Awesome Shopware 6 plugins, resources, themes, etc
- Mollie >6.x
- MultiSafePay >6.4
- >6.3
- PayOne >6.1
- Burst >6.2
- Wallee >6.5
- Adyen >6.3
- Tpay Integration by CREHLER >6.x
- Buckaroo >6.5
- Show SEPA payment fields on checkout page >6.3
- crypto payment for shopware 6>6.3
- Elgentos - Default Sort Order >6.x
- Elgentos - Seo Canonical URL >6.x
- Social Media Icons >6.x
- Login required for categories >6.x
- CMS Elements >6.x
- Shopware Maps >6.x
- Shopware Animate On Scroll >6.x
- Lazysizes Lazyload images >6.x
- Shopware Tags
- Brand Slider
- Product Compare >6.4
- Deutsche Post Autocomplete >6.5
- Recently Viewed Product Slider >6.3
- Dropdown Menu >6.x
- Topbar or Footer Notifications >6.x
- Sticky Menu >6.x
- Advanced Banners / Digital Publishing <6.4
- VatLayer VAT check >6.x
- Tab for Product Detail Page >6.x
- Product Badges in Category and PDP >6.x
- Show discount line in cart summary >6.4
- Show sold out information for variants >6.4
- Twitter Timeline integration >6.4
- Editable meta robots by CREHLER >6.x
- Matomo eCommerce tracking >6.6.x
- display additional currency in storefront >6.6.x
- Order Advanced Filter >6.3
- Login as Customer >6.5
- Maintenance Log-In >6.5
- Impersonation Admin User >6.3
- Two Factor Auth 2FA > 6.x
- Shopware orders scanner >6.3
- Redirects >6.x
- Auto Meta Details >6.1
- Total Quantity In Cart Rule >6.x
- Show company name and VAT ID in backend >6.4
- Zero Margin Default CMS Blocks >6.4
- Official Shopware 6 Migration Assistant >6.x
- Official Shopware 6 Migration Assistant Magento Profile >6.x
- Shopware 6 Additional Dev Tools >6.x
- Shopware 6 Plugin >6.x
- Theme Preview >6.x
- Yireo's Shopware 6 Extensions >6.x (Template Name, WebP, Additional Commands)
- CMS Scaffolding >6.x (Generate a CMS element or block scaffolding within seconds)
- Symfony Support
- Twig Plugin
- PHP Annotations
- PHP Toolbox
- Php Inspections (EA Extended)
- composer.json support
- PHPUnit Enhancement
- Shopware 6 Toolbox
- Frosh HTML Minify >6.x
- Frosh Lazy Sizes >6.x
- Frosh ThumbnailProcessor >6.x
- Image optimizer 6.x
- Instant Page 6.x
- Shopware 6 Toolkit - Chrome extension
- WbmTagManagerEcomm - GTM integration and dataLayer configuration >6.x
- Dutch email templates >6.x
- BaseLinker Integration by CREHLER >6.x
- Edrone CRM Integration by CREHLER >6.x
- Shopware Database Synchronizer 6.x
- You don't need a plugin to customize a Shopware 6 project
- Optimization of Thumbnails in PHP
- Why I Don't like Custom Fields
- Official Shopware 6 docs
- An introduction into Shopware 6 for Magento developers
- How to override a Component in Shopware 6
- Overriding Shopware 6 Storefront Page
- How To Create A Custom Theme In Shopware 6
- Shopware 6: Theme-Entwicklung (German)
- Shopware 6: Theme Plugins (German)