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asset-system is a cross platform SVG based asset system for React and React-Native. This mono-repo is the home for all asset-* packages.


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assets-{*} is a cross platform asset system for React and React-Native. It allows you to use the same assets and logic on web and native devices.

What you are looking at is the mono repo for all asset-* projects. If are looking for specific documentation about a projects:

Table of Contents

Design Goals

When designing the asset system from the ground up, we established some humble design goals that the system should satisfy:

  • isomorphic Asset loading and presenting should work in React and React-Native without having to change a single line of code.
  • scalable Assets should be scalable without any degradation in quality regardless of the size and resolution.
  • performance focused Highly optimized bundle, built-in caching and request optimizations.
  • UX/DX first Easy to use, intuitive API's. With height and width as required properties we prevent unwanted layout reorganization/relayout.
  • accessibility ARIA properties and roles are used where possible and accessibilityLabel for React-Native.
  • modifications Various of hooks should be present in the transformation process to support on the fly modification e.g. recoloring of the asset so you can prevent duplicates.


We have prepared 2 examples where we integrate asset-provider in to an application.

  • web Integration in to a web application.
  • react-native Integration in to a React-Native application.

Project structure

The README that you're currently reading is in the root of our mono repository. All related projects/packages are available in the packages folder that is in the root of this repository. This makes it easier to contribute changes to the multiple packages at once as they tightly coupled/integrated.

This undertaking is separated into multiple standalone packages:

The following flow chart illustrates how the various of packages are used:

[ asset-provider] -> [ <Provider uri={} /> ] -> [ <Asset name={} /> ]
          ^                         ^
          |                         |
    XMLHTTPRequest         [ asset-parser ]
          |                         ^
          v                         |
 [ ~ bundle.svgs ~ ]                |
          ^                         |
          |                         |
  [ asset-bundle ] < - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> [ asset-list ]
  [ asset-webpack ]

Lets start from the bottom and move our way upwards. There is a WebPack plugin that can extract SVG's from your JavaScript files (or you can create a separate JavaScript file that requires the SVGS). All found SVG assets are then passed to the asset-bundle library.

This library will parse, optimize and combine all SVGS in to a single file format. This will reduce HTTP requests leading to better performance. The resulted bundle will then be encoded using the asset-parser.

Once this process is done, asset-list will generate documentation about the created bundle so you can easily see which files are embedded, the dimensions of the assets and the total file size.

You can then upload the resulting bundle to your CDN for usage.

The asset-provider contains <Provider> (root) and <Asset> (child) components for fetching/presenting assets from the uploaded svgs bundle. The <Provider uri={ }> will fetch the bundle once an nested child <Asset /> component is encountered. Once bundle is downloaded the /asset-parser decode the HTTP payload. The bundled SVG's will only be transformed to SVG elements once a <Asset name={} /> component references.

Integrate with WebPack

Import the loader in to your webpack.config.js:

import SVGBundler from 'asset-webpack';

Specify the file-loader for .svg extensions

First we need to ensure that .svg files are handled as normal, static, files. This is done by specifying a file-loader for the given extension. Update the module loaders to contain the following:

module: {
  loaders: [
    { test: /\.svg$/, loaders: [ 'file-loader' ] }

Configure plugin

The following arguments are accepted:

  • filename The filename of the resulting SVG Asset Bundle. It will be stored in the folder you specified in your webpack.config.js's ouptput.path.
  • options Additional configuration that will be forwarded to the asset-bundle processor.
  plugins: [
    new SVGBundler('bundle.svgs', { /* opts */ })

Producing a bundle

Create an entry file that requires the SVG assets:


Integrate with next.js

Next.js is a minimalistic framework for server-rendered React applications. The render flow of Next.js is as followed:

  1. On first render, your application will be rendered on the server and the resulting HTML will be send to the client.
  2. The returned HTML will be rehydrated with ReactDOM so all event listeners are attached again and every re-render of your application will work as intended.

This means that if you include an SVG element in your application it will send to the client on initial render as part of the HTML payload as well as be included in the client-side bundle as it needs to be available for re-rendering.

Asset-System's build-in optimizations will automatically resolve this duplication as it will render a placeholder with the same dimensions as the original SVG, and once the application is rehydrated on the client-side it fetch the SVG bundle, and render your intended SVG in the placeholder. As the placeholder is the same dimensions as the actual SVG, there will be no annoying jumping of layout (relayout).

In order to implement Asset-System with Next.js, we need to add our asset-webpack module to their own webpack.config.js, this is done by creating a custom next.config.js and assigning a webpack function that alters the webpack. In this example we use webpack-merge to help with the merging of our new webpack rules:

// next.config.js
module.exports = {
  webpack: function webpack(config) {
    return require('webpack-merge').smart(config, {
      module: {
        rules: [
            test: /\.(svg)$/,
            use: ['file-loader']
      plugins: [
        new Bundler('static/bundle.svgs', {
          root: __dirname

Once you have your custom next.config.js in place, you can reference the generated bundle at /_next/static/bundle.svgs in your pages:

// pages/index.js

import Provider, { Asset } from 'asset-provider';
import reactLogo from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/svgs/brands/react.svg';

export default function Index(props) {
  return (
    <Provider uri='/_next/static/bundle.svgs'>
      <h1>Rendering the React Logo</h1>
      <Asset name={ reactLogo } width={ 100 } height={ 100 } title='The React logo' />

Integrate with

The system was designed to be compatible, which is what we use internally at GoDaddy to compile and distribute our front-end code. If you've also adopted warehouse, you can easily integrate asset-system in your build flow.

We assume you've already setup your own scope according to the warehouse instructions that are outlined in their docs.

Update the projects package.json to include the following:

  • build which activates webpack
  • publishConfig that points to the Warehouse server
  "build": "webpack",
  "publishConfig": {
    "registry": ""

Now that the package.json is updated you need to specify which files should be uploaded to the CDN. This is done by creating a whrs.toml which contains the following:

dev = ['dist/bundle.svgs']
test = ['dist/bundle.svgs']
prod = ['dist/bundle.svgs']

You can specify multiple bundles that need be uploaded, or create multiple packages.

Project management

Managing your first mono repo can be overwhelming at first, luckily we have some tools that will make this a lot easier and automate most of the processes.

This repo is managed by the mono-repos package which comes with CLI and Node.js API for managing packages. It's already installed as devDependency, but you can also install it globally:

npm install --global mono-repos


We've provided an installation script that will automatically go through all the packages, install the dependencies, and symlink them if needed. This process is ran automatically when you run:

npm install
mono --install

In the root of the repository. You can always run npm install in the package folder as well, but that will not setup the correct symlinks for you.


You can either run tests separately, or run them all at once (recommended for new releases).

npm test

mono --test

For testing individual packages

npm run test:provider
npm run test:bundle
npm run test:list
npm run test:webpack

mono --test bundle
mono --test webpack
mono --test provider

If this isn't your thing, you can also still go in to the package's directory and run the npm test command there for the individual test.


The publishing is automated using the mono command as well, it ensures that following happens in the correct order, and format so we can still correctly track individual publishes in our git tags:

  • Increases version number.
  • Create dist commit.
  • Create the correct git tag.
  • Push to repo.
  • Publish package.

To bump all packages:

npm run publish -- --release major
mono --publish --release major

If the --release flag is omitted we assume it's a patch release by default. When you want to release an individual package:

npm run publish:provider
npm run publish:bundle
npm run publish:parser

mono --publish provider
mono --publish bundle
mono --publish parser




asset-system is a cross platform SVG based asset system for React and React-Native. This mono-repo is the home for all asset-* packages.




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