Write your Dangerfiles in Swift 4+.
Latest version requires Swift 4.2
- If you are using Swift 4.1 use v0.4.1
- If you are using Swift 4.0, Use v0.3.6
Because this project recommends homebrew right now, this only works with the most recent version of danger-swift. Ideally we'll document how to use swiftpm to version danger correctly.
You can make a Dangerfile that looks through PR metadata, it's fully typed.
import Danger
let danger = Danger()
let allSourceFiles = danger.git.modifiedFiles + danger.git.createdFiles
let changelogChanged = allSourceFiles.contains("CHANGELOG.md")
let sourceChanges = allSourceFiles.first(where: { $0.hasPrefix("Sources") })
if !changelogChanged && sourceChanges != nil {
warn("No CHANGELOG entry added.")
// You can use these functions to send feedback:
message("Highlight something in the table")
warn("Something pretty bad, but not important enough to fail the build")
fail("Something that must be changed")
markdown("Free-form markdown that goes under the table, so you can do whatever.")
Using Danger in Swift
- Install Danger Swift:
brew install danger/tap/danger-swift
. - Edit the dangerfile:
danger-swift edit
This will make a Dangerfile.swift
for you. then pop up a temporary
Xcode project set up for editing a Swift Dangerfile.
Full documentation is available here.
danger-swift ci
- Use this on CIdanger-swift pr https://github.com/Moya/Harvey/pull/23
- Use this to build your Dangerfiledanger-swift local
- Use this to run danger against your local changes from masterdanger-swift edit
- Creates a temporary Xcode project for working on a Dangerfile
Infrastructure exists to support plugins, which can help you avoid repeating
the same Danger rules across separate repos. By suffixing package: [url]
to an
import, you can directly import Swift PM package as a dependency(through
For example, a plugin could be used by the following.
// Dangerfile.swift
import DangerPlugin // package: https://github.com/username/DangerPlugin.git
And could be implemented with the following in that repo.
// DangerPlugin.swift
import Danger
public struct DangerPlugin {
static let danger = Danger()
public static func doYourThing() {
// Code goes here
You can see an example danger-swift plugin.
For a Mac:
# Install danger-swift, and a bundled danger-js locally
brew install danger/tap/danger-swift
# Run danger
danger-swift ci
For Linux:
# Install danger-swift
git clone https://github.com/danger/danger-swift.git
cd danger-swift
make install
# Install danger-js
npm install -g danger
# Run danger
danger-swift ci
With Docker support ready for GitHub Actions.
- Roadmap to 1.0
- Look into the
Class SwiftObject is implemented in both [x], [y]
runtime error, probably this
This project takes its ideas from how the Swift Package Manager handles package manifests. You can get the long story here, but the TLDR is that there is a runner project which compiles and executes a runtime lib which exports its data out into JSON when the libs process is over.
So this project will export a lib libDanger
and a CLI tool danger-swift
which is the runner. danger-swift
handles turning the Danger DSL JSON message from DangerJS and passing that into the eval'd Dangerfile.swift
. When that process is finished it's expected that the Swift Danger
object would post the results into a place where they can easily be passed back to DangerJS.
You need to be using Xcode 10.
git clone https://github.com/danger/danger-swift.git
cd danger-swift
swift build
swift package generate-xcodeproj
open Danger.xcodeproj
Then I tend to run danger-swift
using swift run
swift run danger-swift pr https://github.com/danger/swift/pull/95
If you want to emulate how DangerJS's process
will work entirely, then use:
swift build && cat Fixtures/eidolon_609.json | ./.build/debug/danger-swift
Run make deploy NEW_VERSION=$VERSION
on master
e.g. make deploy NEW_VERSION=1.0.0
I, orta, only plan on bootstrapping this project, as I won't be using this in production. I'm happy to help support others who want to own this idea and really make it shine though! So if you're interested in helping out, make a few PRs and I'll give you org access.