This Repo contains a Vue wrapper for the JSONForms library.
The Vue3 wrapper builds a WebComponent. The standard Vue3 build tools cannot yield a webcomponent.
But! Using Vite as a build tool allows us to build the WebComponent and bundle it into into an ECMAScript module.
ECMAScript modules can be import
ed directly into a browser, or included as a <script>
WebComponents are a web standard (a built-in part of JavaScript) that allows users to create user-defined HTML Tags that can be used in HTML <like></like>
This allows you to use JSONForms in a totally vanilla web browser environment in HTML with no modification, using only a <script>
Well, and a <link>
tag if you want CSS.
But, for your target application, this means: use JSONForms with no NodeJS, no NPM, and no build step.
This stems from a development philosophy:
- use a simple tool, not a complicated tool
- avoid JavaScript
- avoid node, npm and friends
- avoid transpiling
You probably already know if you're here, but JSONForms allows you to render a form based on a JSON Schema.
You include a <script>
tag, and then use the <json-form>
Here's a complete code listing:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>JSONForms Demo</title>
<!-- load CSS Styling for JSONForms from unpkg -->
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href=''>
<!-- load JSONForms from unpkg -->
<script src=''></script>
Use your favorite download tool (web browser, curl, fetch, etc) to retrieve a copy of the ESM file:
Use your favorite download tool (web browser, curl, fetch, etc) to retrieve a copy of the CSS file:
You now have the whole library
put these in your project in folder called
, with a version suffix, like:cp /path/to/downloaded/jsonforms.esm.js /path/to/project/lib/jsonforms.3.5.1.esm.js cp /path/to/downloaded/jsonforms.css /path/to/project/lib/jsonforms.3.5.1.css
now, create symlinks, so you can manage the versions in the future. (Use the link in your HTML, the link's target is an ephemeral copy)
ln -s jsonforms.3.5.1.esm.js jsonforms.esm.js ln -s jsonforms.3.5.1.css jsonforms.css
commit the whole
directory -
now, in your project you can use a link and script tag like this:
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='lib/jsonforms.css'> <script src='lib/jsonforms.esm.js'></script>
OK But that's too weird, what is this the 90s? I want NPM & friends so I can have more build and bundling problems!
npm install jsonforms-esm
Actually, you should probably just use jsonforms:
Enjoy your developer experience.