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This page lists various resources to help you with Haskell. Resources marked with [$$] require payment.
If you are new to Haskell and are not sure where to start from, we recommend CIS194. CIS194 is the introductory Haskell course of the University of Pennsylvania; it is free, thorough, practical and will guide you from the basics to advanced features of the language.
- Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!
- Real World Haskell
- Learn Haskell by building a blog generator
- [$$] Haskell from the Very Beginning
- [$$] Haskell Programming from first principles
- [$$] Thinking Functionally with Haskell
- [$$] Programming in Haskell
- [$$] Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming
- [$$] The Haskell School of Music
- [$$] Get Programming with Haskell
- [$$] Effective Haskell
- [$$] Haskell: Uma introdução à programação funcional (PT-BR)
- [$$] Learn Physics with Functional Programming: A Hands-on Guide to Exploring Physics with Haskell
- [$$] Learn Haskell by Example
- Developing Web Applications with Haskell and Yesod
- Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell
- [$$] Functional Design and Architecture
- [$$] Haskell in Depth
- [$$] Practical Haskell
- [$$] Production Haskell
Course material created by instructors
- Well-Typed's Introduction to Haskell
- University of Pennsylvania's CIS 194
- Data61 (NICTA) Functional Programming Course
- Stanford's cs240h
- Hendrix's CSCI 360
- University of Helsinki's Haskell MOOC
- University of Nottingham's introductory Haskell course
- University of Nottingham's advanced Haskell course
Short, dense, classic ways to hit the ground running
- A Gentle Introduction to Haskell
- Happy Learn Haskell Tutorial
- Yet Another Haskell Tutorial
- Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours
- Write Yourself a Scheme 2.0
- Learning Haskell
- Haskell Beginners Course 2022
Curated resources put together by Haskellers:
- The Haskell Wiki
- The Haskell Wikibook
- FP Complete's School of Haskell
- Stephen Diehl's What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell
- Chris Allen's List of Learning Haskell Resources
- Bob Ippolito's Getting Started with Haskell
- Albert Y.C. Lai's Haskell Notes and Examples
- Learning Haskell Resources on the Haskell Wiki
Manuals and guides that cover common Haskell tooling:
- GHC User's Guide
- Cabal Homepage And Quick Links
- Cabal User Guide
- Haskell Language Server
- Stack User Guide
- Haddock User Guide
- Haskeleton: A Haskell Project Skeleton
- How to Write a Haskell Program
The Cabal guide is a good start but there's a lot to learn:
- Stephen Diehl's Cabal Quickstart
- The Storage and Interpretation of Cabal Packages
- The Cabal of Cabal
Documentation for Haskell libraries is typically available on Hackage. We also have specialized tools for searching across it, not only by name, but by type.
- Hoogle API Search
- Hackage
- Stackage (with API Search)
- The Typeclassopedia
- Haddocks for Libraries included with GHC
The Haskell 2010 language report is available online as HTML and as PDF. The source is available on GitHub. The differences between GHC and the report can be found in the GHC User's Guide.