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Face detection, tracking using OpenCV, USB micro T-Shirt launcher and RaspberryPi camera module to demonstrate how ChatGPT can speed up development and writing clean and SOLID code.

Documentation generated for T-Shirt Launcher Project by ChatGPT

The following documentation was 95% generated by ChatGPT after copy/pasting the, and code To see the prompts used, see

Micro T-Shirt Launcher

This repository contains Python code for launching micro T-Shirts to a particular person identified through face recognition. The launcher positions itself using it's pan and tilt capabilities to launch the micro T-Shirt towards the identified person's location. The micro T-Shirt launcher does not launch T-Shirt if the person is not in the pre-loaded facial image set. The ability to develop, test and debug the launcher and facial recognition functionality independently is present.


  • Python 3.x
  • PyUSB library
  • Poetry > 1.5.X


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    # if poetry is not installed
    # curl -sSL | python3 -
    poetry install
    1. Raspberry Pi:

      1. Pre-requisites: For faster and reliable install, use Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye. Binary wheels packages are available for opencv-python only for Bullseye currently. See pi wheels/opencv-python wheel Install the pre-requisites:

        sudo apt install -y libatlas-base-dev libhdf5-dev libopenblas-dev
      2. Fix pyproject.toml manually:

        Change the primary poetry packages source from PyPI to piwheels:


        name = ""
        url = ""
        priority = "supplemental"
        name = "PyPI"
        priority = "primary"


        name = ""
        url = ""
        priority = "primary"
        name = "PyPI"
        priority = "supplemental"

        Delete the poetry.lock file

        rm poetry.lock
      3. Most likely you will run into KeyRing errors when installing over ssh on raspberry pi.

        To get around it:

        export PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.null.Keyring
        poetry install

        should work. See GitHub issue for further details.

      4. Install the pre-requisites: sudo apt install -y libatlas-base-dev libhdf5-dev libopenblas-dev

      5. Enable legacy camera support: Using sudo raspi-config enable Legacy Camera Support. This mode is going to be deprecated. See use legacy. This mode is used in the code as it offers the most portability across operating systems.

        Note: If you have Raspberry Pi Camera Module v3 or later this won't work. To avoid this, we have to use picamera2 which uses libcamera. See picamera2 examples.

      6. VNC or Desktop Display mode:

        To see the program working you need to login to the Raspberry PI Desktop. These are the steps that I had to take to make it work.

        1. Install sudo apt install xrdp
        2. Add a new user, sudo adduser pygpt and RDP using as the new user. RDP session should not show a black screen now. (I have seen this problem before where the files needed for X window session are not created by default. When you do add a new user after installing xrdp then the files get created and everything works like magic. ). See OMG - it saved me so much time.
    2. Windows: Most likely you will run into No backend available errors.

       raise NoBackendError('No backend available')
       usb.core.NoBackendError: No backend available

    Follow the instructions in AdaFruit's instruction for fixing no backend error. It involves downloading libusb and copying it to C:\Windows\System32\ directory.

    1. Mac: Most likely you will run into No backend available errors.

    Follow the instructions in stack overflow article and run the following.

    brew install libusb
    # The above is not sufficient. The libraries installed by brew is not visible to pyusb.
    # Run the following to make the library available
    ln -s /opt/homebrew/lib ~/lib
  3. Connect the T-Shirt launcher via USB.


Using with both the Tracker and T-Shirt Launcher Functionality

The script integrates the functionalities of both the tracker and the T-Shirt launcher. It allows for automated control of the T-Shirt launcher based on the face recognition and tracking system.

To use

  1. Ensure all prerequisites and setup steps mentioned above are completed.

  2. Run in the activated Poetry virtual environment to start the integrated system:

    sudo poetry run python

This script will utilize the camera to detect and track faces, and control the T-Shirt launcher based on the tracked positions.

Headless Mode Operation


The application now supports a headless mode, allowing it to run without a graphical user interface. This is particularly useful when running in environments that do not have a display, such as Docker containers or servers. The headless mode ensures that all functionalities of the application are available, even without a graphical output, making it ideal for automated, background, or server deployments.

Running in Headless Mode

To run the application in headless mode, use the --headless flag when starting the application. This can be combined with other existing flags as needed.

Example Command:

python --headless --simulate

Running in Docker Container

You could build a Docker container using the information in .devcontainer.json. To run the built image:

docker run -it --device /dev/video0:/dev/video0 -v /home/user/code/pygptcourse:/tmp/pygptcourse bash


Ensure that /dev/video0 is readable and writable by the user running the process.

Automatic Headless Detection

The application automatically detects if it's running in an environment without a display (like a Docker container or a devcontainer) and switches to headless mode. It checks for the DISPLAY environment variable and adjusts its behavior accordingly. This ensures smooth operation across various environments without needing explicit configuration.

Docker and Devcontainer Support

The application is compatible with containerized environments. When running in Docker or devcontainers, the application can automatically operate in headless mode, ensuring that it functions correctly even without a graphical interface. This makes it suitable for a wide range of development, testing, and production scenarios.

Error Handling in Headless Mode

In headless mode, the application gracefully handles any graphical operations that typically require a display. If an attempt is made to perform such operations, the application will log the incident and continue running without interruption. This robust error handling ensures continuous operation, making the application reliable for long-running and automated tasks.

Note: The headless mode is an advanced feature aimed at improving the application's flexibility and deployment options. While it allows the application to run in more environments, the visualization and interactive features will not be available when operating in this mode.

Running Face Recognition Functionality Standalone

If you do not have the USB micro T-Shirt launcher available or you want to test the facial recognition on a different machine, you can do so.

For debugging and testing the camera based facial recognition system:


  • Ensure that the images used for face recognition (shiva_face.jpg, adil_face.jpg, or similar) are in the project directory.
  • Verify that is configured with the correct paths to these images.

Running the Script

  • Activate the Poetry virtual environment and run the facial recognition system:

    poetry run python --simulate

Press q on the Video Window to quit.


Running the tracker should show a window similar to below. On the console, you should see simulated commands that moves the launcher device right/left/up/down based on where the identified face is.

Sample Face Recognition Screenshot.

Sample output on the console:

Previous position: [13, 2] Calculated current position: [13, 2], Direction: None, Duration: 0
Nothing to do. Current position: [13, 2] is the same as the previous position [13, 2].
Previous position: [13, 2] Calculated current position: [10, 4], Direction: RIGHT, Duration: 1.0
Moving to position: [10, 4], Direction: RIGHT, Duration: 1.0

Running Launcher Pan/Tilt Functionality Standalone

To use the T-Shirt launcher, execute the script. Make sure you have sufficient permissions to access USB devices.

sudo poetry run python

The launcher can be controlled using the following commands:

  • Move Up: u
  • Move Down: d
  • Stop: s
  • Move Left: l
  • Move Right: r
  • Fire: f

Enter the command followed by a delay (in seconds) to control the launcher's movements. For example, to move the launcher to the right for 2 seconds, use the command r 2. To fire a T-Shirt, use the command f.

The launcher's current state is displayed as a prompt, indicating the availability of movement options. For example, if the launcher is capable of moving left and right, the prompt will show L R as options.

Handling Limits:

The T-Shirt launcher has certain limits in its movement range. The program detects these limits and handles them appropriately. The limits and their respective time limits are as follows:

  • RIGHT_LIMIT: The launcher has reached the rightmost limit. The maximum time to move from right to left is approximately 26 seconds.
  • LEFT_LIMIT: The launcher has reached the leftmost limit. The maximum time to move from left to right is approximately 26 seconds.
  • UP_LIMIT: The launcher has reached the uppermost limit. The maximum time to move from up to down is approximately 4 seconds.
  • DOWN_LIMIT: The launcher has reached the lowermost limit. The maximum time to move from down to up is approximately 4 seconds.
  • FIRE_COMPLETED: A previous fire command has been completed.

When any of these limits are reached, the program takes the following actions:

  • If the launcher is commanded to move in a direction that corresponds to a limit, the program sends a STOP command to halt the movement.
  • If a fire command has been completed (FIRE_COMPLETED is True), the program waits for 1 second and sends a STOP command to reset the launcher.

Example usage:

L R U D F>> r 26
Sending command r
... (launcher moves to the right for approximately 26 seconds)
All the way right. Sending STOP

To quit the program, enter quit.


If you encounter any issues with the USB device, try detaching the kernel driver before using the launcher:


Setting Breakpoints in Visual Studio Code

To debug using Visual Studio Code:

Setup Visual Studio Code with Poetry

  • Open the project folder in Visual Studio Code.
  • Ensure the Python extension is installed.
  • Configure the Python interpreter to use the virtual environment created by Poetry:
    • Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and type "Python: Select Interpreter".
    • Choose the interpreter that corresponds to your project's Poetry environment.

Setting Breakpoints

  • Open in Visual Studio Code.
  • Click on the left margin next to the line number where you want to set a breakpoint.

Running the Script with Debugging

  • Go to the "Run" panel in Visual Studio Code.
  • Click on "Start Debugging" (or press F5) to start the script with the debugger attached.
  • The execution will pause when it hits the breakpoint, allowing you to inspect variables and step through the code.

Running Automated Tests

Automated Tests Overview

Automated tests are essential for ensuring the quality and reliability of our application. They cover unit tests, integration tests, and system tests, each designed to validate different aspects of the system. Follow the instructions below to run these tests.


  • Ensure poetry is installed and properly set up on your system.

Running the Tests

  1. Navigate to the Project Root: Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of the project.

  2. Run the test:

    poetry run pytest

    Alternatively, if the tests are categorized or you want to run a specific set, you can specify the path:

After running the tests, observe the output in the terminal for the results, including passed, failed, and possibly skipped tests. For detailed results, most test runners offer options to generate reports in various formats.

Run a Specific Test: Use pytest to run a specific test file or even a single test case within a file. Here's the general structure:

poetry run pytest tests/path/to/

Replace path/to/ with the relative path to the test file you want to run. Replace the test_class_name with the specific test class name you want to run. Replace test_function_name with the specific test function you want to execute. If you want to run all tests in a file, just omit ``::test_function_name`.

For example, to run a test named test_load_and_encode_faces under the class TestFaceDetector in a file located at tests/, you would use:

poetry run pytest tests/

Running Acceptance Tests

Acceptance Tests Overview script is part of our quality assurance process. This script facilitates manual acceptance testing by guiding users through predefined test cases, ensuring that our application meets all requirements and works as expected in real-world scenarios when installed at the customer site.

Features of the Acceptance Test Runner

  • Input Validation: Ensures that test results are accurately recorded by accepting only specific inputs ('p', 'P', 'pass', 'Pass', 'PASS' for passing and similar variations for failing).
  • CSV Output: Results are logged into a CSV file, acceptance_tests_TIMESTAMP.csv, making it easy to review and parse test outcomes.
  • Checksum for Integrity: A SHA256 checksum is generated for the CSV log and saved in a separate file, acceptance_tests_checksum_TIMESTAMP.txt, ensuring the integrity of the test results.
  • Unique Timestamps: Each test session's results are stored in uniquely named files, preventing overwriting and making each test run distinguishable.

Running the Acceptance Tests

  1. Activate the Virtual Environment: Ensure Poetry's virtual environment is activated to access all dependencies:

    poetry shell

    Execute the Script:

    Navigate to the acceptance_test directory and run:


Adding or Modifying Test Cases

To maintain and update the acceptance tests as your application evolves, you can directly modify the test_cases list in the script. Here's how:

Editing the test_cases List

  1. Find the test_cases List: Open the script and locate the test_cases list. It starts with an opening square bracket [ and ends with a closing square bracket ].

  2. Adding a New Test Case: Directly add a new dictionary to the test_cases list for each new test case. Ensure each dictionary contains the 'name', 'instructions', and 'expected_result' keys.


    test_cases = [
         "name": "Face Detection Accuracy",
         "instructions": (
             "Present various images to the system with different lighting, "
             "distances, and orientations. Verify the system accurately detects "
             "faces in each image."
         "expected_result": (
             "The system should detect faces in at least 95% of the cases across "
             "all conditions."


test_cases = [
        "name": "Face Detection Accuracy",
        "instructions": (
            "Present various images to the system with different lighting, "
            "distances, and orientations. Verify the system accurately detects "
            "faces in each image."
        "expected_result": (
            "The system should detect faces in at least 95% of the cases across "
            "all conditions."
      "name": "New Test Case",
      "instructions": "Instructions for the new test case.",
      "expected_result": "Expected outcome or behavior for the new test case."
      # Add more test cases as needed


For flake8 to pass ensure that each line is less than 120 characters. You can do that by enclosing your string using ( and ).

  1. Removing an Existing Test Case:

To remove a test case, simply delete the entire dictionary entry for that test case from the test_cases list.

Before Deletion:

test_cases = [
{ ... }, # Some test case
"name": "Obsolete Test Case",
"instructions": "Old instructions.",
"expected_result": "Old expected result."
{ ... } # Other test cases

After Deletion:

test_cases = [
{ ... }, # Some test case
# The obsolete test case has been removed
{ ... } # Other test cases

Best Practices:

  • Clear and Descriptive: Make sure each test case is clearly described with explicit instructions and expected results.
  • Validation: After editing, ensure the script still runs without syntax errors. This might include checking for missing commas, brackets, or quotation marks.
  • Documentation: Document any changes made to the test cases via commit messages, including why a test was added or removed, to maintain a clear history of the test suite evolution.

Continuous Deployment Workflow Update

Continuous Deployment Workflow (cd.yml) Overview

Introduction to cd.yml

The cd.yml file is a dedicated GitHub Actions workflow for continuous deployment (CD) of our Python-based projects. This workflow is designed to automate the deployment process, ensuring that every change pushed to our repository is smoothly and reliably deployed to our production environment or any other specified targets.

Key Features

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Runs on both Linux and Windows runners, adapting the commands and environment based on the operating system.
  • Python Version Verification: Ensures that the specified version of Python is installed and available on the runner.
  • Global Poetry Installation: Uses pip to install Poetry globally, making it accessible to all users, including those running services.
  • Conditional Service Management:
    • Linux: Configures and manages a systemd service for the application.
    • Windows: Sets up a corresponding Windows service.

Workflow Structure

The workflow is structured into several key steps, each responsible for a part of the deployment process:

  1. Setup: Initializes the runner environment, checks out the code from the repository, and sets up Python.
  2. Install Poetry: Uses pip to install a specific version of Poetry globally. This ensures that our dependency management tool is consistently available across all environments and users.
  3. Install Dependencies and Run Tests: Installs the necessary dependencies using Poetry and runs any tests to verify the build's integrity.
  4. Service Setup:
    • On Linux, it updates or creates a systemd service tailored to our application.
    • On Windows, it sets up a service using native Windows commands, ensuring the application starts on boot and runs as expected.

Usage and Execution

  • Pre-Requisites
    • Installing PowerShell Core on Windows

      1. Overview

        PowerShell Core (pwsh) is a cross-platform automation tool and shell developed by Microsoft. It's required for running certain scripts and tasks in our projects, including the cd.yml GitHub Actions workflow. Below are the instructions for installing PowerShell Core on Windows systems.

      2. Installation Methods

        You have several options for installing PowerShell Core on Windows:

        1. Using the Official Installer (Recommended)

          • Download: Go to the PowerShell GitHub releases page and download the latest stable .msi file for Windows.
          • Install: Run the downloaded installer and follow the prompts to complete the installation.
        2. Via Windows Package Manager (winget)

          • Command: Open a command prompt or PowerShell window and run:
          winget install --id Microsoft.Powershell --source winget
    • Ensure Python and pip are installed on your runners.

    • Your self-hosted runners should have appropriate permissions for global installations and service management.

  • Triggering the Workflow
    • The workflow is designed to be triggered on specific GitHub events, such as pushing to a branch or manually via workflow dispatch.
  • Monitoring and Logs
    • Progress, logs, and outcomes can be monitored directly through the GitHub Actions tab, providing transparency and immediate feedback on the deployment process.

Enhancements and Global Installation of Poetry

With the latest enhancements, the cd.yml file now includes steps to install Poetry globally using pip. This approach was chosen to ensure that Poetry is readily available for any user on the system, including non-interactive service accounts, thus facilitating smoother deployments and service management.

  • Global Accessibility: Poetry is installed in a system-wide location, making it available to all users.
  • Version Control: The workflow specifies the exact version of Poetry to install, allowing for consistent behavior across different environments and runs.

Future Work and Contributions

The cd.yml is an evolving piece of our CI/CD pipeline. We welcome contributions, suggestions, and feedback to enhance its functionality and robustness. Whether it's adding more tests, refining the deployment strategy, or updating tooling versions, your input is valuable.

Security Measures for Self-Hosted Runners

Our project uses self-hosted runners for GitHub Actions to provide a customized and efficient CI/CD pipeline. However, self-hosted runners can introduce security risks, especially when used with public repositories. To mitigate these risks and ensure the security of our infrastructure, we have implemented several security measures and configurations as recommended by GitHub's documentation.

1. Restricting Runner to Private Repositories

As per GitHub's recommendation, we use self-hosted runners exclusively with private repositories. This precaution is critical because forks of public repositories can potentially execute dangerous code on our runner machine by creating a pull request that includes malicious code.

2. Hardening Self-Hosted Runners

Following the security hardening guidelines for self-hosted runners, we have implemented several best practices, including:

  • Isolating Runners: Ensuring the runner is isolated from sensitive host system resources and other networks.
  • Regular Updates: Keeping the runner and its host system regularly updated with the latest security patches.
  • Access Control: Strictly controlling access to the self-hosted runner and its host system.

3. Repository Configuration

To further enhance security, we've configured the repository to restrict which actions can run on our self-hosted runners and who can approve these runs.

As outlined in the managing GitHub Actions settings for a repository GHA settings , we have:

  • Limited Workflow Runs: Configured the repository to prevent GitHub Actions from creating or approving pull requests unless they are from trusted users.
  • Scoped Permissions: Ensured that the self-hosted runners are used only by this repository and will not run any workflow that is outside of this repository. See Changed GitHub Actions repository permissions.

4. Monitoring and Auditing

Continuous monitoring and periodic auditing are vital to maintaining the security of our CI/CD pipeline. I turn off the self-hosted runner most of the time and do checks the logs and monitors the activity of my self-hosted runners to detect and respond to any unusual or unauthorized activity promptly.

Self-Hosted Runners Security Concerns Conclusion

By implementing these security measures, we aim to maintain a robust and secure CI/CD pipeline using self-hosted runners while minimizing the risk to our infrastructure and sensitive data. We continuously evaluate and update our security practices to adhere to the latest recommendations and best practices.

Setting Up OpenTelemetry Metrics

Open-Telemetry Pre-requisites

Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • An account with Grafana Cloud or a similar platform that supports OTLP (OpenTelemetry Protocol).
  • The application's latest dependencies installed, including OpenTelemetry packages.

Open-Telemetry Configuration

  1. Environment Variables: Copy the .env.example to a new file named .env and fill in the Grafana Cloud OTLP credentials:

    • GRAFANA_OTLP_USERNAME: Your Grafana Cloud instance ID.
    • GRAFANA_OTLP_API_ENCODED_TOKEN: Your Grafana Cloud API token, base64 encoded.
    • GRAFANA_OTLP_ENDPOINT: Your Grafana Cloud OTLP gateway endpoint.
    • OTEL_PYTHON_LOG_CORRELATION: Set to "true" to enable log correlation.
  2. Validating the Configuration: Ensure that the environment variables are correctly set up by starting the application and point your camera to a known face. Once a face is detected it should start sending the metrics to grafana cloud within 10 seconds. Check for any Status.UNAVAILABLE errors related to OpenTelemetry.

Testing Metrics Collection

  1. Running the Application: Start the application with the necessary flags. If OpenTelemetry is correctly configured, it will start collecting and sending metrics to the specified endpoint.

  2. Viewing Metrics:

    • Navigate to your Grafana dashboard and explore the metrics under the explore tab.
    • Look for metrics named faces_detected, launch_count, or other application-specific metrics as configured in the OTel decorators.

Verifying Metrics in Grafana

After running the application and generating some data, you should see metrics appearing in your Grafana dashboard. Verify that the metrics make sense and reflect the application's operations accurately. Look for any discrepancies or unexpected behavior in metric reporting.

Testing Traces

Tracing Functions

To trace a function, decorate it with the @otel_handler.trace decorator:

def your_function_to_trace(arg1, arg2):
    # Your function logic

Viewing Traces in Grafana Cloud

After integrating enhanced tracing capabilities into your application using OpenTelemetry, you can visualize and analyze the traces in Grafana Cloud. Here's how to view the traces:

Tracing Prerequisites
  • Ensure that your application is configured to send traces to Grafana Cloud's OTLP endpoint. This typically involves setting the correct endpoint, API token, and other necessary configuration in your application's OpenTelemetry setup.
  • Have access to a Grafana Cloud account where the traces are sent. Ensure you have the appropriate permissions to view and manage traces.
Viewing Traces
  1. Log in to Grafana Cloud: Navigate to your Grafana Cloud instance and log in with your credentials.

  2. Navigate to the Traces Section:

    • Once logged in, look for the "Explore" section in the left-hand menu.
    • Within "Explore", you should see an option for "Traces" or "Tempo" (Grafana's tracing backend), depending on your Grafana Cloud setup.
  3. Selecting Data Source:

    • If prompted, select the appropriate data source that corresponds to where your application sends its traces. This is typically the OTLP endpoint you configured in your application.
  4. Exploring Traces:

    • View Trace List: You will see a list of recent traces. Each trace typically represents a request or transaction in your application.
    • Filtering and Searching: Use available filters or search functionalities to find specific traces. You can filter by service, operation, duration, and other trace attributes.
    • Trace Details: Click on a specific trace to view its detailed information, including spans, attributes, and any logs or errors captured.
  5. Understanding Trace Details:

    • Spans: Each trace consists of multiple spans. Each span represents a unit of work in your application, like a function call or a database query.
    • Attributes: Look at the attributes to understand more about each span, including function arguments, return values, and error messages.
    • Visualization: Spans are typically visualized in a waterfall diagram showing the parent-child relationships and the time each span took.

Tips for Effective Trace Analysis

  • Correlate Logs and Metrics: If possible, correlate trace data with logs and metrics to get a comprehensive view of the application behavior.
  • Use Trace ID: If you need to correlate a trace with logs or other data, use the trace ID as a reference.
  • Regular Review: Regularly review trace data to understand typical application behavior and identify areas for performance improvement or error correction.

Viewing Logs in Grafana Cloud

  • Viewing Logs: Check the application logs as per the configured logger settings on the command-line. They provide detailed insights and are essential for debugging and monitoring. Once configured you can view them by going to Explore->Loki in Grafana Dashboards
  • Configuring Logger: Customize the logger settings such as level and format by modifying the logging configuration as needed.

Environment Variables

Ensure the OTEL_PYTHON_LOG_CORRELATION is set to true for enabling log correlation:

Additional Resources


This code is based on the original source available at


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.