This tutorial assumes basic knowledge of writing Twisted TCP clients or servers.
Parsing data that comes in over the network can be difficult due to that there is no guarantee of receiving whole messages. Buffering is often complicated by protocols switching between using fixed-width messages and delimiters for framing. Fortunately, Parsley can remove all of this tedium.
With :func:`parsley.makeProtocol`, Parsley can generate a Twisted IProtocol-implementing class which will match incoming network data using Parsley grammar rules. Before getting started with :func:`.makeProtocol`, let's build a grammar for netstrings. The netstrings protocol is very simple:
This stream contains two netstrings: spam
, and eggs
. The data is
prefixed with one or more ASCII digits followed by a :
, and suffixed with a
. So, a Parsley grammar to match a netstring would look like:
.. literalinclude:: _static/listings/ :start-after: grammar = :end-before: receiveNetstring
:func:`.makeProtocol` takes, in addition to a grammar, a factory for a "sender" and a factory for a "receiver". In the system of objects managed by the :class:`.ParserProtocol`, the sender is in charge of writing data to the wire, and the receiver has methods called on it by the Parsley rules. To demonstrate it, here is the final piece needed in the Parsley grammar for netstrings:
.. literalinclude:: _static/listings/ :start-after: netstring = :end-before: """
The receiver is always available in Parsley rules with the name receiver
allowing Parsley rules to call methods on it.
When data is received over the wire, the :class:`.ParserProtocol` tries to match the received data against the current rule. If the current rule requires more data to finish matching, the :class:`.ParserProtocol` stops and waits until more data comes in, then tries to continue matching. This repeats until the current rule is completely matched, and then the :class:`.ParserProtocol` starts matching any leftover data against the current rule again.
One specifies the current rule by setting a :attr:`.currentRule` attribute on the receiver, which the :class:`.ParserProtocol` looks at before doing any parsing. Changing the current rule is addressed in the :ref:`Switching rules <switching-rules>` section.
Since the :class:`.ParserProtocol` will never modify the :attr:`.currentRule` attribute itself, the default behavior is to keep using the same rule. Parsing netstrings doesn't require any rule changing, so, the default behavior of continuing to use the same rule is fine.
Both the sender factory and receiver factory are constructed when the :class:`.ParserProtocol`'s connection is established. The sender factory is a one-argument callable which will be passed the :class:`.ParserProtocol`'s Transport. This allows the sender to send data over the transport. For example:
.. literalinclude:: _static/listings/ :pyobject: NetstringSender
The receiver factory is another one-argument callable which is passed the
constructed sender. The returned object must at least have
:meth:`.prepareParsing` and :meth:`.finishParsing` methods.
:meth:`.prepareParsing` is called with the :class:`.ParserProtocol` instance
when a connection is established (i.e. in the connectionMade
of the
:class:`.ParserProtocol`) and :meth:`.finishParsing` is called when a
connection is closed (i.e. in the connectionLost
of the
Both the receiver factory and its returned object's :meth:`.prepareParsing`
are called at in the :class:`.ParserProtocol`'s connectionMade
this separation is for ease of testing receivers.
To demonstrate a receiver, here is a simple receiver that receives netstrings and echos the same netstrings back:
.. literalinclude:: _static/listings/ :pyobject: NetstringReceiver
Putting it all together, the Protocol is constructed using the grammar, sender factory, and receiver factory:
.. literalinclude:: _static/listings/ :start-after: self.sender.sendNetstring :end-before: class
If an exception is raised from within Parsley during parsing, whether it's due to input not matching the current rule or an exception being raised from code the grammar calls, the connection will be immediately closed. The traceback will be captured as a Failure and passed to the :meth:`.finishParsing` method of the receiver.
At present, there is no way to recover from failure.
The design of senders and receivers is intentional to make composition easy: no subclassing is required. While the composition is easy enough to do on your own, Parsley provides a function: :func:`.stack`. It takes a base factory followed by zero or more wrappers.
Its use is extremely simple: stack(x, y, z)
will return a callable suitable
either as a sender or receiver factory which will, when called with an
argument, return x(y(z(argument)))
An example of wrapping a sender factory:
.. literalinclude:: _static/listings/ :pyobject: NetstringReversalWrapper
And then, constructing the Protocol:
NetstringProtocol = makeProtocol( grammar, stack(NetstringReversalWrapper, NetstringSender), NetstringReceiver)
A wrapper doesn't need to call the same methods on the thing it's wrapping. Also note that in most cases, it's important to forward unknown methods on to the wrapped object. An example of wrapping a receiver:
.. literalinclude:: _static/listings/ :pyobject: NetstringSplittingWrapper
The corresponding receiver and again, constructing the Protocol:
.. literalinclude:: _static/listings/ :pyobject: SplitNetstringReceiver
.. literalinclude:: _static/listings/ :start-after: begin protocol definition :end-before: SplitNetstringReceiver
As mentioned before, it's possible to change the current rule. Imagine a "netstrings2" protocol that looks like this:
That is, the protocol alternates between using :
and using ;
data length and the data. The amended grammar would look something like this:
.. literalinclude:: _static/listings/ :start-after: grammar = :end-before: """
Changing the current rule is as simple as changing the :attr:`.currentRule`
attribute on the receiver. So, the netstringReceived
method could look like
.. literalinclude:: _static/listings/ :pyobject: NetstringReceiver.netstringReceived
While changing the :attr:`.currentRule` attribute can be done at any time, the :class:`.ParserProtocol` only examines the :attr:`.currentRule` at the beginning of parsing and after a rule has finished matching. As a result, if the :attr:`.currentRule` changes, the :class:`.ParserProtocol` will wait until the current rule is completely matched before switching rules.