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Veryfi SDK for Node.js

Node.js - version npm Code style: black

Table of Contents

veryfi-nodejs is a Node.js module for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API


Install from npm, a package manager for Javascript.

npm i @veryfi/veryfi-sdk

You may need to run the above command with sudo.

Getting Started

Obtaining Client ID and user keys

If you don't have an account with Veryfi, please go ahead and register here:

Node.js API Client Library

The veryfi library can be used to communicate with Veryfi API. All available functionality is described here:

Below is a sample script using Veryfi for OCR and extracting data from a document:

Extracting Data

const Client = require('@veryfi/veryfi-sdk');
const client_id = 'your_client_id';
const client_secret = 'your_client_secret';
const username = 'your_username';
const api_key = 'your_password';

const categories = ['Grocery', 'Utilities', 'Travel'];
const file_path = './test/receipt.png';

This submits a document for processing (3-5 seconds for a response)

let veryfi_client = new Client(client_id, client_secret, username, api_key);
let response = veryfi_client.process_document(file_path, categories=categories).then(response => {

...or with a URL

let response = veryfi_client.process_document_url(url, external_id=some_id).then(response => {


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        "type": "barcode_code_missing_in_ocr"
  "model": "2.50.0",
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          "ocr_text": "HOME\nTHE\n\tMore saving.\n\tMore doing.\"\n\n2250 SOUTHGATE RD, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO\nBECKY NATION STOREMANAGER 719-471-0054\n1518 00000 17717 10/17/18 09:03 AM\nSELF CHECK OUT\n037103136480 SNIP LEFT <A>\t9.97\nWISS LEFT-CUT SNIPS\nNLP Savings\t$4.00\n045242268061 MILW5PCKBLDG <A>\t1.18\nMKE 5PK GENERAL PURPOSE BLADES\n038902058966 1LB. SCREW <A>\t10.57\nEB NEO SELF-DRILLING 12X1\n038902058959 1LB. SCREW <A>\t10.57\nEB NEO SELF-DRILLING 12X3/4\nSUBTOTAL\t32.29\nSALES TAX\t2.66\nTOTAL\t$34.95\nXXXXXXXXXXXX7373 VISA\n\tUSD$ 34.95\nAUTH CODE 025972/8585391\tTA\nAID A0000003131010\t4341505054414C204F4\nE452050595341\nDEPOT",
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      "id": 12926297,
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            "biller_code": null,
            "category": "Nurseries & Gardening",
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            "iban": null,
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            "logo_name": "the home depot",
            "map_url": ",+COLORADO+SPRINGS,+CO",
            "name": "Home Depot",
            "order_number": null,
            "parsed_address": {},
    "phone_number": "719-471-0054",
            "raw_address": "2250 SOUTHGATE RD, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO\nBECKY NATION",
            "raw_name": "DEPOT",
            "reg_number": null,
            "type": "Nurseries & Gardening",
            "vat_number": "452050595341",
            "web": null
  "vendors": [
    "Home Depot"
          "vin_number": null,
          "warnings": [],
          "weights": [

Updating a document

let new_vendor = {"name": "Starbucks", "address": "123 Easy Str, San Francisco, CA 94158"};
let category = "Meals & Entertainment";
let new_total = 11.23;
        'vendor': new_vendor,
        'category': new_category,
        'total': new_total
.then(response => {

Need help?

Visit to access integration guides and usage notes in the Veryfi API Documentation Portal

If you run into any issue or need help installing or using the library, please contact

If you found a bug in this library or would like new features added, then open an issue or pull requests against this repo!

Tutorial Video

Veryfi Tutorial