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CLI (v2) Automated ML Image Multi-Label Classification job YAML schema |
Azure Machine Learning |
Reference documentation for the CLI (v2) Automated ML Image Multi-Label Classification job YAML schema. |
machine-learning |
machine-learning |
core |
reference |
cliv2 |
ssalgado |
ssalgadodev |
10/11/2022 |
rasavage |
[!INCLUDE cli v2]
The source JSON schema can be found at https://azuremlsdk2.blob.core.windows.net/preview/0.0.1/autoMLImageClassificationMultilabelJob.schema.json.
[!INCLUDE schema note]
For information on all the keys in Yaml syntax, see Yaml syntax of image classification task. Here we only describe the keys that have different values as compared to what's specified for image classification task.
Key | Type | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
task |
const | Required. The type of AutoML task. | image_classification_multilabel |
image_classification_multilabel |
primary_metric |
string | The metric that AutoML will optimize for model selection. | iou |
iou |
The az ml job
command can be used for managing Azure Machine Learning jobs.
Examples are available in the examples GitHub repository. Examples relevant to image multi-label classification job are shown below.
:::code language="yaml" source="~/azureml-examples-temp-fix/cli/jobs/automl-standalone-jobs/cli-automl-image-classification-multilabel-task-fridge-items/cli-automl-image-classification-multilabel-task-fridge-items.yml":::
:::code language="yaml" source="~/azureml-examples-temp-fix/cli/jobs/pipelines/automl/image-multilabel-classification-fridge-items-pipeline/pipeline.yml":::