title | description | ms.assetid | ms.devlang | ms.topic | ms.date | ms.custom | ms.author | author |
Tutorial: Host RESTful API with CORS |
Learn how Azure App Service helps you host your RESTful APIs with CORS support. App Service can host both front-end web apps and back end APIs. |
a820e400-06af-4852-8627-12b3db4a8e70 |
csharp |
tutorial |
01/31/2023 |
UpdateFrequency3, devx-track-csharp, mvc, devcenter, devx-track-azurecli |
msangapu |
msangapu-msft |
Azure App Service provides a highly scalable, self-patching web hosting service. In addition, App Service has built-in support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for RESTful APIs. This tutorial shows how to deploy an ASP.NET Core API app to App Service with CORS support. You configure the app using command-line tools and deploy the app using Git.
In this tutorial, you learn how to:
[!div class="checklist"]
- Create App Service resources using Azure CLI
- Deploy a RESTful API to Azure using Git
- Enable App Service CORS support
You can follow the steps in this tutorial on macOS, Linux, Windows.
[!INCLUDE quickstarts-free-trial-note]
To complete this tutorial:
In this step, you set up the local ASP.NET Core project. App Service supports the same workflow for APIs written in other languages.
In the terminal window,
to a working directory. -
Clone the sample repository and change to the repository root.
git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/dotnet-core-api cd dotnet-core-api
This repository contains an app that's created based on the following tutorial: ASP.NET Core Web API help pages using Swagger. It uses a Swagger generator to serve the Swagger UI and the Swagger JSON endpoint.
Make sure the default branch is
.git branch -m main
[!TIP] The branch name change isn't required by App Service. However, since many repositories are changing their default branch to
(see Change deployment branch), this tutorial also shows you how to deploy a repository frommain
Run the following commands to install the required packages, run database migrations, and start the application.
dotnet restore dotnet run
Navigate to
in a browser to play with the Swagger UI. -
Navigate to
and see a list of ToDo JSON items. -
Navigate to
and play with the browser app. Later, you will point the browser app to a remote API in App Service to test CORS functionality. Code for the browser app is found in the repository's wwwroot directory. -
To stop ASP.NET Core at any time, press
in the terminal.
[!INCLUDE cloud-shell-try-it.md]
In this step, you deploy your .NET Core application to App Service.
[!INCLUDE Configure a deployment user]
[!INCLUDE Create resource group]
[!INCLUDE Create app service plan]
[!INCLUDE Create web app]
[!INCLUDE app-service-plan-no-h]
Enumerating objects: 83, done. Counting objects: 100% (83/83), done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads Compressing objects: 100% (78/78), done. Writing objects: 100% (83/83), 22.15 KiB | 3.69 MiB/s, done. Total 83 (delta 26), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: Updating branch 'master'. remote: Updating submodules. remote: Preparing deployment for commit id '509236e13d'. remote: Generating deployment script. remote: Project file path: .\TodoApi.csproj remote: Generating deployment script for ASP.NET MSBuild16 App remote: Generated deployment script files remote: Running deployment command... remote: Handling ASP.NET Core Web Application deployment with MSBuild16. remote: . remote: . remote: . remote: Finished successfully. remote: Running post deployment command(s)... remote: Triggering recycle (preview mode disabled). remote: Deployment successful. To https://<app_name>.scm.azurewebsites.net/<app_name>.git * [new branch] master -> master
Navigate to
in a browser and play with the Swagger UI. -
Navigate to
to see the swagger.json for your deployed API. -
Navigate to
to see your deployed API working.
Next, you enable the built-in CORS support in App Service for your API.
In your local repository, open wwwroot/index.html.
In Line 51, set the
variable to the URL of your deployed API (http://<app_name>.azurewebsites.net
). Replace <appname> with your app name in App Service. -
In your local terminal window, run the sample app again.
dotnet run
Navigate to the browser app at
. Open the developer tools window in your browser (Ctrl
in Chrome for Windows) and inspect the Console tab. You should now see the error message,No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource
.The domain mismatch between the browser app (
) and remote resource (http://<app_name>.azurewebsites.net
) is recognized by your browser as a cross-origin resource request. Also, the fact that your REST API the App Service app is not sending theAccess-Control-Allow-Origin
header, the browser has prevented cross-domain content from loading.In production, your browser app would have a public URL instead of the localhost URL, but the way to enable CORS to a localhost URL is the same as a public URL.
In the Cloud Shell, enable CORS to your client's URL by using the az webapp cors add
command. Replace the <app-name> placeholder.
az webapp cors add --resource-group myResourceGroup --name <app-name> --allowed-origins 'http://localhost:5000'
You can add multiple allowed origins by running the command multiple times or by adding a comma-separate list in --allowed-origins
. To allow all origins, use --allowed-origins '*'
Refresh the browser app at http://localhost:5000
. The error message in the Console window is now gone, and you can see the data from the deployed API and interact with it. Your remote API now supports CORS to your browser app running locally.
Congratulations, you're running an API in Azure App Service with CORS support.
- App Service CORS vs. your CORS
- How do I set allowed origins to a wildcard subdomain?
- How do I enable the ACCESS-CONTROL-ALLOW-CREDENTIALS header on the response?
You can use your own CORS utilities instead of App Service CORS for more flexibility. For example, you may want to specify different allowed origins for different routes or methods. Since App Service CORS lets you specify one set of accepted origins for all API routes and methods, you would want to use your own CORS code. See how ASP.NET Core does it at Enabling Cross-Origin Requests (CORS).
The built-in App Service CORS feature does not have options to allow only specific HTTP methods or verbs for each origin that you specify. It will automatically allow all methods and headers for each origin defined. This behavior is similar to ASP.NET Core CORS policies when you use the options .AllowAnyHeader()
and .AllowAnyMethod()
in the code.
Don't try to use App Service CORS and your own CORS code together. When used together, App Service CORS takes precedence and your own CORS code has no effect.
A wildcard subdomain like *.contoso.com
is more restrictive than the wildcard origin *
. However, the app's CORS management page in the Azure portal doesn't let you set a wildcard subdomain as an allowed origin. However, you can do it using the Azure CLI, like so:
az webapp cors add --resource-group <group-name> --name <app-name> --allowed-origins 'https://*.contoso.com'
If your app requires credentials such as cookies or authentication tokens to be sent, the browser may require the ACCESS-CONTROL-ALLOW-CREDENTIALS
header on the response. To enable this in App Service, set properties.cors.supportCredentials
to true
az resource update --name web --resource-group <group-name> \
--namespace Microsoft.Web --resource-type config \
--parent sites/<app-name> --set properties.cors.supportCredentials=true
This operation is not allowed when allowed origins include the wildcard origin '*'
. Specifying AllowAnyOrigin
and AllowCredentials
is an insecure configuration and can result in cross-site request forgery. To allow credentials, try replacing the wildcard origin with wildcard subdomains.
[!INCLUDE cli-samples-clean-up]
What you learned:
[!div class="checklist"]
- Create App Service resources using Azure CLI
- Deploy a RESTful API to Azure using Git
- Enable App Service CORS support
Advance to the next tutorial to learn how to authenticate and authorize users.
[!div class="nextstepaction"] Tutorial: Authenticate and authorize users end-to-end