This package can be used to provision cloud hosts using a simple CRUD-style API along with a cloud-init user-data script. It could be used to automate anything from k3s clusters, to blogs, or CI runners. We use it to create the cheapest possible hosts in the cloud with a public IP address.
type Provisioner interface {
Provision(BasicHost) (*ProvisionedHost, error)
Status(id string) (*ProvisionedHost, error)
Delete(HostDeleteRequest) error
See the example here: Tester app
This package is used by:
- inletsctl - Go CLI to create/delete exit-servers and inlets/-pro tunnels
- inlets-operator - Kubernetes operator to automate exit-servers and inlets/-pro tunnels via CRDs and Service definitions
The first rule about the provision
package is that we don't do SSH. Key management and statefulness are out of scope. Cheap servers should be treated like cattle, not pets. ssh
may well be enabled by default, but is out of scope for management. For instance, with DigitalOcean, you can get a root password if you need to log in. Configure as much as you can via cloud-init / user-data.
- Use the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS image
- Select the cheapest plan and update the README with the estimated monthly cost
- For inlets OSS open just the required ports
- For inlets-pro you must open all ports since the client advertises, not the server
- This API is event-driven and is expected to use polling from the Kubernetes Operator or inletsctl CLI, not callbacks or waits
- Do not use any wait or blocking calls, all API calls should return ideally within < 1s
- Document how you chose any image or configuration, so that the code can be maintained, so that means links and
// comments
- All provisioning code should detect the correct "status" for the provider and set the standard known value
- Always show your testing in PRs.
Finally please add an example to the documentation for your provider in the inlets/docs repo.
If you would like to add a provider please propose it with an Issue, to make sure that the community are happy to accept the change, and to maintain the code on an ongoing basis.
- DigitalOcean, Equinix Metal, Civo - alexellis
- Scaleway - alexandrevilain
- AWS EC2 - adamjohnson01
- GCE - utsavanand2
- Azure, Linode - zechenbit
- Hetzner Johannestegner
- Vultr jsiebens