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This branch is 6 commits behind Shopify/draggable:main.



The sort animation plugin currently only works with Sortable. It adds sort animation on sortable:sorted with both horizontal and vertical within grid layout, and animates all sorted elements via translate3d. It is currently possible to change the duration and the easing function of the animation.

It different with SwapAnimation plugin because SwapAnimation only support horizontal or vertical layout.

This plugin is not included by default, so make sure to import it before using.

NOTE: Don't use this plugin with SwapAnimation plugin to avoid conflict.


  • NPM:
import {Sortable, Plugins} from '@shopify/draggable';
// Or
import Sortable from '@shopify/draggable/build/esm/Sortable/Sortable';
import SortAnimation from '@shopify/draggable/build/esm/Plugins/SortAnimation';

const sortable = new Sortable(document.querySelectorAll('ul'), {
  draggable: 'li',
  sortAnimation: {
    duration: 200,
    easingFunction: 'ease-in-out',
  plugins: [Plugins.SortAnimation], // Or [SortAnimation]
  • Browser (as a module):
<script type="module">
  import Sortable from '';
  import Snappable from '';

  const sortable = new Sortable(document.querySelectorAll('ul'), {
    draggable: 'li',
    sortAnimation: {
      duration: 200,
      easingFunction: 'ease-in-out',
    plugins: [Snappable],
  • Browser (Standalone):
<script src=""></script>
  const sortable = new Draggable.Sortable(document.querySelectorAll('ul'), {
    draggable: 'li',
    sortAnimation: {
      duration: 200,
      easingFunction: 'ease-in-out',
    plugins: [Draggable.Plugins.SortAnimation],


new SortAnimation(draggable: Draggable): SortAnimation
To create a sort animation plugin instance.


duration {Integer}
The duration option allows you to specify the animation during for a single sort. Default: 150

easingFunction {String}
The easing option allows you to specify an animation easing function. Default: 'ease-in-out'


import {Sortable, Plugins} from '@shopify/draggable';

const sortable = new Sortable(document.querySelectorAll('ul'), {
  draggable: 'li',
  sortAnimation: {
    duration: 200,
    easingFunction: 'ease-in-out',
  plugins: [Plugins.SortAnimation],


  • Only works within same container
  • Animations don't stagger
  • Only works with Sortable