author | ms.service | ms.topic | | | ms.custom |
ggailey777 |
azure-functions |
include |
06/09/2022 |
glenga |
devdivchpfy22 |
Property | Description |
The destination to which logs are sent. Valid values are AppInsights and Blob .When you use AppInsights , ensure that the Application Insights is enabled in your function app.When you set the destination to Blob , logs are created in a blob container named azure-functions-scale-controller in the default storage account set in the AzureWebJobsStorage application setting. |
Specifies the level of logging. Supported values are None , Warning , and Verbose .When set to Verbose , the scale controller logs a reason for every change in the worker count, and information about the triggers that factor into those decisions. Verbose logs include trigger warnings and the hashes used by the triggers before and after the scale controller runs. |
Keep in mind that while you leave scale controller logging enabled, it impacts the potential costs of monitoring your function app. Consider enabling logging until you have collected enough data to understand how the scale controller is behaving, and then disabling it.