title | description | services | author | ms.service | ms.topic | ms.date | ms.author | ms.custom |
include file |
include file |
private-link |
asudbring |
private-link |
include |
08/29/2023 |
allensu |
include file |
In the search box at the top of the portal, enter App Service. Select App Services in the search results.
Select + Create.
Enter or select the following information in the Basics tab of Create Web App.
Setting Value Project details Subscription Select your subscription. Resource Group Select test-rg. Instance details Name Enter a unique name for the web app. The name webapp8675 is used for the examples in this tutorial. Publish Select Code. Runtime stack Select .NET 6 (LTS). Operating System Select Windows. Region Select East US 2. Pricing plans Windows Plan (West US 2) Leave the default name. Pricing plan Select Change size. -
In Spec Picker, select Production for the workload.
In Recommended pricing tiers, select P1V2.
Select Apply.
Select Next: Deployment.
Select Next: Networking.
Change 'Enable public access' to false.
Select Review + create.
Select Create.