title | description | ms.service | ms.subservice | ms.topic | ms.date | author | ms.author | ms.custom |
Join Azure-SSIS integration runtime to a virtual network via Azure PowerShell |
Learn how to join Azure-SSIS integration runtime to a virtual network via Azure PowerShell. |
data-factory |
integration-services |
conceptual |
05/15/2024 |
chugugrace |
chugu |
devx-track-azurepowershell |
This article shows you how to join your existing Azure-SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) integration runtime (IR) in Azure Data Factory to a virtual network via Azure PowerShell.
For Azure-SSIS IR in Azure Synapse Analytics, replace with corresponding Azure Synapse Analytics PowerShell interfaces: Set-AzSynapseIntegrationRuntime (Az.Synapse), Start-AzSynapseIntegrationRuntime and Stop-AzSynapseIntegrationRuntime.
$ResourceGroupName = "[your Azure resource group name]"
$DataFactoryName = "[your data factory name]"
$AzureSSISName = "[your Azure-SSIS IR name]"
# Virtual network info: Azure Resource Manager or Classic
$VnetId = "[your virtual network resource ID or leave it empty]" # REQUIRED if you use Azure SQL Database server configured with a private endpoint/IP firewall rule/virtual network service endpoint or Azure SQL Managed Instance that joins a virtual network to host SSISDB, or if you require access to on-premises data without configuring a self-hosted IR. We recommend Azure Resource Manager virtual network, because classic virtual network will be deprecated soon.
$SubnetName = "[your subnet name or leave it empty]" # WARNING: Use the same subnet as the one used for Azure SQL Database server configured with a virtual network service endpoint or a different subnet from the one used for Azure SQL Managed Instance that joins a virtual network
$SubnetId = $VnetId + '/subnets/' + $SubnetName
# Virtual network injection method: Standard or Express. For comparison, see https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/data-factory/azure-ssis-integration-runtime-virtual-network-configuration.
$VnetInjectionMethod = "Standard" # Standard by default, whereas Express lets you use the express virtual network injection method
# Public IP address info: OPTIONAL to provide two standard static public IP addresses with DNS name under the same subscription and in the same region as your virtual network
$FirstPublicIP = "[your first public IP address resource ID or leave it empty]"
$SecondPublicIP = "[your second public IP address resource ID or leave it empty]"
Before you can join your Azure-SSIS IR to a virtual network, you need to configure the virtual network. To automatically configure virtual network permissions and settings for your Azure-SSIS IR to join a virtual network, add the following script:
# Make sure to run this script against the subscription to which the virtual network belongs.
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VnetId) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SubnetName))
# Register to the Azure Batch resource provider
$BatchApplicationId = "ddbf3205-c6bd-46ae-8127-60eb93363864"
$BatchObjectId = (Get-AzADServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalName $BatchApplicationId).Id
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Batch
while(!(Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace "Microsoft.Batch").RegistrationState.Contains("Registered"))
Start-Sleep -s 10
if($VnetId -match "/providers/Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/")
# Assign the VM contributor role to Microsoft.Batch
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $BatchObjectId -RoleDefinitionName "Classic Virtual Machine Contributor" -Scope $VnetId
You can create an Azure-SSIS IR and join it to a virtual network at the same time. For the complete script and instructions, see Create an Azure-SSIS IR.
The Create an Azure-SSIS IR article shows you how to create an Azure-SSIS IR and join it to a virtual network in the same script. If you already have an Azure-SSIS IR, follow these steps to join it to a virtual network:
- Stop your Azure-SSIS IR.
- Configure your Azure-SSIS IR to join a virtual network.
- Start your Azure-SSIS IR.
You have to stop your Azure-SSIS IR before you can join it to a virtual network. This command releases all of its nodes and stops billing:
Stop-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
To join your Azure-SSIS IR to a virtual network, run the Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-SubnetId $SubnetId `
-VNetInjectionMethod $VnetInjectionMethod
# Add public IP address parameters if you use the standard virtual network injection method and bring your own static public IP addresses
if($VnetInjectionMethod -eq "Standard")
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FirstPublicIP) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SecondPublicIP))
$publicIPs = @($FirstPublicIP, $SecondPublicIP)
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-PublicIPs $publicIPs
To start your Azure-SSIS IR, run the following command:
Start-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
If you use the express/standard virtual network injection method, this command takes 5/20-30 minutes to finish, respectively.
- Configure a virtual network to inject Azure-SSIS IR
- Express virtual network injection method
- Standard virtual network injection method
- Join Azure-SSIS IR to a virtual network via ADF UI
For more information about Azure-SSIS IR, see the following articles:
- Azure-SSIS IR. This article provides general conceptual information about IRs, including Azure-SSIS IR.
- Tutorial: Deploy SSIS packages to Azure. This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions to create your Azure-SSIS IR. It uses Azure SQL Database server to host SSISDB.
- Create an Azure-SSIS IR. This article expands on the tutorial. It provides instructions on using Azure SQL Database server configured with a virtual network service endpoint/IP firewall rule/private endpoint or Azure SQL Managed Instance that joins a virtual network to host SSISDB. It shows you how to join your Azure-SSIS IR to a virtual network.
- Monitor an Azure-SSIS IR. This article shows you how to retrieve and understand information about your Azure-SSIS IR.
- Manage an Azure-SSIS IR. This article shows you how to stop, start, or delete your Azure-SSIS IR. It also shows you how to scale out your Azure-SSIS IR by adding more nodes.