The SQS connector can be used to invoke functions from an AWS SQS queue.
Purchase a license
You will need an OpenFaaS License
Contact us to find out more
Install OpenFaaS
You must have a working OpenFaaS installed.
- Create the required secret with your OpenFaaS Pro license code:
$ kubectl create secret generic \
-n openfaas \
openfaas-license \
--from-file license=$HOME/.openfaas/LICENSE
- If not using AWS ambient credentials, create a secret:
$ kubectl create secret generic -n openfaas \
aws-sqs-credentials --from-file aws-sqs-credentials=$HOME/sqs-credentials.txt
replicas: 1
queueURL: "https://"
# Set to empty string if using AWS ambient credentials
awsCredentialsSecret: aws-sqs-credentials
# Set the region
awsDefaultRegion: eu-west-1
# Maximum time to keep message hidden from other processors whilst
# executing function
visibilityTimeout: 30s
# Time to wait between polling SQS queue for messages.
waitTime: 20s
# Maximum messages to fetch at once - between 1-10
maxMessages: 1
- Add the OpenFaaS chart repo and deploy the
Pro chart. We recommend installing it in the same namespace as the rest of OpenFaaS
$ helm repo add openfaas
$ helm repo update && \
helm upgrade sqs-connector openfaas/sqs-connector \
--install \
--namespace openfaas
The above command will also update your helm repo to pull in any new releases.
To install an additional connector, you will need a different copy of values.yaml with the queueURL you want to use, and a reference to either the same, or a different secret for the AWS credentials. The default secret name is aws-sqs-credentials
Now, make sure you add a new "release name" to the additional SQS connector, you could use the queue name or another memorable string.
If your queue name was s3-events
you could use: sqs-connector-s3-events
You may also want to save your values.yaml file with a similar name like values-s3-events.yaml
$ helm repo add openfaas
$ helm repo update && \
helm upgrade sqs-connector-s3-events openfaas/sqs-connector \
--install \
--namespace openfaas \
-f values-s3-events.yaml
This will install another copy of the SQS connector and you'll be able to see it via kubectl get deployments -n openfaas
$ helm upgrade sqs-connector ./chart/sqs-connector \
--install \
--namespace openfaas
-f ./values.yaml
Your function will receive these headers:
- the ID of the message being processed.X-SQS-Queue-URL
- the URL of the queue.Content-Type
- if configured for the controller.
Additional sqs-connector options in values.yaml
Parameter | Description | Default |
asyncInvocation |
For long running or slow functions, offload to asychronous function invocations and carry on processing the stream | false |
upstreamTimeout |
Maximum timeout for upstream function call, must be a Go formatted duration string. | 2m |
rebuildInterval |
Interval for rebuilding function to topic map, must be a Go formatted duration string. | 30s |
gatewayURL |
The URL for the API gateway. | http://gateway.openfaas:8080 |
printResponse |
Output the response of calling a function in the logs. | true |
printResponseBody |
Output to the logs the response body when calling a function. | false |
printRequestBody |
Output to the logs the request body when calling a function. | false |
fullnameOverride |
Override the name value used for the Connector Deployment object. | `` |
contentType |
Set a HTTP Content Type during function invocation. | "" |
resources |
Resources requests and limits configuration | requests.memory: "64Mi" |
logs.debug |
Print debug logs | false |
logs.format |
The log encoding format. Supported values: json or console |
console |
Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value]
argument to helm install
. See values.yaml
for the default configuration.
All control plane components can be cleaned up with helm:
$ helm uninstall -n openfaas sqs-connector