This directory contains configuration files for control-plane
and piped
for Quickstart Guide.
- create namespace
kubectl create namespace pipecd
- deploy Control Plane to the namespace: pipecd
kubectl apply -n pipecd -f ./manifests/control-plane.yaml
create piped on the Web UI
overwrite some values in quickstart/manifests/piped.yaml
placeholder | description |
<YOUR_PIPED_ID> | piped id |
<YOUR_PIPED_KEY> | base64-encoded piped key |
- deploy piped to the namespace: pipecd
kubectl apply -n pipecd -f ./manifests/piped.yaml
About the Manifests
The manifests directory contains raw Kubernetes manifests files. The 2 files are built using helm template
For control-plane.yaml
$ helm template pipecd oci:// --version v0.48.6 -n pipecd -f quickstart/control-plane-values.yaml
For piped.yaml
$ helm template piped oci:// --version v0.48.6 -n pipecd --set quickstart.enabled=true --set quickstart.pipedId=\<YOUR_PIPED_ID\> --set quickstart.pipedKeyData=\<YOUR_PIPED_KEY_DATA\>