Mappings, Structs, Enums

  • Arrays: Sequential lists of elements of the same type.
  • Mappings: Key-value data structure that does not store keys (only values).
  • Structs: Custom types that group different data fields together.
  • Enums: Defines a finite set of possible states.


Fixed-size Arrays

  • Their size must be known at compile time.
  • You cannot change their length afterward.
uint256[3] public fixedArray = [1, 2, 3];

Dynamic Arrays

  • Size can be modified at runtime using built-in methods like push and pop.
  • Declared with empty brackets: uint256[].
uint256[] public dynamicArray;

Declaring and Using Arrays

Storage vs. Memory

  • State arrays (declared at the contract level) live in storage (on-chain).
  • Function parameters and local arrays can be declared in memory or calldata (for external functions).
  • calldata is read-only and more gas-efficient for external function parameters.

Accessing Elements

uint256[] public numbers;

function addNumber(uint256 num) external {
    numbers.push(num); // dynamic array

function getNumber(uint256 index) external view returns (uint256) {
    return numbers[index];


  • For a dynamic array, arrayName.length gives the current length.
  • You can also set a new length (in storage arrays) by assigning: numbers.length = newLength; (this can truncate or extend the array).

Push and Pop (Dynamic Arrays in Storage)

  • push(value) appends a new element at the end.
  • pop() removes the last element (reducing the array length by one).
  • Time complexity of push and pop is O(1).
function removeLast() external {

Gas Considerations:

  • Each push, pop, and indexing operation in storage arrays incurs gas costs.
  • Minimizing on-chain array size or using more efficient data structures can be crucial for large data sets.


  • A mapping is a reference type that stores key-value pairs.
  • Mappings in Solidity:
    • Do not allow iteration over keys.
    • Do not store or keep track of the keys themselves—only the values and their hashed keys.
    • Are often used for fast lookups (constant time access).
mapping(address => uint256) public balances;

function deposit() external payable {
    balances[msg.sender] += msg.value;
  • KeyType: Usually a built-in type like address, uint256, or bytes32. (Structs, mappings, or dynamically-sized arrays cannot be used as keys.)
  • ValueType: Can be any type, including another mapping or a struct.
// Nested mapping
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance;

function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external {
    allowance[msg.sender][spender] = amount;


  • Structs let you define custom data types that group multiple variables (of possibly different types).
  • They help in making code more readable and organizing complex data.
struct User {
    string name;
    uint256 age;
    address wallet;

User[] public users; // dynamic array of User structs

function createUser(string memory _name, uint256 _age) external {
    // Option 1: Direct struct creation
    User memory newUser = User(_name, _age, msg.sender);

    // Option 2: Struct with named fields
    users.push(User({name: _name, age: _age, wallet: msg.sender}));

User Defined Value Types

  • User-Defined Value Types allow you to create a custom type name that wraps an existing built-in value type (like uint256, int128, bytes32, etc.).
  • This feature was introduced in Solidity 0.8.8 and provides a way to give semantic meaning to a primitive type, helping catch logic errors and improving code readability.


  • Type Safety & Readability: By assigning a descriptive name to a built-in type, you can differentiate between, say, a UserId and a Balance, even if they’re both uint256 under the hood.
  • Compile-Time Checks: Conversions between different user-defined value types (and between the user-defined type and its underlying type) require explicit wrapping/unwrapping. This helps avoid mixing up incompatible values in your code.


type TypeName is UnderlyingType;
  • TypeName: The name of your new type (PascalCase by convention).
  • UnderlyingType: Any built-in value type (e.g., uint256, int128, bool, bytes32, etc.).
type UserId is uint256;
type Price is uint128;
type Flag is bool;

Wrapping and Unwrapping

  • Wrapping: Converting an underlying type to a user-defined type.
  • Unwrapping: Converting a user-defined type back to its underlying type.
uint256 rawId = 123;
// Wrap a uint256 into a UserId
UserId userId = UserId.wrap(rawId);

// Unwrap a UserId to a uint256
uint256 unwrappedId = UserId.unwrap(userId);

// ❌ This will fail: Type uint256 is not implicitly convertible to UserId
UserId invalidConversion = 123;

Operations and Conversions

By default, no arithmetic or comparison operations are defined for user-defined value types. If you need to perform operations on your custom type, you can:

  1. Unwrap your custom type, perform the operations on the underlying type, then re-wrap the result.
  2. Define inline or library functions that handle the logic for your custom type.
pragma solidity ^0.8.29;

type Distance is uint256;

library DistanceLib {
    function add(Distance a, Distance b) internal pure returns (Distance) {
        // unwrap, add, then re-wrap
        return Distance.wrap(Distance.unwrap(a) + Distance.unwrap(b));

    function greaterThan(Distance a, Distance b) internal pure returns (bool) {
        return Distance.unwrap(a) > Distance.unwrap(b);

contract Road {
    using DistanceLib for Distance;

    // store total length of roads
    Distance public totalDistance;

    function addDistance(Distance d) external {
        totalDistance = totalDistance.add(d);
        // internally uses DistanceLib.add

    function compareDistances(Distance a, Distance b) external pure returns (bool) {
        return a.greaterThan(b);


  • Enums define a finite list of constant values, improving code clarity when dealing with limited states.
  • Internally, enums map to uint8 by default (or the smallest fitting unsigned integer, though conceptually it can occupy a full storage slot). Each value corresponds to an index, starting at 0.
enum Status {
    Pending,    // 0
    Shipped,    // 1
    Delivered,  // 2
    Canceled    // 3

Status public currentStatus;

function setStatusShipped() external {
    currentStatus = Status.Shipped;

function cancelOrder() external {
    currentStatus = Status.Canceled;

function getStatus() external view returns (Status) {
    return currentStatus;
  • Converting Enums:
    • You can cast an integer to an enum if it’s a valid index.
    • Example: Status s = Status(1); // s == Status.Shipped
    • Be careful with casting, as invalid casts can lead to out-of-range enum values, which can corrupt state.

Enum Advantages:

  • Makes state transitions self-documenting.
  • Avoids using magic numbers (0, 1, 2, 3) or strings for statuses.
  • Typically used for order states, workflow stages, or roles with limited states.

Best Practices and Tips

  1. Use Arrays for Ordered Collections
  • Great for sequential data like lists of user IDs.
  • Remember that iterating over large arrays on-chain is costly.
  1. Use Mappings for Fast Lookups
  • Ideal for key-value pairs like balances or allowances.
  • You cannot iterate over a mapping, so maintain auxiliary data if you need a list of keys.
  1. Structs for Grouped Data
  • Keep related data fields together.
  • This improves readability and can reduce storage slot usage if packed correctly (e.g., storing small-size types in one slot).
  1. Guard Against Invalid Enum Values
  • If you do type-casting from integers to enums, ensure you handle out-of-range values.
  • In Solidity 0.8.x, you get a revert on overflow, but be explicit about checking valid indices if you do custom casting.
  1. Avoid Large Arrays in Storage
  • If you expect an unbounded number of elements, consider a more efficient approach like indexing or partial off-chain storage.
  • Or provide a mechanism to paginate through array elements or handle them in batches.
  1. Be Aware of Storage Collisions
  • When dealing with nested data structures or inherited contracts, be sure you understand how Solidity’s storage layout works.
  • Typically, using the standard approach (top-level declarations) avoids collisions.


  • Modifiers are a powerful feature in Solidity that allow you to augment or condition the execution of functions.
  • Think of them as wrappers around your functions that can run additional code (e.g., access checks, state validations) before (and/or after) the function body is executed.


modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(msg.sender == owner, "Caller is not owner");

function sensitiveAction() public onlyOwner {
    // This code runs after the `onlyOwner` checks
    // ...
  1. When sensitiveAction() is called, Solidity first executes the code in the onlyOwner modifier.
  2. If all checks (e.g., require) pass, it proceeds to execute the body of sensitiveAction().
  3. If any check fails, it reverts and never calls the function body.

Anatomy of a Modifier

  • A modifier can contain code before and after the special _ (underscore):
modifier checkValue(uint256 _value) {
    // Code executed before the function body
    require(_value > 0, "Value must be greater than zero");

    _; // The function body is inserted here

    // Code executed after the function body
    emit ValueChecked(_value);

function doSomething(uint256 amount) public checkValue(amount) {
    // function body

the compiled code effectively looks like:

function doSomething(uint256 amount) public {
    require(amount > 0, "Value must be greater than zero");

    // function body (original code of doSomething)

    emit ValueChecked(amount);

Multiple Modifiers on One Function

  • You can apply multiple modifiers to a single function. The modifiers will execute in order, left to right:
modifier onlyOwner() { /* ... */ _; }
modifier whenNotPaused() { /* ... */ _; }

function specialAction() public onlyOwner whenNotPaused {
    // function body
  • Be mindful of the order, especially if the modifiers change state.
  • Also ensure your modifiers don’t conflict or replicate the same checks unnecessarily.


  • Events in Solidity are mechanisms that allow smart contracts to emit logs during execution.
  • These logs are stored on the blockchain as part of the transaction receipt, but do not directly consume contract storage.
  • Off-chain applications (like DApps, block explorers, etc.) can listen for these events to react or update their interfaces.

Key Characteristics

  • Logs vs. Storage: Events produce logs that are cheaper than storing data in contract state, because they’re kept in the transaction receipt.
  • Indexed Parameters: You can mark up to 3 parameters as indexed, enabling more efficient filtering on the client side.
  • Not Accessible On-Chain: Event data (logs) are not accessible to other contracts. You can’t read events from within Solidity; they’re purely for off-chain usage.

Declaring Events

event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
  • Up to three parameters can be labeled as indexed.
  • indexed parameters are indexed in the event log, which makes them searchable by off-chain tools.

Emitting Events

function transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount) external {
    // ... perform transfer logic ...
    emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _amount);

Viewing Events Off-Chain

  • Web3 Libraries (Viem, ethers.js) allow you to listen for these events or query past events by searching transaction logs.

Example(in Viem):

import { parseAbiItem } from "viem"
import { publicClient } from "./client"

    address: "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
    event: parseAbiItem(
        "event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)"
    args: {
        from: "0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045",
        to: "0xa5cc3c03994db5b0d9a5eedd10cabab0813678ac"
    onLogs: (logs) => console.log(logs)

Indexed vs. Non-Indexed Parameters

  • Indexed parameters are searchable in the logs and stored as topics.
  • Non-indexed parameters are stored in the log’s data section, which is not easily searchable but can be read once you retrieve the log.

For example, in event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);:

  • from => topic[1]

  • to => topic[2]

  • value => part of the data payload

  • You can filter logs by indexed topics like from = 0x1234...abcd, but you cannot directly filter by value because it’s not indexed.

const filter = await publicClient.createContractEventFilter({
    abi: wagmiAbi,
    address: "0xfba3912ca04dd458c843e2ee08967fc04f3579c2",
    eventName: "Transfer",
    args: {
        from: "0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045",
        to: "0xa5cc3c03994db5b0d9a5eedd10cabab0813678ac"

Common Use Cases

  1. Token Transfers
    • ERC20 tokens emit a Transfer event whenever tokens move from one address to another.
  2. State Changes
    • Logging changes of ownership, updates to config variables, or changes in contract status.
  3. Debugging
    • Emitting certain events during testing can help you trace contract execution.
  4. Off-Chain Processing
    • Subgraphs (e.g., The Graph) or other indexing services use events to build databases of contract activity, enabling complex queries and analytics.

Simple Example

pragma solidity ^0.8.21;

contract Payment {
    event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint256 amount);
    event Withdraw(address indexed recipient, uint256 amount);

    function deposit() external payable {
        require(msg.value > 0, "No ether sent");
        emit Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);

    function withdraw(uint256 amount) external {
        require(amount > 0, "Zero withdrawal");
        require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Insufficient contract balance");

        (bool success, ) = payable(msg.sender).call{value: amount}("");
        require(success, "Withdraw failed");

        emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amount);

Best Practices

  • Emit Events for Important State Changes

    • Especially for actions that off-chain services or UIs need to track: token transfers, ownership changes, auctions ending, etc.
  • Index Only What’s Needed

    • Up to three indexed parameters can be used. Indexing more variables doesn’t exist (the rest must be unindexed).
    • Too many indexed parameters or large data can increase log size and gas cost.
  • Avoid Emitting Too Many Events in a Single Transaction

    • Each event adds to the gas cost. If you’re in a loop, consider alternative approaches or batch events if possible.
  • Be Aware of Event Ordering

    • The order in which you emit events is the order they appear in the logs. Off-chain listeners often rely on log order to interpret data.

Contract Inheritance & Interfaces

  • Solidity supports an object-oriented programming model where contracts can inherit from one or more base contracts.
  • This allows for code reuse and hierarchical organization of functionality.
  • Interfaces in Solidity define the required function signatures (and optionally events) without providing an implementation, allowing for standardized interaction between different contracts.

Contract Inheritance

Inheritance is achieved using the is keyword. A derived (child) contract can access and override the functions and state variables of its parent (base) contract(s).

Single Inheritance

contract Parent {
    string public parentName = "Parent";

    function greet() public pure returns (string memory) {
        return "Hello from Parent";

contract Child is Parent {
    function sayHello() public view returns (string memory) {
        // Access parent's state variable
        return parentName;
  • Child inherits everything from Parent except constructor, private state variables/functions, and internal data can only be accessed within Child.

Multiple Inheritance

A contract can inherit from multiple base contracts using comma separation:

contract A {
    function foo() public pure returns (string memory) {
        return "A";

contract B {
    function bar() public pure returns (string memory) {
        return "B";

// Child inherits both A and B
contract C is A, B {
    // C now has both foo() from A and bar() from B

Overriding Functions

  • Parent functions must be marked virtual to allow them to be overridden.
  • Child overrides must use override.
contract Parent {
    function greet() public pure virtual returns (string memory) {
        return "Hello from Parent";

contract Child is Parent {
    // Overriding greet()
    function greet() public pure override returns (string memory) {
        return "Hello from Child";
  • If you have multiple levels (e.g., Grandparent -> Parent -> Child), and Child wants to override a function from Grandparent, you typically chain override(Base, Grandparent) if needed.
contract Child is Parent, Grandparent {
    function greet() public pure override(Parent, Grandparent) returns (string memory) {
        return "Hello from Child";

Constructors in Inheritance

  • If a parent contract has a constructor, the child must explicitly call it (unless it has a parameterless constructor).
  • If multiple parents have constructors, each must be called with the needed arguments in the child’s constructor.
contract Parent1 {
    uint256 public x;

    constructor(uint256 _x) {
        x = _x;

contract Parent2 {
    uint256 public y;

    constructor(uint256 _y) {
        y = _y;

contract Child is Parent1, Parent2 {
    // Must call Parent1,2 constructor
    constructor(uint256 _childValue) Parent1(_childValue) Parent2(_childValue) {
        // additional child init


An interface in Solidity is like a contract but with these restrictions:

  1. No state variables or constructor definitions.
  2. All functions must be external (or public in older versions of Solidity, but typically we use external).
  3. No function implementations—only signatures.
  4. Usually includes events that implementing contracts should emit.

Purpose: They define a standard for other contracts to implement, ensuring compatibility without forcing an implementation approach.

interface ICounter {
    function increment() external;
    function getCount() external view returns (uint256);
    event Counted(address indexed caller, uint256 newCount);

Implementing an Interface

  • A contract implements an interface by providing all the functions declared in the interface and matching their signatures exactly.
contract Counter is ICounter {
    uint256 private count;

    function increment() external override {
        emit Counted(msg.sender, count);

    function getCount() external view override returns (uint256) {
        return count;

Using Interfaces

Contracts can call interface functions to interact with external contracts that implement them:

contract Caller {
    function doIncrement(ICounter _counter) external {

    function readCount(ICounter _counter) external view returns (uint256) {
        return _counter.getCount();

Combining Inheritance and Interfaces

You can mix inheritance and interfaces. For example, you could have a base abstract contract that implements some parts of an interface and leaves others for child contracts.

interface IVault {
    function deposit(uint256 amount) external;
    function withdraw(uint256 amount) external;

abstract contract VaultBase is IVault {
    // partially implement deposit logic
    // but keep withdraw abstract or add some logic

    function deposit(uint256 amount) external virtual override {
        // partial logic

contract MyVault is VaultBase {
    // Must override deposit if not fully implemented
    // Must implement withdraw
    function deposit(uint256 amount) external override {
        // full deposit logic

    function withdraw(uint256 amount) external override {
        // implement withdraw logic
  • VaultBase is an abstract contract because it might not fully implement all methods of IVault.
  • MyVault completes the implementation.

Abstract Contracts

Abstract contracts are those that cannot be deployed directly because they have at least one function without an implementation (virtual function). They serve as base contracts.

  • Typically contain shared logic and placeholders for functions to be defined in child contracts.
  • Marked with abstract keyword in Solidity 0.6.x+.
abstract contract Animal {
    function speak() public virtual returns (string memory);

contract Dog is Animal {
    function speak() public pure override returns (string memory) {
        return "Woof!";
  • Animal is abstract because speak() has no implementation.
  • Dog provides an implementation for speak().

Diamond Inheritance and the “Linearization of Base Contracts”

  • Solidity uses the C3 linearization algorithm to resolve conflicts in multiple inheritance.
  • If multiple parent contracts have the same function name, you must explicitly override and specify which base contract’s implementation to use.
contract A {
    function foo() public pure virtual returns (string memory) {
        return "A";

contract B is A {
    function foo() public pure virtual override returns (string memory) {
        return "B";

contract C is A {
    function foo() public pure virtual override returns (string memory) {
        return "C";

// D inherits from both B and C
contract D is B, C {
    // Must override foo() again
    function foo() public pure override(B, C) returns (string memory) {
        // decide which parent's implementation to call, or write new logic
        // it will return "C"
        return; // picks the rightmost parent's override by default (C) in linearization
  • The override(B, C) explicitly states you are overriding foo() from both B and C.
  • calls the next-most derived override in the linearization.

Best Practices

  • Use Inheritance for Shared Logic

    • Common functionality (e.g., access control, utility functions) can be placed in base contracts for easy reuse.
  • Favor Composition over Deep Inheritance

    • Avoid extremely deep inheritance chains—they can become confusing and error-prone.
    • Sometimes, libraries or composition patterns are clearer.
  • Mark Functions as virtual and override

    • Always use virtual in the base contract to signal it can be overridden.
    • Always use override in child contracts to signal you’re overriding a parent function.
  • Use Interfaces for Inter-Contract Communication

    • Define an interface that external contracts must implement.
    • This reduces dependencies, as your contract does not rely on the internal details of the other contract.
  • Separate Interfaces into Their Own Files

    • This aids clarity and reusability.
    • Keep your interface definitions minimal—only the required function signatures and events.
  • Avoid Conflicting State in Multiple Inheritance

    • Overlapping storage layouts from multiple parents can cause confusion or even storage collisions.
    • Ensure each parent contract uses distinct state variable slots (this usually happens naturally if you’re just inheriting standard contracts without complicated overrides).


  • In Solidity, libraries are special types of contracts intended to provide reusable code.
  • They can be thought of as utility or helper modules that other contracts can call without needing to implement the same logic repeatedly.
  • Libraries help keep code DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), save gas, and improve readability.

Key Characteristics of Libraries

  • No Ether

    • Libraries cannot hold Ether (i.e., they cannot have a balance).
    • Any attempt to send Ether to a library will fail.
  • No State Variables

    • Libraries cannot store or modify their own state; they are stateless.
  • No Inheritance

    • Libraries cannot be inherited or extend other contracts (nor can you inherit from a library).
  • Linked at Compile Time or Deployment Time

    • Internal library functions are typically inlined or statically called.
    • External library functions can be deployed and then “linked” to your contract.

Library Function Types

Solidity libraries support two ways of using their functions:

  • Internal Functions

    • If a library function is declared internal, it is inlined into the calling contract’s bytecode at compile time (similar to macros).
    • This reduces overhead since no external call is made.
  • External Functions

    • If a library function is declared public or external, the calling contract will delegatecall into the library at runtime.
    • This can save bytecode size in the calling contract but introduces a small overhead for each external call.
    • You must deploy the library contract first and link it before deploying the final contract.

Example: Internal Library

Most libraries are used as internal because it’s more gas-efficient (no external call) and simpler to manage.

// MathLib.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.29;

library MathLib {
    function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return a + b;

    function multiply(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return a * b;

// TestMath.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.21;

import "./MathLib.sol";

contract TestMath {
    function testAdd(uint256 x, uint256 y) public pure returns (uint256) {
        return MathLib.add(x, y);

    function testMultiply(uint256 x, uint256 y) public pure returns (uint256) {
        return MathLib.multiply(x, y);
  • MathLib.add and MathLib.multiply are called from TestMath without an external call because they’re internal functions in a library.
  • The compiler will inline or statically link these calls, increasing TestMath’s bytecode size, but saving on runtime gas costs.

Example: External Library

You can define a library with public or external functions. In that case, your contract calls the library via delegatecall at runtime.

// ExternalLib.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.29;

library ExternalLib {
    function externalAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) {
        return a + b;

To use this library in another contract:

pragma solidity ^0.8.29;

import "./ExternalLib.sol";

contract UseExternalLib {
    // The compiler inserts a reference that must be linked to the ExternalLib deployed address
    function compute(uint256 x, uint256 y) public pure returns (uint256) {
        return ExternalLib.externalAdd(x, y);
  • Deployment: You must first deploy ExternalLib and then link its address into UseExternalLib’s bytecode.
  • At runtime, calls to ExternalLib.externalAdd happen via DELEGATECALL.

Library for Struct Extensions

  • A popular pattern is to write libraries that extend built-in types or custom structs with using for.
  • This adds library functions as if they were member functions of the type.
pragma solidity ^0.8.29;

library ArrayUtils {
    function findIndex(uint256[] storage arr, uint256 value) internal view returns (int256) {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            if (arr[i] == value) {
                return int256(i);
        return -1; // Not found

contract MyArray {
    using ArrayUtils for uint256[];  // "using for" directive

    uint256[] private data;

    function addValue(uint256 value) external {

    function findValue(uint256 value) external view returns (int256) {
        // We can now call findIndex() as if it's a member of data
        return data.findIndex(value);
  • The using ArrayUtils for uint256[]; directive allows you to call data.findIndex(value) directly.
  • This improves readability and encapsulates utility logic for arrays.

Best Practices

  • Keep Libraries Focused

    • A library should do one thing well—e.g., math operations, array helpers, address utilities, etc.
  • Avoid Large External Libraries for Single Contracts

    • If you’re only using a library for a single contract and that library has few functions, it might be simpler and cheaper to make them internal.
  • Mark Functions pure or view Where Possible

    • Avoid unintentional state modifications in libraries unless that’s the library’s explicit purpose.
    • This also ensures your library is safer and can be reasoned about more easily.
  • using for Pattern

    • Great for readability and a more object-oriented feel.
    • Clarifies which types are extended by the library.
  • Security

    • Libraries can mutate the caller’s storage if called with delegatecall. Ensure your library code is trusted and thoroughly reviewed.
  • Solady, OpenZeppelin and Other Standard Libraries

    • Before writing your own, check if established libraries (e.g., Solady, OpenZeppelin) cover your needs. This reduces risk and leverages well-audited code.

Payable, Fallback, and Receive

  • Smart contracts in Solidity can receive Ether if they have specific functions set up.
  • Before Solidity 0.6.x, there was only a single fallback function.
  • From 0.6.x onward, Solidity introduced a split: a dedicated receive() function to handle plain Ether transfers, and a fallback() function to handle non-matching function calls (and optionally Ether if receive() is not found).

payable Keyword

  1. payable is required for functions to receive Ether.
  2. It can apply to constructors and functions.
  3. If a function or constructor is not marked payable, it will reject any incoming Ether with a revert.
pragma solidity ^0.8.21;

contract PayableExample {
    // A payable constructor allows you to deploy the contract with initial Ether
    constructor() payable {
        // Contract can receive Ether on deployment

    // A payable function can receive Ether
    function deposit() external payable {
        // Funds are added to contract balance

    // This function is NOT payable, so it cannot receive Ether
    function nonPayableFunction() external {
        // ...
  • Attempting to send Ether (e.g., via msg.value) to nonPayableFunction() will revert.
  • Conversely, calling deposit() without sending Ether is valid (but msg.value would be 0).

receive() Function

  • Introduced in Solidity 0.6.x as a special function to receive plain Ether with no data (i.e., calls with an empty calldata).
  • It can be declared external payable with no arguments and no return value.
receive() external payable {
    // custom logic or leave it empty
  • If someone sends Ether to your contract without calling a specific function (like a simple transfer() or send() from an external account), the receive() function is triggered if it is defined.
  • If you want your contract to accept plain Ether transfers, define a receive() function (or a fallback that is payable).


  • If a contract does not define receive() external payable but does define a fallback() external payable, then sending Ether with no data triggers the fallback() function.
  • If neither function is payable, the contract cannot receive Ether outside of a payable function call and will revert.

fallback() Function

  • The fallback() function is a special function in Solidity, called when:
    • A function that doesn’t exist in the contract is called.
    • No function signature matches the calldata.
    • If the call has data but there is no matching function.
fallback() external [payable] {
    // custom logic
  • fallback() is not required to be payable by default. If you want it to receive Ether when no function matches, mark it payable. Otherwise, calls sending Ether will revert.

Use Cases:

  • Proxy/Forwarding: This is common in proxy contracts where all unknown calls are forwarded to another contract.
  • Emergency catch-all: If a user or contract calls a function that does not exist, you can handle or revert gracefully.
  • Receiving Ether + Data: If you need to handle Ether transfers that include data, you can do so in fallback() if receive() is not suitable or is absent.

Best Practices

  • Decide if you want to accept Ether:
    • If yes, define a receive() function (or a payable fallback()).
    • If no, either omit them or revert in fallback().
  • Keep Fallback/Receive Minimal:
    • They can be triggered frequently, and often with limited gas (2,300).
    • Complex logic can lead to out-of-gas errors.
    • For reentrancy safety, minimize state changes or use reentrancy guards.
  • Test for Edge Cases:
    • Test calls with valid function signatures, invalid ones, random data, zero-length data, and with Ether attached.
    • Make sure you get the intended behavior (especially for proxies or other fallback patterns).
  • Event Logging:
    • If your contract receives Ether, consider emitting an event to easily track inbound transfers.

Data Locations: storage, memory, calldata

  • In Solidity, complex data types—like arrays, structs, and mappings—require specifying a data location.
  • This tells the compiler where the data physically resides. The three main data locations are:
  1. storage: Persistent on-chain storage (the contract’s state).
  2. memory: Temporary, in-memory area used within function execution. Not persisted on-chain.
  3. calldata: Read-only area for function arguments in external functions. It directly references call data without copying it into memory.

storage: Persistent, On-Chain Data

  • Location: The contract’s long-term memory on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Persistence: Any changes to data in storage are permanent and cost significant gas.
  • State Variables: By default, state variables declared at the contract level (e.g., uint256 public count;) reside in storage.
contract MyContract {
    // This array is in storage (part of contract state).
    uint256[] public numbers;

    function storeValue(uint256 value) external {
        numbers.push(value); // Modifying storage costs gas

Key Points:

  • Expensive to Modify: Writing to storage is the costliest operation because you’re permanently updating the blockchain state.
  • Reference Types in Storage: Arrays, structs, and mappings can be stored in storage. Modifying their contents is also costly.
  • Assignments in Storage: When you do storageRef = someStateVar;, you create a reference pointing to the same data. Changes to one reflect in the other.

memory: Temporary, In-Function Workspace

  • Location: A transient area used for the duration of a function call.
  • Lifecycle: Data in memory is wiped after the function executes.
  • Cost: Reading/writing memory is cheaper than storage (though not free), but the data does not persist.
function incrementValuesMemory(uint256[] memory arr)
    returns (uint256[] memory)
    // We can mutate the array elements because 'arr' is a mutable copy in memory.
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
        arr[i] += 10;
    // Returning the changed array
    return arr;

calldata: Read-Only External Input

  • Location: A special data location for external function parameters.
  • Read-Only: You cannot modify data in calldata; it’s immutable.
  • Gas Optimization: Using calldata for external function parameters (instead of memory) can save gas, because Solidity can read directly from the transaction call data instead of making a full copy in memory.
function sumArray(uint256[] calldata arr) external pure returns (uint256) {
    uint256 sum = 0;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        sum += arr[i];
    return sum;
  • Any attempt to modify arr (e.g., arr[i] = ...) will fail to compile.

Best Practices

  • Use calldata for External Read-Only Params:
    • If you only need to read from parameters, mark them as calldata to save gas (no copying into memory).
  • Avoid Large Copies:
    • Copying large arrays from storage to memory can be expensive. Consider streaming or chunking if you need partial data.
  • Use storage Wisely:
    • Minimize writes to storage. If possible, only store essential data. Reading from and especially writing to storage is the biggest cost in Solidity.

Transient Storage

  • Transient storage is a new feature introduced to Ethereum through EIP-1153.

  • It provides a special type of storage for Ethereum smart contracts that:

    • Exists only during a single transaction.
    • Automatically resets at the end of the transaction.
    • Does not incur persistent storage costs (unlike regular storage, which is expensive because it remains on-chain indefinitely).
  • Transient storage is implemented through two new opcodes:

    • TSTORE: Temporarily stores a value in transient storage.
    • TLOAD: Retrieves a value from transient storage.
contract ReentrancyGuard {
    bytes32 constant SLOT = 0;

    modifier nonreentrant() {
        assembly {
            if tload(SLOT) { revert(0, 0) }
            tstore(SLOT, 1)
        assembly {
            tstore(SLOT, 0)
  • One practical example of transient storage is using it for a reentrancy guard.
  • Normally, you’d store a boolean flag in contract storage to indicate that a function is currently being executed.
  • With transient storage, you can use the TSTORE and TLOAD opcodes instead, which let you store and read this flag during the transaction without writing to storage.
  • This not only makes the guard cheaper to implement, but also avoids cluttering your contract’s persistent state.

Differences from Existing Data Locations

Data Location Persistence Cost Typical Usage
storage Persists across transactions High State variables, permanent contract data
memory Temporary (function scope) Medium Local variables, function operations
calldata Read-only, external inputs Low External function parameters
Transient Storage Only within one transaction Lower than storage Ephemeral data used across calls within the same transaction

Sending Ether


Method Gas Forwarded On Failure Return Type Recommended Usage
transfer 2,300 gas (fixed) Auto-reverts No return (reverts) Not recommended
send 2,300 gas (fixed) Does not revert bool (success/fail) Not recommended
call All remaining gas (or a specified value) Does not revert by default (bool, bytes) (success + data) Recommended with reentrancy guard


  • Forwards a fixed 2,300 gas to the recipient’s fallback/receive function.
  • If the call fails (e.g., the fallback function uses more than 2,300 gas or reverts), transfer will automatically revert the entire transaction.
  • If future Ethereum upgrades raise the fallback gas cost or the logic changes, transfer might break.
function transfer(address payable _to, uint256 _amount) external {
    // If it fails, entire function reverts automatically


  • Also forwards 2,300 gas to the recipient’s fallback function.
  • Does not revert on failure by default. Instead, it returns false if the call fails.
  • Generally considered obsolete in favor of transfer, or call.
function send(address payable _to, uint256 _amount) external {
    bool success = _to.send(_amount);
    require(success, "Send failed");


(bool success, bytes memory data) ={value: amount, gas: gasAmount}("");
  • Forwards all remaining gas by default, or a specified amount if you use gas: gasAmount.
  • Does not automatically revert; you must handle the success boolean.
  • call is more future-proof and flexible. Recommended for most use cases with reentrancy guards or checks-effects-interactions pattern.

Simple Ether send:

function flexibleCall(address payable _to, uint256 _amount) external {
    (bool success, ) ={value: _amount}("");
    require(success, "Call failed");

Calling a function with data:

function callFunction(address _contract, bytes memory _data, uint256 _amount) external {
    (bool success, bytes memory returnedData) ={value: _amount}(_data);
    require(success, "Low-level call failed");
    // returnedData may contain a return value

Best Practices

  • transfer and send are no longer recommended in most modern Solidity patterns because of their 2,300 gas limit and potential for breakage if fallback logic changes.
  • call with proper error handling (checking the return boolean) and reentrancy protections is the current best practice for sending Ether.

Function Selector

A function selector is a 4-byte (8-hex-digit) identifier for a function. When a contract is called, the first 4 bytes of the calldata are used to determine which function should be invoked within the contract.

  1. Location: The function selector resides at the start of the transaction’s data (calldata).
  2. Purpose: It selects which function in the contract to call. If a contract doesn’t have a matching selector, it triggers the fallback or receive function (if defined).

How is the Function Selector Computed?

The function selector for a given function is computed as the first 4 bytes of the Keccak-256 hash of the function’s signature string.

bytes32 hash = keccak256("transfer(address,uint256)");
bytes4 selector = bytes4(hash);  // first 4 bytes

Layout of Calldata

When you call a function on a contract via a low-level call or transaction, the calldata typically follows this format:

Bytes Range Purpose
0x00 - 0x03 Function selector (4 bytes)
0x04 - end Encoded function arguments (ABI)

For instance, a call to transfer(address to, uint256 amount) might have:

  • First 4 bytes: 0xa9059cbb (the selector).
  • Next 32 bytes: Encoded to address (padded to 32 bytes).
  • Next 32 bytes: Encoded amount (256-bit integer).

Function Overloading and Selectors

Solidity supports function overloading: multiple functions can share the same name but have different parameter types.

  • Each overloaded function has a unique signature string (because the parameter types differ).
  • This results in different keccak-256 hashes and thus different 4-byte selectors.
function foo(uint256 x) external { /* ... */ }
function foo(uint256 x, uint256 y) external { /* ... */ }

Collision Issues

  • The function selector is derived from: bytes4(keccak256(functionSignatureString)).
  • Because it’s only 4 bytes, there are 2^32 possible selectors, which is about 4.29 billion unique values.
  • In theory (and sometimes in practice), two different function signatures can hash to the same 4-byte prefix. This is called a collision.
  • In most modern Solidity compilers, the compiler fails or warns at compile time if it detects a collision among the function signatures in your contract.
contract WontCompile {
    // function selector of collate_propagate_storage: 0x42966c68
    function collate_propagate_storage(bytes16 x) external {}
    // function selector of burn: 0x42966c68
    function burn(uint256 amount) external {}

Call & Delegatecall

Introduction to Low-Level Calls

In Solidity, you can interact with other contracts or addresses at a low level using:

  • call
  • delegatecall
  • (less common) staticcall (for read-only calls)

These are lower-level functions than the usual contract function calls because they bypass the Solidity function name → selector → ABI encoding process (unless you manually encode/decode arguments and return data). They return success/failure booleans and raw byte data rather than automatically reverting on failure or decoding data.

Why Use Low-Level Calls?

  1. Dynamic function calls: If you only know at runtime which contract or function signature you’re calling.
  2. Proxies: Common pattern for upgradeable contracts or decoupling logic from storage.
  3. Manual gas management: You can specify the exact gas or handle reverts manually.


call allows you to call a specified address (contract or EOA) with custom calldata, value (Ether), and an optional gas parameter.

(bool success, bytes memory returnedData) ={value: etherAmount, gas: gasAmount}(calldata);


  • Does Not Auto-Revert: If the call fails (e.g., the target reverts), success will be false. The state changes in your contract up to that point remain unless you manually revert.
  • Returns Raw Data: returnedData is the raw bytes the target contract returned. You must decode it if you expect a specific type (e.g., an integer or a boolean).
  • Forwards Gas: By default, call will forward all remaining gas. You can specify a gas: someAmount to limit it.
  • Potential Reentrancy: Because you may be forwarding a lot of gas, be mindful of reentrancy vulnerabilities if your contract’s state is updated before calling out.
function callTransfer(address _token, address _to, uint256 _amount) external {
    // Encode the function selector and arguments for an ERC20 transfer
    bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(

    // Low-level call
    (bool success, bytes memory returnData) =;

    require(success, "call to transfer failed");

    // Optionally decode the returned data (many ERC20s return bool, but not all)
    // bool transferSuccess = abi.decode(returnData, (bool));


delegatecall is similar to call but crucially executes the code of the target contract in the context of the caller’s state. This is the foundation for proxy contracts or upgradeable contract patterns.

(bool success, bytes memory returnedData) = targetAddress.delegatecall(calldata);


  • Executes in Caller’s Context:
    • msg.sender and msg.value remain the same as in the original call that reached the caller.
    • Any storage changes (writes) made by the executed code affect the caller contract’s storage layout.
  • No Ether Transfer:
    • Unlike call, you can’t directly send Ether with delegatecall. It only executes code with the current call’s context.
  • State & Storage Layout:
    • You must ensure the storage layout of the caller and the target match if the target code writes to storage. Mismatched layouts lead to corruption or undefined behavior.
  • Returns:
    • Similar to call, you get (bool success, bytes memory returnData). You must handle them manually.
contract Proxy {
    address public implementation; // Points to logic contract

    constructor(address _impl) {
        implementation = _impl;

    fallback() external payable {
        // Forward all calls to 'implementation' using delegatecall
        (bool success, bytes memory data) = implementation.delegatecall(;
        if (!success) {
            assembly {
                revert(add(data, 32), mload(data))
        assembly {
            return(add(data, 32), mload(data))


staticcall is another low-level function used for read-only calls. It reverts if the called code attempts to modify state (like writing to storage or emitting events).

(bool success, bytes memory returnData) = targetAddress.staticcall(calldata);


Aspect call delegatecall
State Context Runs in the target’s context. Writes in the target’s storage. Runs in the caller’s context. Writes in the caller’s storage.
msg.sender / msg.value msg.sender is the caller (the contract executing call). msg.sender remains the original external address or higher-level caller.
Ether Transfer You can send Ether along with it (value: X). No direct Ether transfer is possible.
Common Use Case Directly calling external contracts, optionally sending Ether. Proxy patterns, libraries, or upgradeable contracts (code is borrowed but state remains in the caller).
Gas Forwarding Forwards all remaining gas unless specified otherwise. Same, but in the caller’s context (no Ether).

Security & Best Practices

  1. Check Return Values
  • Both call and delegatecall return a boolean indicating success/failure. Always check it.
  1. Handle returnData
  • If the called function returns data, decode it if you care about it.
  • If the call reverts with a reason string, that’s included in returnData. You can bubble it up using inline assembly or revert with your own error.
  1. Protect Against Reentrancy
  • If you use call to forward large amounts of gas, your contract can be reentered. Use patterns like Checks-Effects-Interactions or ReentrancyGuard.
  1. Proxy Storage Layout
  • With delegatecall, ensure the implementation contract’s storage layout is compatible with the proxy contract’s layout. If you add new variables in the implementation or reorder them, you can break or corrupt the proxy’s storage.
  1. Avoid Arbitrary Delegatecalls
  • Letting users choose any target for delegatecall is a critical security hole. Restrict target addresses or function signatures if you want safe upgrade patterns.
  1. Gas Estimation
  • Low-level calls might confuse the Solidity gas estimator. You sometimes need to manually specify gas or test thoroughly to avoid out-of-gas issues.

CREATE, CREATE2, Create3, and CreateX


CREATE is the most basic and commonly used opcode for contract deployment. It works as follows:

  • Deploys contracts dynamically within other contracts
  • More cost-effective for deploying multiple contracts
  • The resulting contract address is determined by the deployer's address and nonce
  • Doesn't provide address predictability

Using CREATE, the address of the newly deployed contract is determined by:

  • address = rightmost 160 bits of keccak256(rlp(sender, nonce))
  1. sender: The address that deploys the contract (an EOA or another contract).
  2. nonce: The internal transaction count (nonce) of the sender at the time of creation.
function deployWithCREATE() external returns (address childAddress) {
    // Simple CREATE deployment
    Child child = new Child();
    childAddress = address(child);

    emit Deployed(childAddress, 0);


CREATE2 was designed to let you compute a contract’s address in advance, based on a salt and the contract’s init code, enabling so-called “counterfactual deployments.”

address = rightmost 160 bits of keccak256(0xff | sender | salt | keccak256(init_code))


  • 0xff: A constant single byte to avoid collisions with regular CREATE.
  • sender: The address that issues the CREATE2.
  • salt: A 32-byte value supplied by the deployer.
  • keccak256(init_code): The hash of the contract’s creation bytecode.

Normally, CREATE2 is used with the Deterministic Deployment Proxy contract to ensure a fixed msg.sender address.

contract Child {
    uint public x;
    constructor(uint a) {
        x = a;

contract Parent {
    function deployWithCREATE2(bytes32 salt, uint arg) public {
        // This complicated expression just tells you how the address
        // can be pre-computed. It is just there for illustration.
        // You actually only need ``new Child{salt: salt}(arg)``.
        address predictedAddress = address(uint160(uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(

        Child child = new Child{salt: salt}(arg);
        require(address(child) == predictedAddress);


Create3 is not an opcode but a method combining CREATE and CREATE2:

  • Generates deterministic contract addresses without depending on the contract's bytecode
  • Address is based only on msg.sender and salt
  • You can use different constructor arguments on multiple chains
  • More expensive than CREATE or CREATE2 (extra ~55k gas)
  • Allows deploying contracts to the same address across multiple EVM-compatible blockchains

Usually, Create3 is used with Create3 Factory

    @notice Creates a new contract with given `_creationCode` and `_salt`
    @param _salt Salt of the contract creation, resulting address will be derivated from this value only
    @param _creationCode Creation code (constructor) of the contract to be deployed, this value doesn't affect the resulting address
    @param _value In WEI of ETH to be forwarded to child contract
    @return addr of the deployed contract, reverts on error
  function create3(bytes32 _salt, bytes memory _creationCode, uint256 _value) internal returns (address addr) {
    // Creation code
    bytes memory creationCode = PROXY_CHILD_BYTECODE;

    // Get target final address
    addr = addressOf(_salt);
    if (codeSize(addr) != 0) revert TargetAlreadyExists();

    // Create CREATE2 proxy
    address proxy; assembly { proxy := create2(0, add(creationCode, 32), mload(creationCode), _salt)}
    if (proxy == address(0)) revert ErrorCreatingProxy();

    // Call proxy with final init code
    (bool success,) ={ value: _value }(_creationCode);
    if (!success || codeSize(addr) == 0) revert ErrorCreatingContract();


Feature CREATE CREATE2 Create3
Address Determinism No Yes Yes
Bytecode Dependency Yes Yes No
Multi-chain Support Limited Possible Excellent
Gas Cost Lowest Medium Highest


CreateX is a factory smart contract designed to simplify and enhance the usage of CREATE, CREATE2, and Create3:

  • Provides a unified interface for different contract creation methods
  • Offers additional features and optimizations

ABI Encode & Decode
