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Justin Bento Justin-Bento
Website Developer with 3 years of experience, focusing on creating accessible webpages.

Toronto, Ontario

Maxim Madan ecmasx
• All in for open source code • Fan of Unix systems • Currently deep-diving into Shopify

Chisinau, Moldova

Navid navidfalah
The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally world

Hanz HanzPo
incoming swe intern @ shopify | code annotation @ cohere | cs @ uwaterloo

shopify waterloo

Ana anarotaras

San Francisco

Anton patepelo
Data Science Python Developer with background in Mechanical Engineering and a special interest for maps 🌎

Barcelona, Spain

Bill Nguyen ducxinh
CTO at Kozocom Vietnam

Kozocom Danang, Vietnam

Rohit Kushvaha RohitKushvaha01

Xed-Editor India, Madhya Pradesh

Jesús Jiménez lozano sins921
por favor alguien que me explique

apichi gadalajara

Nassim n4ss1m
Full Stack Web Developer

Piteur Studio Algeria , Blida

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Cristian O. Balan oviliz
For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. - Galatians 6:3

Shell Energy Retail Limited (SERL) UK

Developer & Researcher


Kyle Harrison apoclyps
Programmer & Geeky Dad

@slicelife Belfast

Bao Hua BaoHP
I’m Pter, I'm ready to take a next step of my career. Now contribute more and grow.

Hồ Chí Minh City

Alexandre Ferraz aferraz1
Advogado atuante na área de direito empresarial, tributário, societário, contratos, propriedade intelectual e um entusiasta de tecnologia.

Advogado Brasília/DF

byte.dong joy12825

bytejoin Shanghai Yangpu China.