title | description | ms.date | ms.topic | ms.service | ms.custom | ms.author | author |
Generate Azure CLI scripts using Microsoft Copilot in Azure |
Learn about scenarios where Microsoft Copilot in Azure can generate Azure CLI scripts for you to customize and use. |
04/25/2024 |
conceptual |
copilot-for-azure |
ignite-2023, ignite-2023-copilotinAzure, devx-track-azurecli, build-2024 |
jenhayes |
JnHs |
Microsoft Copilot in Azure (preview) can generate Azure CLI scripts that you can use to create or manage resources.
When you tell Microsoft Copilot in Azure about a task you want to perform by using Azure CLI, it provides a script with the necessary commands. You'll see which placeholder values that you need to update with the actual values based on your environment.
[!INCLUDE scenario-note]
[!INCLUDE preview-note]
Here are a few examples of the kinds of prompts you can use to generate Azure CLI scripts. Some prompts will return a single command, while others provide multiple steps walking through the full scenario. Modify these prompts based on your real-life scenarios, or try additional prompts to create different kinds of queries.
- "Give me a CLI script to create a new storage account"
- "How do I list all my VMs using Azure CLI?"
- "Create a virtual network with two subnets using the address space of using az cli"
- "I need to assign a dns name to a vm using a script"
- "How to attach a disk to a VM using az cli ?"
- "How to create and manage a Linux pool in Azure Batch using cli?"
- "Show me how to backup and restore a web app from a backup using cli"
- "Create VNet service endpoints for Azure Database for PostgreSQL using CLI"
- "I want to create a function app with a named storage account connection using Azure CLI"
- "How to create an App Service app and deploy code to a staging environment using CLI?"
- "I want to use Azure CLI to deploy and manage AKS using a private service endpoint."
In this example, the prompt "I want to use Azure CLI to create a web application" provides a list of steps, along with the necessary Azure CLI commands.
:::image type="content" source="media/generate-cli-scripts/cli-web-app.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Microsoft Copilot in Azure providing Azure CLI commands to create a web app.":::
When you follow that request with "Provide full script", the commands are shown together in one script.
:::image type="content" source="media/generate-cli-scripts/cli-web-app-full.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Microsoft Copilot in Azure providing a full Azure CLI script to create a web app.":::
You can also start off by letting Microsoft Copilot in Azure know that you want the commands all together. For example, you could say "I want a script to create a low cost VM (all in one codeblock for me to copy and paste)".
:::image type="content" source="media/generate-cli-scripts/cli-vm.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Microsoft Copilot in Azure providing an Azure CLI script to create a VM.":::
- Explore capabilities of Microsoft Copilot in Azure.
- Learn more about Azure CLI.