TermL ("term-ell") is the Term Language, a small expression-based language for representing arbitrary data in a simple structured format. It is ideal for expressing abstract syntax trees (ASTs) and other kinds of primitive data trees.
>>> from terml.nodes import termMaker as t >>> t.Term() term('Term')
That's it! We've created an empty term, Term, with nothing inside.
>>> t.Num(1) term('Num(1)') >>> t.Outer(t.Inner()) term('Outer(Inner)')
We can see that terms are not just namedtuple lookalikes. They have their own internals and store data in a slightly different and more structured way than a normal tuple.
Parsley can parse terms from streams. Terms can contain any kind of parseable data, including other terms. Returning to the ubiquitous calculator example:
add = Add(:x, :y) -> x + y
Here this rule matches a term called Add which has two components, bind those components to a couple of names (x and y), and return their sum. If this rule were applied to a term like Add(3, 5), it would return 8.
Terms can be nested, too. Here's an example that performs a slightly contrived match on a negated term inside an addition:
add_negate = Add(:x, Negate(:y)) -> x - y