Truffle Preserve
Developer Tooling
In thinking about our support for Filecoin, the idea of preservation came quickly to mind. We envisioned that preserving application data like Javascript frontends and static assets would be a normal part of the deployment process. So we ran with that idea and added a new command to the Truffle command line tool: truffle preserve.
Like preserving fruit, Truffle follows a "recipe" to preserve your files. In the gif above, Truffle is using the filecoin recipe, which will ship standard with our new version of Truffle. To use truffle preserve, simply specify the files you want to preserve on the command line, and choose between the --filecoin or --ipfs recipes. The filecoin recipe uses the ipfs recipe under the hood. You can choose only the ipfs recipe if you have a different set up!
Beta release & stable version under development
Truffle Suite has about 6 million downloads across our suite of tools including Truffle, Ganache, Drizzle, and Teams
Our docs are located here: More docs for this project will be published in April 2021.
Truffle Suite is a team of 13 developers working across our sweet suite of tools.
The main developers on this projects are @gnidan and @tcoulter with help from our friend, @rkalis.
Twitter: @trufflesuite
Filecoin Community Discussion: #92
Try out Truffle Preserve and send us your feedback on Discord. We'd love to hear fromy you!