Building RAIR is a snap! Follow these simple steps and you'll be up and running in no time.
First, get the source code
- Clone the RAIR repo to your local environment.
Inside the repository root is a file called .env.sample.
This template contains a list of values that are to be consumed during the build process:
Create a new file in the repositry root called
Copy and paste the contents of
RAIR deploys each its services in a self-contained Docker image:
- Docker-compose is required. It comes pre-packaged with Docker-Desktop, otherwise it must be installed manually.
It's the moment of truth. From the repository root, run:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.local-new.yml up -d
Wait for the app to build. Keep an eye on the terminal for any errors.
Point the browser at the RAIRfrontend service (localhost:8088)
We've compiled a list of post-installation checks here
Essential blockchain connectivity and interaction technologies
ID | Name | Type | Description | Importance | Environment Variables |
1.1 | Ethers.js | Library | JavaScript library for Ethereum blockchain operations | Core technology for contract calls, transactions, and wallet integration | N/A (Library) |
1.2 | Alchemy SDK | SDK | Enhanced API access to multiple blockchain networks | Provides reliable RPC capabilities and advanced blockchain data access | ALCHEMY_API_KEY |
1.3 | Wagmi | Hooks | React hooks library for Ethereum | Simplifies blockchain state management in the frontend UI | N/A (Library) |
1.4 | Viem | Library | TypeScript interface for Ethereum interactions | Alternative to Ethers.js for blockchain operations | N/A (Library) |
1.5 | Web3Auth | Auth | Non-custodial wallet authentication | Simplifies wallet onboarding with social logins | Requires project setup in Web3Auth dashboard |
1.6 | Account Abstraction | SDK | Advanced wallet features by Alchemy | Enables gasless transactions and smart contract wallets | Uses ALCHEMY_API_KEY |
1.7 | @metamask/providers | Library | MetaMask integration | Connects dApp to MetaMask wallet | N/A (Library) |
1.8 | @walletconnect/sign-client | Protocol | Multi-wallet connector | Provides broader wallet compatibility beyond MetaMask | Requires WalletConnect project ID |
1.9 | @metamask/onboarding | Library | Guides users to install MetaMask | Assists users in wallet setup | N/A (Library) |
Data storage across centralized and decentralized systems
ID | Name | Type | Description | Importance | Environment Variables |
2.1 | MongoDB | Database | Primary persistent data store | Stores user data, NFT metadata, and application state | MONGO_URI , MONGO_URI_LOCAL , MONGO_DB_HOSTNAME , MONGO_DB_NAME |
2.2 | Redis | Cache | In-memory data store | Handles session management and performance caching | REDIS_HOST , REDIS_PORT |
2.3 | IPFS | Decentralized | Content-addressed storage | Stores NFT media and provides decentralized file access | IPFS_SERVICE , IPFS_GATEWAY , IPFS_API |
2.4 | Pinata | Service | IPFS pinning service | Ensures IPFS content availability and persistence | PINATA_KEY , PINATA_SECRET , PINATA_GATEWAY |
2.5 | GCP Storage | Cloud | Google Cloud Storage | Stores media files, backups, and centralized content | GCP_PROJECT_ID , GCP_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME , GCP_VIDEO_BUCKET_NAME , GCP_GATEWAY , GCP_CREDENTIALS |
2.6 | AWS S3 | Cloud | Amazon S3 object storage | Alternative file storage and backup solution | AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID , AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY |
2.7 | Filebase | Service | S3-compatible decentralized storage | Additional decentralized storage option | FILEBASE_ACCESS_KEY , FILEBASE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY , FILEBASE_BUCKET |
Server-side components and utilities
ID | Name | Type | Description | Importance | Environment Variables |
3.1 | Express | Framework | Web server and API framework | Provides API endpoints, routing, and middleware infrastructure | N/A (Framework) |
3.2 | Mongoose | ODM | MongoDB object modeling | Handles database schema, validation, and operations | Uses MongoDB variables |
3.3 | Socket.IO | Realtime | WebSocket communication | Enables live updates, notifications, and event handling | N/A (Library) |
3.4 | Agenda | Scheduler | Job scheduling for Node.js | Manages background tasks and blockchain synchronization | SYNC_CONTRACT_REPEAT_EVERY , SYNC_CONTRACT_TASK_INTERVAL |
3.5 | Winston | Logging | Structured logging utility | Provides application logging and monitoring | LOG_LEVEL , MONGO_LOG_COLLECTION |
3.6 | Morgan | Middleware | HTTP request logger | Tracks API requests for debugging | N/A (Middleware) |
3.7 | Multer | Middleware | File upload handling | Processes user-uploaded files | N/A (Middleware) |
3.8 | Body Parser | Middleware | Request body parsing | Handles JSON and form data in requests | N/A (Middleware) |
3.9 | Swagger | Documentation | API documentation | Provides interactive API documentation | N/A (Documentation) |
3.10 | Node-fetch | Utility | Server-side HTTP requests | Facilitates API calls from backend services | N/A (Utility) |
3.11 | Cors | Middleware | Cross-origin resource sharing | Enables frontend/backend communication | N/A (Middleware) |
3.12 | Nanoid | Utility | ID generation | Creates unique identifiers for records | N/A (Utility) |
3.13 | Axios | HTTP Client | Promise-based HTTP client | Alternative for making API requests | N/A (Library) |
3.14 | Lodash | Utility | JavaScript utility library | Simplifies data manipulation and operations | N/A (Utility) |
User interface foundation
ID | Name | Type | Description | Importance | Environment Variables |
4.1 | React | Framework | UI component library | Core frontend framework | N/A (Framework) |
4.2 | Redux Toolkit | State | Global state management | Manages application state and data flow | N/A (Library) |
4.3 | React Router | Navigation | Client-side routing | Handles page transitions and navigation | N/A (Library) |
4.4 | Vite | Build | Development server and bundler | Provides fast development and optimized builds | Frontend env vars prefixed with VITE_ |
4.5 | TypeScript | Language | Typed JavaScript | Ensures type safety and improved developer experience | N/A (Language) |
4.6 | Styled Components | CSS | Component-level styling | Enables modular, maintainable UI styling | N/A (Library) |
4.7 | MUI Material | Components | React UI component library | Offers pre-designed UI elements | N/A (Library) |
4.8 | Bootstrap | CSS | Responsive design framework | Facilitates layout and responsive design | N/A (Library) |
4.9 | Zustand | State | Lightweight state management | Alternative to Redux for simpler state needs | N/A (Library) |
4.10 | React Hook Form | Forms | Form management in React | Simplifies form handling and validation | N/A (Library) |
Rich media handling and display
ID | Name | Type | Description | Importance | Environment Variables |
5.1 | Video.js | Player | Video playback library | Core for NFT video content playback | N/A (Library) |
5.2 | React Player | Component | Media player component | Provides flexible media embed options | N/A (Component) |
5.3 | React Dropzone | Upload | File upload UI | Enables drag-and-drop file uploads | N/A (Component) |
5.4 | React Webcam | Media | Camera access component | Facilitates live video capture | N/A (Component) |
5.5 | React Multi Carousel | UI | Content carousel | Showcases multiple items in scrollable format | N/A (Component) |
5.6 | React Modal | UI | Dialog windows | Handles user interactions and confirmations | N/A (Component) |
5.7 | React Slick | UI | Carousel alternative | Additional option for content display | N/A (Component) |
5.8 | React Tabs | UI | Tabbed interfaces | Organizes content in accessible tabs | N/A (Component) |
5.9 | React Share | Social | Social sharing buttons | Enables content sharing on social platforms | N/A (Component) |
5.10 | Reactjs Popup | UI | Simple popup component | Lightweight alternative for user feedback | N/A (Component) |
5.11 | React Hot Toast | UI | Toast notifications | Provides unobtrusive user notifications | N/A (Component) |
Application protection and access control
ID | Name | Type | Description | Importance | Environment Variables |
6.1 | JWT | Auth | JSON Web Token authentication | Secures API access with token-based auth | JWT_SECRET |
6.2 | Express Session | Session | User session management | Maintains persistent user sessions | SESSION_SECRET , SESSION_TTL |
6.3 | Lusca | Security | Web vulnerability protection | Guards against CSRF and XSS attacks | N/A (Middleware) |
6.4 | Yoti | Identity | Identity verification | Provides enhanced user identity verification | YOTI_CLIENT_ID |
6.5 | Rate Limit | Middleware | Request throttling | Prevents API abuse and DoS attacks | RATE_LIMIT_MINUTE |
6.6 | CORS | Middleware | Cross-origin resource sharing | Controls cross-domain access to APIs | N/A (Middleware) |
6.7 | Cookie Parser | Middleware | Cookie handling | Processes cookies for auth and preferences | N/A (Middleware) |
6.8 | Connect-Redis | Session | Redis session store | Integrates Redis with Express sessions | Uses Redis variables |
Blockchain wallet connectivity
ID | Name | Type | Description | Importance | Environment Variables |
7.1 | MetaMask | Wallet | Browser extension wallet | Primary user wallet connection method | N/A (Client-side) |
7.2 | WalletConnect | Protocol | Multi-wallet connector | Enables broader wallet compatibility | Requires WalletConnect project ID |
7.3 | Web3Auth | Auth | Social login for wallets | Simplifies wallet authentication experience | Requires Web3Auth credentials |
7.4 | Alchemy AA | SDK | Account abstraction | Enables smart contract wallets and advanced features | Uses ALCHEMY_API_KEY |
Development workflow and quality tools
ID | Name | Type | Description | Importance | Environment Variables |
8.1 | ESLint | Linter | Code quality enforcement | Maintains code standards and prevents errors | N/A (Dev tool) |
8.2 | Prettier | Formatter | Code formatting | Ensures consistent code style | N/A (Dev tool) |
8.3 | Husky | Git Hooks | Pre-commit tasks | Automates code quality checks | N/A (Dev tool) |
8.4 | Nodemon | Dev | Server auto-restart | Improves development workflow efficiency | N/A (Dev tool) |
8.5 | Docker | Container | Application containerization | Ensures deployment and environment consistency | N/A (Infrastructure) |
8.6 | Vault | Security | Secret management | Securely manages application credentials | VAULT_URL , VAULT_*_APP_ROLE_ID , VAULT_*_APP_ROLE_SECRET_ID |
8.7 | Dotenv | Config | Environment variables | Manages configuration across environments | N/A (Dev tool) |
Application health and user insights
ID | Name | Type | Description | Importance | Environment Variables |
9.1 | Sentry | Monitoring | Error tracking | Ensures application reliability and issue detection | SENTRY_DSN , VITE_SENTRY_ENABLED , VITE_SENTRY_IO_ENDPOINT , VITE_SENTRY_IO_TRACE_RATE , VITE_SENTRY_RELEASE |
9.2 | Google Analytics | Analytics | Usage metrics | Tracks user behavior and interactions | VITE_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS , VITE_GA_NAME |
9.3 | Custom Events | Tracking | Event monitoring | Provides flexible interaction tracking | N/A (Implementation-specific) |
9.4 | React GA | Analytics | Google Analytics for React | Integrates GA specifically with React | Uses Google Analytics variables |
Note: Custom Events lacks a specific GitHub repository as it’s implementation-specific; no URL is provided.
Core services that compose the application
ID | Name | Type | Description | Importance | Environment Variables |
10.1 | rairnode | Service | Main backend API service | Provides primary API endpoints and business logic | Multiple (see docker-compose) |
10.2 | blockchain-networks | Service | Blockchain data synchronization | Syncs data from multiple blockchain networks | Multiple (see docker-compose) |
10.3 | media-service | Service | Media processing service | Handles media file processing and delivery | MEDIA_SERVICE_PORT , BASE_RAIRNODE_URL + storage vars |
10.4 | rair-redis | Service | In-memory data store | Manages sessions and caching | Redis configuration |
10.5 | minting-network | Service | Frontend dApp | User-facing application for NFT minting | Frontend-specific variables |
Note: Some microservices (blockchain-networks, media-service, minting-network) lack public GitHub repositories; no URLs are provided where unavailable.
Supported blockchain networks in the system
ID | Name | Type | Description | Importance | Environment Variables |
11.1 | Ethereum Mainnet | Network | Production Ethereum network | Primary Ethereum blockchain environment | ETHEREUM_MAINNET_RPC , ETHEREUM_MAINNET_FACTORY_ADDRESS , ETHEREUM_MAINNET_MINTER_ADDRESS |
11.2 | Ethereum Sepolia | Network | Ethereum testnet | Testing environment for Ethereum | ETHEREUM_TESTNET_SEPOLIA_RPC , SEPOLIA_FACTORY_ADDRESS , SEPOLIA_MINTER_ADDRESS , etc. |
11.3 | Polygon/Matic Mainnet | Network | Production Polygon network | Scalable production environment | MATIC_MAINNET_RPC , MATIC_MAINNET_FACTORY_ADDRESS , MATIC_MAINNET_MINTER_ADDRESS , etc. |
11.4 | Polygon/Matic Mumbai | Network | Polygon testnet | Testing environment for Polygon | MATIC_TESTNET_RPC , MATIC_MUMBAI_FACTORY_ADDRESS , MATIC_MUMBAI_MINTER_ADDRESS , etc. |
11.5 | Binance Smart Chain | Network | Production BSC network | Alternative production blockchain | BINANCE_MAINNET_RPC , BINANCE_MAINNET_FACTORY_ADDRESS , BINANCE_MAINNET_MINTER_ADDRESS , etc. |
11.6 | Binance Testnet | Network | BSC testnet | Testing environment for BSC | BINANCE_TESTNET_RPC , BINANCE_TESTNET_FACTORY_ADDRESS , BINANCE_TESTNET_MINTER_ADDRESS , etc. |
11.7 | Base | Network | Production Base network | Ethereum L2 scaling solution | BASE_MAINNET_RPC , BASE_DIAMOND_FACTORY_ADDRESS , BASE_DIAMOND_MARKETPLACE_ADDRESS |
11.8 | Astar | Network | Production Astar network | Polkadot parachain integration | ASTAR_MAINNET_RPC , ASTAR_DIAMOND_FACTORY_ADDRESS , ASTAR_DIAMOND_MARKETPLACE_ADDRESS |
Third-party integrations
ID | Name | Type | Description | Importance | Environment Variables |
12.1 | Alchemy | Blockchain | Enhanced RPC provider | Provides reliable blockchain connectivity | ALCHEMY_API_KEY |
12.2 | Pinata | Storage | IPFS pinning service | Ensures decentralized content persistence | PINATA_KEY , PINATA_SECRET , PINATA_GATEWAY |
12.3 | Google Cloud Platform | Cloud | Cloud services provider | Hosts various infrastructure components | GCP_PROJECT_ID , GCP_CREDENTIALS , etc. |
12.4 | | Monitoring | Error tracking service | Tracks application errors and performance | SENTRY_DSN |
12.5 | Zoom | Communication | Video meetings integration | Facilitates video communication features | ZOOM_API_KEY , ZOOM_API_SECRET , ZOOM_MEETING_ID |
12.6 | Yoti | Identity | ID verification service | Provides KYC and identity verification | YOTI_CLIENT_ID |