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Tutorial to export data from Azure Blob storage with Azure Import/Export | Microsoft Docs
Learn how to create export jobs in Azure portal to transfer data from Azure Blobs.
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Tutorial: Export data from Azure Blob storage with Azure Import/Export

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the Azure Import/Export service to securely export large amounts of data from Azure Blob storage. The service requires you to ship empty drives to the Azure datacenter. The service exports data from your storage account to the drives and then ships the drives back.

In this tutorial, you learn how to:

[!div class="checklist"]

  • Prerequisites to export data from Azure Blob storage with Azure Import/Export
  • Step 1: Create an export job
  • Step 2: Ship the drives
  • Step 3: Update the job with tracking information
  • Step 4: Receive the disks
  • Step 5: Unlock the disks


Before you create an export job to transfer data out of Azure Blob Storage, carefully review and complete the following list of prerequisites for this service. You must:

Step 1: Create an export job

Perform the following steps to order an import job in Azure Import/Export. The Azure Import/Export service creates a job of the type "Data Box."

  1. Use your Microsoft Azure credentials to sign in at this URL:

  2. Select + Create a resource and search for Azure Data Box. Select Azure Data Box.

    Illustration showing the Plus Create A Resource button, and the text box for selecting the service to create the resource in. Azure Data Box is highlighted.

  3. Select Create.

    Screenshot of the top of the Azure portal screen after selecting Azure Data Box. The Create button is highlighted.

  4. To get started with the import order, select the following options:

    1. Select the Export from Azure transfer type.
    2. Select the subscription to use for the Import/Export job.
    3. Select a resource group.
    4. Select the Source Azure region for the job.
    5. Select the Destination country/region for the job.
    6. Then select Apply.

    Screenshot of Get Started options for a new export order in Azure Import/Export's portal. The Export From Azure transfer type and the Apply button are highlighted.

  5. Choose the Select button for Import/Export Job.

    Screenshot showing product options for a new Data Box order. The Select button for Import Export Job is highlighted.

  6. In Basics:

    • Enter a descriptive name for the job. Use the name to track the progress of your job.
      • The name must have from 3 to 24 characters.
      • The name must include only letters, numbers, and hyphens.
      • The name must start and end with a letter or number.

    Screenshot showing the Basics tab for an export job in Azure Import/Export. The Basics tab, the Import Job Name text box, and the Next: Job Details button are hightlighted.

    Select Next: Job details > to proceed.

  7. In Job Details:

    1. Select the Source Azure region where your data currently is.

    2. Select the storage account from which you want to export data. Use a storage account close to your location.

      The drop-off location is automatically populated based on the region of the storage account that you select.

    3. Specify the blob data to export from your storage account to your blank drive or drives. For Blobs to export, choose one of the three following methods.

      • Choose to export All objects in the storage account.

        Screenshot of the Job Details tab for a new export job in the Azure Import Export Jobs portal. Export All is highlighted beside Blobs To Export.

      • Choose Selected containers and blobs, and specify containers and blobs to export. You can use more than one of the selection methods. Selecting an Add option opens a panel on the right where you can add your selection strings.

        Option Description
        Add containers Export all blobs in a container.
        Select Add containers, and enter each container name.
        Add blobs Specify individual blobs to export.
        Select Add blobs. Then specify the relative path to the blob, beginning with the container name. Use $root to specify the root container.
        You must provide the blob paths in valid format, as shown in this screenshot, to avoid errors during processing. For more information, see Examples of valid blob paths.
        Add prefixes Use a prefix to select a set of similarly named containers or similarly named blobs in a container. The prefix may be the prefix of the container name, the complete container name, or a complete container name followed by the prefix of the blob name.

        :::image type="complex" source="./media/storage-import-export-data-from-blobs/import-export-order-preview-06-b-export-job.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing selected containers and blobs for a new Azure Import/Export export job in the portal."::: <Blob selections include a container, a blob, and blob prefixes that work like wildcards. The Add Prefixes pane on the right is used to add prefixes that select blobs based on common text in the blob path or name.> :::image-end:::

    • Choose Export from blob list file (XML format), and select an XML file that contains a list of paths and prefixes for the blobs to be exported from the storage account. You must construct the XML file and store it in a container for the storage account. The file can't be empty.

      [!IMPORTANT] If you use an XML file to select the blobs to export, make sure that the XML contains valid paths and/or prefixes. If the file is invalid or no data matches the paths specified, the order terminates with partial data or no data exported.

      To see how to add an XML file to a container, go to Export order using XML file.

      Screenshot of Job Details for Azure Import Export job that selects blobs using a blob list file. Blob list file option and selected file are highlighted.

    [!NOTE] If a blob to be exported is in use during data copy, the Azure Import/Export service takes a snapshot of the blob and copies the snapshot.

    Select Next: Return shipping > to proceed.

  8. In Return shipping:

    1. Select a shipping carrier from the drop-down list for Carrier. The location of the Microsoft datacenter for the selected region determines which carriers are available.

    2. Enter a Carrier account number. The account number for a valid carrier account is required.

    3. In the Return address area, use + Add Address to add the address to ship to.

      Screenshot of the Return Shipping tab for an import job in Azure Data Box. The Return Shipping tab and the Plus Add Address button are highlighted.

      On the Add Address blade, you can add an address or use an existing one. When you finish entering address information, select Add shipping address.

      Screenshot showing an address on the Add Address blade for an import job in Azure Import Export portal. The Add Shipping Address button is highlighted.

    4. In the Notification area, enter email addresses for the people you want to notify of the job's progress.

      [!TIP] Instead of specifying an email address for a single user, provide a group email to ensure that you receive notifications even if an admin leaves.

    Screenshot of the Return Shipping tab for an import job in Azure Data Box with all fields filled in. The Return Shipping tab and the Review Plus Create button are highlighted.

    Select Review + Create to proceed.

  9. In Review + Create:

    1. Review the Terms, and then select "I acknowledge that all the information provided is correct and agree to the terms and conditions above." Validation is then performed.
    2. Review the job information. Make a note of the job name and the Azure datacenter shipping address to ship disks back to. This information is used later on the shipping label.
    3. Select Create.

    Screenshot showing the Review Plus Create tab for an Azure Import/Export job in the portal. The validation status, Terms, and Create button are highlighted.

  10. After the job is created, you'll see the following message.

    Screenshot of the status message for a completed order for an Azure Import Export job in the portal. The status and the Go To Resource button are highlighted.

    You can select Go to resource to open the Overview of the job.

    Screenshot showing the Overview pane for an Azure Import Export job in Created state in the portal.

Use the following steps to create an export job in the Azure portal. Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell create jobs in the classic Azure Import/Export service and hence create an Azure resource of the type "Import/Export job."


Create a job

  1. Use the az extension add command to add the az import-export extension:

    az extension add --name import-export
  2. To get a list of the locations from which you can receive disks, use the az import-export location list command:

    az import-export location list
  3. Run the following az import-export create command to create an export job that uses your existing storage account:

    az import-export create \
        --resource-group myierg \
        --name Myexportjob1 \
        --location "West US" \
        --backup-drive-manifest true \
        --diagnostics-path waimportexport \
        --export blob-path=/ \
        --type Export \
        --log-level Verbose \
        --shipping-information recipient-name="Microsoft Azure Import/Export Service" \
            street-address1="3020 Coronado" city="Santa Clara" state-or-province=CA postal-code=98054 \
            country-or-region=USA phone=4083527600 \
        --return-address recipient-name="Gus Poland" street-address1="1020 Enterprise way" \
            city=Sunnyvale country-or-region=USA state-or-province=CA postal-code=94089 \
   phone=4085555555" \
        --storage-account myssdocsstorage

    [!TIP] Instead of specifying an email address for a single user, provide a group email to ensure that you receive notifications even if an admin leaves.

    This job exports all the blobs in your storage account. You can specify a blob for export by replacing this value for --export:

    --export blob-path=$root/logo.bmp

    This parameter value exports the blob named logo.bmp in the root container.

    You also have the option of selecting all the blobs in a container by using a prefix. Replace this value for --export:


    For more information, see Examples of valid blob paths.

    [!NOTE] If the blob to be exported is in use during data copy, Azure Import/Export service takes a snapshot of the blob and copies the snapshot.

  4. Use the az import-export list command to see all the jobs for the resource group myierg:

    az import-export list --resource-group myierg
  5. To update your job or cancel your job, run the az import-export update command:

    az import-export update --resource-group myierg --name MyIEjob1 --cancel-requested true

Use the following steps to create an export job in Azure PowerShell. Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell create jobs in the classic Azure Import/Export service and hence create an Azure resource of the type "Import/Export job."



While the Az.ImportExport PowerShell module is in preview, you must install it separately using the Install-Module cmdlet. After this PowerShell module becomes generally available, it will be part of future Az PowerShell module releases and available by default from within Azure Cloud Shell.

Install-Module -Name Az.ImportExport

Create a job

  1. To get a list of the locations from which you can receive disks, use the Get-AzImportExportLocation cmdlet:

  2. Run the following New-AzImportExport example to create an export job that uses your existing storage account:

    $Params = @{
       ResourceGroupName = 'myierg'
       Name = 'Myexportjob1'
       Location = 'westus'
       BackupDriveManifest = $true
       DiagnosticsPath = 'waimportexport'
       ExportBlobListblobPath = '\'
       JobType = 'Export'
       LogLevel = 'Verbose'
       ShippingInformationRecipientName = 'Microsoft Azure Import/Export Service'
       ShippingInformationStreetAddress1 = '3020 Coronado'
       ShippingInformationCity = 'Santa Clara'
       ShippingInformationStateOrProvince = 'CA'
       ShippingInformationPostalCode = '98054'
       ShippingInformationCountryOrRegion = 'USA'
       ShippingInformationPhone = '4083527600'
       ReturnAddressRecipientName = 'Gus Poland'
       ReturnAddressStreetAddress1 = '1020 Enterprise way'
       ReturnAddressCity = 'Sunnyvale'
       ReturnAddressStateOrProvince = 'CA'
       ReturnAddressPostalCode = '94089'
       ReturnAddressCountryOrRegion = 'USA'
       ReturnAddressPhone = '4085555555'
       ReturnAddressEmail = ''
       StorageAccountId = '/subscriptions/<SubscriptionId>/resourceGroups/myierg/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/myssdocsstorage'
    New-AzImportExport @Params

    [!TIP] Instead of specifying an email address for a single user, provide a group email to ensure that you receive notifications even if an admin leaves.

    This job exports all the blobs in your storage account. You can specify a blob for export by replacing this value for -ExportBlobListblobPath:

    -ExportBlobListblobPath $root\logo.bmp

    This parameter value exports the blob named logo.bmp in the root container.

    You also have the option of selecting all the blobs in a container by using a prefix. Replace this value for -ExportBlobListblobPath:

    -ExportBlobListblobPath '/myiecontainer'

    For more information, see Examples of valid blob paths.

    [!NOTE] If the blob to be exported is in use during data copy, Azure Import/Export service takes a snapshot of the blob and copies the snapshot.

  3. Use the Get-AzImportExport cmdlet to see all the jobs for the resource group myierg:

    Get-AzImportExport -ResourceGroupName myierg
  4. To update your job or cancel your job, run the Update-AzImportExport cmdlet:

    Update-AzImportExport -Name MyIEjob1 -ResourceGroupName myierg -CancelRequested

Step 2: Ship the drives

If you don't know the number of drives you need, see Determine how many drives you need. If you know the number of drives, proceed to ship the drives.

[!INCLUDE storage-import-export-ship-drives]

Step 3: Update the job with tracking information

[!INCLUDE storage-import-export-update-job-tracking]

Step 4: Receive the disks

When the dashboard reports the job is complete, the disks are shipped to you and the tracking number for the shipment is available in the portal.

  1. After you receive the drives with exported data, you need to get the BitLocker keys to unlock the drives. Go to the export job in the Azure portal. Select Import/Export tab.

  2. Select your export job from the list. Go to Encryption and copy the keys.

    Screenshot of the Encryption blade for an export job in Azure Import Export Jobs. The Encryption menu item and Copy button for the key are highlighted.

  3. Use the BitLocker keys to unlock the disks.

The export is complete.

Step 5: Unlock the disks

Use the following command to unlock the drive:

WAImportExport Unlock /bk:<BitLocker key (base 64 string) copied from Encryption blade in Azure portal> /driveLetter:<Drive letter>

Here's an example of the sample input.

WAImportExport.exe Unlock /bk:CAAcwBoAG8AdQBsAGQAIABiAGUAIABoAGkAZABkAGUAbgA= /driveLetter:e

You can use the copy logs from the job to verify that all data transferred successfully:

  • Use the verbose log to verify each successfully transferred file.
  • Use the copy log to find the source of each failed data copy.

To find the log locations, open the job in the Azure portal/. The Data copy details show the Copy log path and Verbose log path for each drive that was included in the order.

Screenshot showing a completed export job in Azure Import Export. In Data Copy Details, the Copy Log Path and Verbose Log Path are highlighted.

At this time, you can delete the job or leave it. Jobs automatically get deleted after 90 days.

Next steps