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Test and release Ansible Quality Score Ansible Role GitHub release License

Ansible role to install Homebrew on Linux.


Run tests with a supported Docker image, for example with bionic:

make bionic
Release Docker image Ansible
Debian 10 debian-buster <2.12,>=2.9.22
Debian 11 debian-bullseye >=2.9.22
Fedora 37 fedora-37 >=2.9.22
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ubuntu-bionic <2.12,>=2.9.22
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS ubuntu-focal >=2.9.22
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS ubuntu-jammy >=2.9.22

If you want to add a new distribution or release version, please create a Docker image for it under the tests/ directory and make sure the existing tests work.

I'm developing this role currently in a black box using the Docker images included in the repository and not running it on live environments.


By default, the role uses Ansible to clone the Homebrew Git repository and create all relevant directories.

To use the official Homebrew installer script instead, you need to enable this in the Ansible configuration:

linuxbrew_use_installer: true

The installer seems to be faster than the default Ansible installation method.

Role Variables

Set linuxbrew_init_shell to false if you're for example managing your shell init files using your own .dotfiles repository.

# Configure shell rc files
linuxbrew_init_shell: true

Coding style

Install pre-commit hooks and validate coding style:

make lint

Run tests

Run tests in Ubuntu and Debian using Docker:

make test



I'm not actively using or maintaining this role, but welcome bug fixes and support for missing operating systems.


The installation is based on the official Homebrew installer script.

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