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Welcome to the Lima Mudlib!

When you find our documentation inadequate, please come to our lib
support mud, Lima Bean, and ask questions (or type news and post
them there).

Lima Bean is located at: 7878

You can find the mud's web page at :

Mudlib Features:
 o Centralized natural language parsing (zork like commands for players).
 o Socials use the natural language parsing, and are easy to extend.
	(The soul is *huge*).
 o Wizards have featureful shells including full unix globbing (ls *.[ch]),
	command piping / redirection, etc...
 o Inline documentation.	
 o Distributed support.
 o Very modular, with clear code.
 o Support for Intermud-3.
 o Modal input, and fully featured interactive shells.
 o Real, secure security authored by Ellery @ TMI-2 (Reimer Behrends).
 o Emphasis on player usability:
	better news, channels, menus, etc...
	than any other mudlib
 o Easy to build menus, easy to write socials, etc...
 o A menu driven admin tool to ease routine administration tasks.

  The Lima Mudlib was authored by:
	o John Viega, Rust @ Lima Bean
	o Greg Stein, Deathblade @ Lima Bean
 	o Tim Hollebeek, Beek @ Lima Bean

  The Lima Mudlib is presently maintained by:
	o Robert M. Zigwied, Tigran @ Lima Bean 
	o David Walley, Loriel @ Lima Bean
	o Cody Russell, Iizuka @ Lima Bean

  Security system contributed by:
	o Reimer Behrends, Ellery @ TMI-2  (

  Special thanks to:
	o Taro Ogawa, Ohara @ Lima Bean  (
	  Scott Gamble, Zifnab @ Lima Bean  (

	  For pushing this lib to its limits on ZorkMud, and for always
	  being there to lend a helping hand with the coding and design of
	  the lib.

	o Anthon Pang, Robocoder @ Lima Bean (

	  For maintaining the web site and the Lima
	  Mudlib web pages before they were lost in the crash.  We only 
	  hope to create new ones that are close to that good.

	o George Reese, Descartes @ Lima Bean 

	  For hosting the distribution site of the mudlib.

  Lima Bean staff:

	  John Viega, Rust @ Lima Bean
	  Greg Stein, Deathblade @ Lima Bean
          Tim Hollebeek, Beek @ Lima Bean
          Taro Ogawa, Ohara @ Lima Bean (retired)
          Scott Gamble, Zifnab @ Lima Bean
	  Zachary Girouard, Zakk @ Lima Bean (
          Robert M. Zigweid, Tigran @ Lima Bean (
          Cody Russell, Iizuka@Lima Bean (
	  David Walley, Loriel@Lima Bean (
	  Johan Warlander, Marroc@Lima Bean (

	  Anthon Pang, Robocoder @ Lima Bean
	  Darrin Wilson, Satan @ Lima Bean
	  Fred Strelzoff, Yaynu @ Lima Bean
	  Hal Schechner, Cowl @ Lima Bean
	  Bill Tutt, Rassilon @ Lima Bean

  Many thanks to:
	o Henrik Bengtsson, Megadeath @ TMI-2  (
	  For providing us with very dependable resources during the
	  initial stages of ZorkMud and the Lima Mudlib.
	o Marc Blank and David Lebling for Zork.
	o Mark St. Louis ( for
		contributing almost all of the adverbs in our soul.
	o Soeren Staun-Pedersen (Valentino, for
		a plethora of contributions.
	o Everyone not on staff who's put a helping hand into ZorkMud 
          and Lima, especially (all long gone):
		Dave Tyler (Nevyn @ ZorkMud)
		Devon Tuck (Cleave @ ZorkMud)
		Scott Dawson (Peregrin @ ZorkMud)
		Fred Tarabay (Megaboz @ ZorkMud)