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Configuration Reference

This is a diagram of how the theme is split between its components.

Top Level Options

Option Effect
@catppuccin_flavor Sets the catppuccin flavor, one of "latte", "frappe", "macchiato", or "mocha".

Status Line

Option Effect
@catppuccin_status_background Sets the background color of the status line.
  • default will use the color from the selected theme
  • none will make the status bar transparent
  • use hex color codes for other colors or a theme color (#{@thm_<color>})


The plugin comes with three window styles built in, these can be customized by setting the @catppuccin_window_status_style option. The default is basic.

Option Effect Preview
basic Simple styling with blocks. window basic
rounded Each window is separated with rounded separators. window rounded style
slanted Each window is separated with slanted separators. window slanted style
custom Custom separators are used. This is required to override the separators!
none Styling of the window status is completely disabled. window no styling

If you want to change the active color to something else (the default is mauve), use the following. For example to use lavender:

set -g @catppuccin_window_current_number_color "#{@thm_lavender}"
Customising the separators

Add the following, setting whatever values you'd like for the separators:

set -g @catppuccin_window_status_style "custom"
set -g @catppuccin_window_left_separator ""
set -g @catppuccin_window_middle_separator ""
set -g @catppuccin_window_right_separator ""


Set the menu selected style:

# Use a value compatible with the standard tmux `menu-selected-style`
set -g @catppuccin_menu_selected_style "fg=#{@thm_surface_0},bg=#{@thm_yellow}"

All options and their defaults

# Menu styling options
set -ogq @catppuccin_menu_selected_style "fg=#{@thm_fg},bold,bg=#{@thm_overlay_0}"

# Pane styling options
set -ogq @catppuccin_pane_status_enabled "no" # set to "yes" to enable
set -ogq @catppuccin_pane_border_status "off" # set to "yes" to enable
set -ogq @catppuccin_pane_border_style "fg=#{@thm_overlay_0}"
set -ogq @catppuccin_pane_active_border_style "##{?pane_in_mode,fg=#{@thm_lavender},##{?pane_synchronized,fg=#{@thm_mauve},fg=#{@thm_lavender}}}"
set -ogq @catppuccin_pane_left_separator ""
set -ogq @catppuccin_pane_middle_separator ""
set -ogq @catppuccin_pane_right_separator ""
set -ogq @catppuccin_pane_color "#{@thm_green}"
set -ogq @catppuccin_pane_background_color "#{@thm_surface_0}"
set -ogq @catppuccin_pane_default_text "##{b:pane_current_path}"
set -ogq @catppuccin_pane_default_fill "number"
set -ogq @catppuccin_pane_number_position "left" # right, left

set -ogq @catppuccin_window_status_style "basic" # basic, rounded, slanted, custom, or none
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_text_color "#{@thm_surface_0}"
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_number_color "#{@thm_overlay_2}"
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_text " #T"
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_number "#I"
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_current_text_color "#{@thm_surface_1}"
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_current_number_color "#{@thm_mauve}"
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_current_text " #T"
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_current_number "#I"
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_number_position "left"
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_flags "none" # none, icon, or text
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_flags_icon_last " 󰖰" # -
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_flags_icon_current " 󰖯" # *
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_flags_icon_zoom " 󰁌" # Z
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_flags_icon_mark " 󰃀" # M
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_flags_icon_silent " 󰂛" # ~
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_flags_icon_activity " 󱅫" # #
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_flags_icon_bell " 󰂞" # !
# Matches icon order when using `#F` (`#!~[*-]MZ`)
set -ogq @catppuccin_window_flags_icon_format "##{?window_activity_flag,#{E:@catppuccin_window_flags_icon_activity},}##{?window_bell_flag,#{E:@catppuccin_window_flags_icon_bell},}##{?window_silence_flag,#{E:@catppuccin_window_flags_icon_silent},}##{?window_active,#{E:@catppuccin_window_flags_icon_current},}##{?window_last_flag,#{E:@catppuccin_window_flags_icon_last},}##{?window_marked_flag,#{E:@catppuccin_window_flags_icon_mark},}##{?window_zoomed_flag,#{E:@catppuccin_window_flags_icon_zoom},} "

# Status line options
set -ogq @catppuccin_status_left_separator ""
set -ogq @catppuccin_status_middle_separator ""
set -ogq @catppuccin_status_right_separator ""
set -ogq @catppuccin_status_connect_separator "yes" # yes, no
set -ogq @catppuccin_status_fill "icon"
set -ogq @catppuccin_status_module_bg_color "#{@thm_surface_0}"