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Getting Started

Building RAIR is a snap! Follow these simple steps and you'll be up and running in no time.

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Clone the RAIR repository

First, get the source code

  • Clone the RAIR repo to your local environment.

Configure Environment Variables

Inside the repository root is a file called .env.sample. This template contains a list of values that are to be consumed during the build process:

  • Create a new file in the repositry root called .env

  • Copy and paste the contents of .env.sample into .env

Install Docker-compose

RAIR deploys each its services in a self-contained Docker image:

  • Docker-compose is required. It comes pre-packaged with Docker-Desktop, otherwise it must be installed manually.

Deploy RAIR

It's the moment of truth. From the repository root, run:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.local-new.yml up -d

Wait for the app to build. Keep an eye on the terminal for any errors.

Launch the App

Point the browser at the RAIRfrontend service (localhost:8088)

Complete the MVP Test Plan

We've compiled a list of post-installation checks here

RAIR dApp - Comprehensive Integrations Master List

1. Blockchain Infrastructure

Essential blockchain connectivity and interaction technologies

ID Name Type Description Importance Environment Variables
1.1 Ethers.js Library JavaScript library for Ethereum blockchain operations Core technology for contract calls, transactions, and wallet integration N/A (Library)
1.2 Alchemy SDK SDK Enhanced API access to multiple blockchain networks Provides reliable RPC capabilities and advanced blockchain data access ALCHEMY_API_KEY
1.3 Wagmi Hooks React hooks library for Ethereum Simplifies blockchain state management in the frontend UI N/A (Library)
1.4 Viem Library TypeScript interface for Ethereum interactions Alternative to Ethers.js for blockchain operations N/A (Library)
1.5 Web3Auth Auth Non-custodial wallet authentication Simplifies wallet onboarding with social logins Requires project setup in Web3Auth dashboard
1.6 Account Abstraction SDK Advanced wallet features by Alchemy Enables gasless transactions and smart contract wallets Uses ALCHEMY_API_KEY
1.7 @metamask/providers Library MetaMask integration Connects dApp to MetaMask wallet N/A (Library)
1.8 @walletconnect/sign-client Protocol Multi-wallet connector Provides broader wallet compatibility beyond MetaMask Requires WalletConnect project ID
1.9 @metamask/onboarding Library Guides users to install MetaMask Assists users in wallet setup N/A (Library)

2. Storage Solutions

Data storage across centralized and decentralized systems

ID Name Type Description Importance Environment Variables
2.1 MongoDB Database Primary persistent data store Stores user data, NFT metadata, and application state MONGO_URI, MONGO_URI_LOCAL, MONGO_DB_HOSTNAME, MONGO_DB_NAME
2.2 Redis Cache In-memory data store Handles session management and performance caching REDIS_HOST, REDIS_PORT
2.3 IPFS Decentralized Content-addressed storage Stores NFT media and provides decentralized file access IPFS_SERVICE, IPFS_GATEWAY, IPFS_API
2.4 Pinata Service IPFS pinning service Ensures IPFS content availability and persistence PINATA_KEY, PINATA_SECRET, PINATA_GATEWAY
2.5 GCP Storage Cloud Google Cloud Storage Stores media files, backups, and centralized content GCP_PROJECT_ID, GCP_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME, GCP_VIDEO_BUCKET_NAME, GCP_GATEWAY, GCP_CREDENTIALS
2.6 AWS S3 Cloud Amazon S3 object storage Alternative file storage and backup solution AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
2.7 Filebase Service S3-compatible decentralized storage Additional decentralized storage option FILEBASE_ACCESS_KEY, FILEBASE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, FILEBASE_BUCKET

3. Backend Services

Server-side components and utilities

ID Name Type Description Importance Environment Variables
3.1 Express Framework Web server and API framework Provides API endpoints, routing, and middleware infrastructure N/A (Framework)
3.2 Mongoose ODM MongoDB object modeling Handles database schema, validation, and operations Uses MongoDB variables
3.3 Socket.IO Realtime WebSocket communication Enables live updates, notifications, and event handling N/A (Library)
3.4 Agenda Scheduler Job scheduling for Node.js Manages background tasks and blockchain synchronization SYNC_CONTRACT_REPEAT_EVERY, SYNC_CONTRACT_TASK_INTERVAL
3.5 Winston Logging Structured logging utility Provides application logging and monitoring LOG_LEVEL, MONGO_LOG_COLLECTION
3.6 Morgan Middleware HTTP request logger Tracks API requests for debugging N/A (Middleware)
3.7 Multer Middleware File upload handling Processes user-uploaded files N/A (Middleware)
3.8 Body Parser Middleware Request body parsing Handles JSON and form data in requests N/A (Middleware)
3.9 Swagger Documentation API documentation Provides interactive API documentation N/A (Documentation)
3.10 Node-fetch Utility Server-side HTTP requests Facilitates API calls from backend services N/A (Utility)
3.11 Cors Middleware Cross-origin resource sharing Enables frontend/backend communication N/A (Middleware)
3.12 Nanoid Utility ID generation Creates unique identifiers for records N/A (Utility)
3.13 Axios HTTP Client Promise-based HTTP client Alternative for making API requests N/A (Library)
3.14 Lodash Utility JavaScript utility library Simplifies data manipulation and operations N/A (Utility)

4. Frontend Framework

User interface foundation

ID Name Type Description Importance Environment Variables
4.1 React Framework UI component library Core frontend framework N/A (Framework)
4.2 Redux Toolkit State Global state management Manages application state and data flow N/A (Library)
4.3 React Router Navigation Client-side routing Handles page transitions and navigation N/A (Library)
4.4 Vite Build Development server and bundler Provides fast development and optimized builds Frontend env vars prefixed with VITE_
4.5 TypeScript Language Typed JavaScript Ensures type safety and improved developer experience N/A (Language)
4.6 Styled Components CSS Component-level styling Enables modular, maintainable UI styling N/A (Library)
4.7 MUI Material Components React UI component library Offers pre-designed UI elements N/A (Library)
4.8 Bootstrap CSS Responsive design framework Facilitates layout and responsive design N/A (Library)
4.9 Zustand State Lightweight state management Alternative to Redux for simpler state needs N/A (Library)
4.10 React Hook Form Forms Form management in React Simplifies form handling and validation N/A (Library)

5. Media & Content Components

Rich media handling and display

ID Name Type Description Importance Environment Variables
5.1 Video.js Player Video playback library Core for NFT video content playback N/A (Library)
5.2 React Player Component Media player component Provides flexible media embed options N/A (Component)
5.3 React Dropzone Upload File upload UI Enables drag-and-drop file uploads N/A (Component)
5.4 React Webcam Media Camera access component Facilitates live video capture N/A (Component)
5.5 React Multi Carousel UI Content carousel Showcases multiple items in scrollable format N/A (Component)
5.6 React Modal UI Dialog windows Handles user interactions and confirmations N/A (Component)
5.7 React Slick UI Carousel alternative Additional option for content display N/A (Component)
5.8 React Tabs UI Tabbed interfaces Organizes content in accessible tabs N/A (Component)
5.9 React Share Social Social sharing buttons Enables content sharing on social platforms N/A (Component)
5.10 Reactjs Popup UI Simple popup component Lightweight alternative for user feedback N/A (Component)
5.11 React Hot Toast UI Toast notifications Provides unobtrusive user notifications N/A (Component)

6. Security & Authentication

Application protection and access control

ID Name Type Description Importance Environment Variables
6.1 JWT Auth JSON Web Token authentication Secures API access with token-based auth JWT_SECRET
6.2 Express Session Session User session management Maintains persistent user sessions SESSION_SECRET, SESSION_TTL
6.3 Lusca Security Web vulnerability protection Guards against CSRF and XSS attacks N/A (Middleware)
6.4 Yoti Identity Identity verification Provides enhanced user identity verification YOTI_CLIENT_ID
6.5 Rate Limit Middleware Request throttling Prevents API abuse and DoS attacks RATE_LIMIT_MINUTE
6.6 CORS Middleware Cross-origin resource sharing Controls cross-domain access to APIs N/A (Middleware)
6.7 Cookie Parser Middleware Cookie handling Processes cookies for auth and preferences N/A (Middleware)
6.8 Connect-Redis Session Redis session store Integrates Redis with Express sessions Uses Redis variables

7. Wallet Integration

Blockchain wallet connectivity

ID Name Type Description Importance Environment Variables
7.1 MetaMask Wallet Browser extension wallet Primary user wallet connection method N/A (Client-side)
7.2 WalletConnect Protocol Multi-wallet connector Enables broader wallet compatibility Requires WalletConnect project ID
7.3 Web3Auth Auth Social login for wallets Simplifies wallet authentication experience Requires Web3Auth credentials
7.4 Alchemy AA SDK Account abstraction Enables smart contract wallets and advanced features Uses ALCHEMY_API_KEY

8. Development & DevOps

Development workflow and quality tools

ID Name Type Description Importance Environment Variables
8.1 ESLint Linter Code quality enforcement Maintains code standards and prevents errors N/A (Dev tool)
8.2 Prettier Formatter Code formatting Ensures consistent code style N/A (Dev tool)
8.3 Husky Git Hooks Pre-commit tasks Automates code quality checks N/A (Dev tool)
8.4 Nodemon Dev Server auto-restart Improves development workflow efficiency N/A (Dev tool)
8.5 Docker Container Application containerization Ensures deployment and environment consistency N/A (Infrastructure)
8.6 Vault Security Secret management Securely manages application credentials VAULT_URL, VAULT_*_APP_ROLE_ID, VAULT_*_APP_ROLE_SECRET_ID
8.7 Dotenv Config Environment variables Manages configuration across environments N/A (Dev tool)

9. Monitoring & Analytics

Application health and user insights

ID Name Type Description Importance Environment Variables
9.1 Sentry Monitoring Error tracking Ensures application reliability and issue detection SENTRY_DSN, VITE_SENTRY_ENABLED, VITE_SENTRY_IO_ENDPOINT, VITE_SENTRY_IO_TRACE_RATE, VITE_SENTRY_RELEASE
9.2 Google Analytics Analytics Usage metrics Tracks user behavior and interactions VITE_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS, VITE_GA_NAME
9.3 Custom Events Tracking Event monitoring Provides flexible interaction tracking N/A (Implementation-specific)
9.4 React GA Analytics Google Analytics for React Integrates GA specifically with React Uses Google Analytics variables

Note: Custom Events lacks a specific GitHub repository as it’s implementation-specific; no URL is provided.

10. Microservices Architecture

Core services that compose the application

ID Name Type Description Importance Environment Variables
10.1 rairnode Service Main backend API service Provides primary API endpoints and business logic Multiple (see docker-compose)
10.2 blockchain-networks Service Blockchain data synchronization Syncs data from multiple blockchain networks Multiple (see docker-compose)
10.3 media-service Service Media processing service Handles media file processing and delivery MEDIA_SERVICE_PORT, BASE_RAIRNODE_URL + storage vars
10.4 rair-redis Service In-memory data store Manages sessions and caching Redis configuration
10.5 minting-network Service Frontend dApp User-facing application for NFT minting Frontend-specific variables

Note: Some microservices (blockchain-networks, media-service, minting-network) lack public GitHub repositories; no URLs are provided where unavailable.

11. Blockchain Networks

Supported blockchain networks in the system

ID Name Type Description Importance Environment Variables
11.1 Ethereum Mainnet Network Production Ethereum network Primary Ethereum blockchain environment ETHEREUM_MAINNET_RPC, ETHEREUM_MAINNET_FACTORY_ADDRESS, ETHEREUM_MAINNET_MINTER_ADDRESS
11.2 Ethereum Sepolia Network Ethereum testnet Testing environment for Ethereum ETHEREUM_TESTNET_SEPOLIA_RPC, SEPOLIA_FACTORY_ADDRESS, SEPOLIA_MINTER_ADDRESS, etc.
11.3 Polygon/Matic Mainnet Network Production Polygon network Scalable production environment MATIC_MAINNET_RPC, MATIC_MAINNET_FACTORY_ADDRESS, MATIC_MAINNET_MINTER_ADDRESS, etc.
11.4 Polygon/Matic Mumbai Network Polygon testnet Testing environment for Polygon MATIC_TESTNET_RPC, MATIC_MUMBAI_FACTORY_ADDRESS, MATIC_MUMBAI_MINTER_ADDRESS, etc.
11.5 Binance Smart Chain Network Production BSC network Alternative production blockchain BINANCE_MAINNET_RPC, BINANCE_MAINNET_FACTORY_ADDRESS, BINANCE_MAINNET_MINTER_ADDRESS, etc.
11.7 Base Network Production Base network Ethereum L2 scaling solution BASE_MAINNET_RPC, BASE_DIAMOND_FACTORY_ADDRESS, BASE_DIAMOND_MARKETPLACE_ADDRESS
11.8 Astar Network Production Astar network Polkadot parachain integration ASTAR_MAINNET_RPC, ASTAR_DIAMOND_FACTORY_ADDRESS, ASTAR_DIAMOND_MARKETPLACE_ADDRESS

12. External Services

Third-party integrations

ID Name Type Description Importance Environment Variables
12.1 Alchemy Blockchain Enhanced RPC provider Provides reliable blockchain connectivity ALCHEMY_API_KEY
12.2 Pinata Storage IPFS pinning service Ensures decentralized content persistence PINATA_KEY, PINATA_SECRET, PINATA_GATEWAY
12.3 Google Cloud Platform Cloud Cloud services provider Hosts various infrastructure components GCP_PROJECT_ID, GCP_CREDENTIALS, etc.
12.4 Monitoring Error tracking service Tracks application errors and performance SENTRY_DSN
12.5 Zoom Communication Video meetings integration Facilitates video communication features ZOOM_API_KEY, ZOOM_API_SECRET, ZOOM_MEETING_ID
12.6 Yoti Identity ID verification service Provides KYC and identity verification YOTI_CLIENT_ID