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MakeCode Multiplayer Project

This app allows users to play a MakeCode Arcade game together in online multiplayer.

First-time dev setup

This doc assumes you have a functioning pxt development environment. Refer here for setup instructions:


  1. In the pxt folder, run gulp build or gulp watch to ensure latest changes to pxtlib, react-common, and other dependencies are built.
  2. If you need authentication: In the pxt-arcade folder, run pxt serve --rebundle. This will serve the main Arcade webapp. This is required for sign-in to work on localhost.
  • This is because the app will try to read the auth token from the cli listening on localhost:3232.
  1. In another terminal, in the pxt-arcade folder, run pxt multiplayer --docs .. This will start the multiplayer app dev server.
  2. You're all set. Go forth and develop.

Localhost testing

To test Multiplayer locally:

  1. Ensure your pxt repo is up to date and has been built recently.
  2. In a command shell, in the pxt repo, cd into the multiplayer folder and start the multiplayer dev server: npm run start. This will not open a browser window.
  3. In another command shell, in the pxt-arcade repo, start the Arcade dev server: pxt serve --rebundle. This will open the Arcade webapp in a browser.

Requests to the /--multiplayer endpoint will be routed to the multiplayer dev server.

Debug and step through Multiplayer client code using the browser dev tools (F12 to open).

Committing changes

Prior to committing code changes, run npm run prettier to ensure a measure of stylistic consistency. It is fine to include unrelated changes prettier makes elsewhere in the codebase when you run it.

Prettier VSCode plugin:

Guidance for UI Controls

All UI controls (Buttons, Labels, Checkboxes) should be sourced from the react-common project in this repo.

Guidance for UI Layout

This project uses Tailwind CSS for all layout and ad-hoc styling (flexbox, margins, paddings, etc). There should be no need to create custom one-off CSS classes for individual divs. If you find you're duplicating the same Tailwind composition over and over, guidance is to extract it to a component. If that isn't viable, it can be moved to a CSS class using @apply:

The Tailwind docs will be your good friend:

The Tailwind CSS IntelliSense VSCode plugin is also very handy:

Misc Notes

  • The app will hot-reload as you make code changes. Pretty neat!
  • If your css changes aren't appearing, or styles look broken, run pxt buildcss in the pxt-arcade folder and it should refresh.
  • Dependencies shared with react-common are sourced from the root node_modules folder, and are therefore not specified as production dependencies in this project's package.json. This is to avoid multiple instances of stateful libraries getting loaded (react and react-dom, namely).
    • This is accomplished using a workaround supplied by the react-app-alias-ex package.