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OpenFaaS Pro SQS Connector

The SQS connector can be used to invoke functions from an AWS SQS queue.


  • Purchase a license

    You will need an OpenFaaS License

    Contact us to find out more

  • Install OpenFaaS

    You must have a working OpenFaaS installed.

Configure your secrets

  • Create the required secret with your OpenFaaS Pro license code:
$ kubectl create secret generic \
    -n openfaas \
    openfaas-license \
    --from-file license=$HOME/.openfaas/LICENSE
  • If not using AWS ambient credentials, create a secret:
$ kubectl create secret generic -n openfaas \
  aws-sqs-credentials --from-file aws-sqs-credentials=$HOME/sqs-credentials.txt

Configure values.yaml

replicas: 1

queueURL: "https://"

# Set to empty string if using AWS ambient credentials
awsCredentialsSecret: aws-sqs-credentials

# Set the region
awsDefaultRegion: eu-west-1

# Maximum time to keep message hidden from other processors whilst
# executing function
visibilityTimeout: 30s

# Time to wait between polling SQS queue for messages.
waitTime: 20s

# Maximum messages to fetch at once - between 1-10
maxMessages: 1

Install the chart

  • Add the OpenFaaS chart repo and deploy the sqs-connector Pro chart. We recommend installing it in the same namespace as the rest of OpenFaaS
$ helm repo add openfaas
$ helm repo update && \
  helm upgrade sqs-connector openfaas/sqs-connector \
    --install \
    --namespace openfaas

The above command will also update your helm repo to pull in any new releases.

Install an additional SQS connector

To install an additional connector, you will need a different copy of values.yaml with the queueURL you want to use, and a reference to either the same, or a different secret for the AWS credentials. The default secret name is aws-sqs-credentials.

Now, make sure you add a new "release name" to the additional SQS connector, you could use the queue name or another memorable string.

If your queue name was s3-events you could use: sqs-connector-s3-events.

You may also want to save your values.yaml file with a similar name like values-s3-events.yaml.

$ helm repo add openfaas
$ helm repo update && \
  helm upgrade sqs-connector-s3-events openfaas/sqs-connector \
    --install \
    --namespace openfaas \
    -f values-s3-events.yaml

This will install another copy of the SQS connector and you'll be able to see it via kubectl get deployments -n openfaas.

Install a development version

$ helm upgrade sqs-connector ./chart/sqs-connector \
    --install \
    --namespace openfaas
    -f ./values.yaml

HTTP Headers

Your function will receive these headers:

  • X-SQS-Message-ID - the ID of the message being processed.
  • X-SQS-Queue-URL - the URL of the queue.
  • Content-Type - if configured for the controller.


Additional sqs-connector options in values.yaml.

Parameter Description Default
asyncInvocation For long running or slow functions, offload to asychronous function invocations and carry on processing the stream false
upstreamTimeout Maximum timeout for upstream function call, must be a Go formatted duration string. 2m
rebuildInterval Interval for rebuilding function to topic map, must be a Go formatted duration string. 30s
gatewayURL The URL for the API gateway. http://gateway.openfaas:8080
printResponse Output the response of calling a function in the logs. true
printResponseBody Output to the logs the response body when calling a function. false
printRequestBody Output to the logs the request body when calling a function. false
fullnameOverride Override the name value used for the Connector Deployment object. ``
contentType Set a HTTP Content Type during function invocation. ""
resources Resources requests and limits configuration requests.memory: "64Mi"
logs.debug Print debug logs false
logs.format The log encoding format. Supported values: json or console console

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. See values.yaml for the default configuration.

Removing the sqs-connector

All control plane components can be cleaned up with helm:

$ helm uninstall -n openfaas sqs-connector