This project provides a set of components that may be used to add interactive maps to a Wicket application. These components wrap the OpenLayers 3 Javascript library and provide the necessary glue to let you manage them entirely in Wicket with Java code.
This library is currently in active development and not all of the OpenLayers 3 functionality has been implemented. Nonetheless, work continues on the library and if there's functionality you'd like that is missing, it may be added to the project soon. Please feel free to submit pull requests as well, we're always looking for help!
Installing the library is as easy as including the dependency in your project's POM file.
This will include the majority of the library's features. In addition, some components that leverage the Wicket Bootstrap library are also included in a seperate library. If you are already using Bootstrap in your application, these components make it easier to place location markers and popover panels in your maps.
We've done our best to keep the API simple and straightforward. Where possible, the Java classes that you interact with will have the same names as the Javascript object that they are wrapping. More information about the OpenLayers3 API may be found on their website. Below is the Java code from page a that displays a map of the world.
add(new DefaultOpenLayersMap("map", Model.of(new Map(
Arrays.<Layer>asList(new Tile("Global Imagery",
new TileWms("",
ImmutableMap.of("LAYERS", "bluemarble", "VERSION", "1.1.1")))),
new View(new Coordinate(0, 0), 2)))));
In this example a new DefaultOpenLayersMap
map component is created and it's passed a Map
instance as it's model.
The DefaultOpenLayersMap
is our Wicket component and may be manipulated as such. The model for this object, Map
is the wrapper around the OpenLayers 3 ol.Map
instance. The goal is to make it easier to mentally map the function
onto the object, for instance, if you need to make your map invisible (a Wicket function) then you may invoke the
method on the Wicket component, DefaultOpenLayersMap
If you want to add another vector layer to the map (an OpenLayers 3 function), then you will want to call the
method on the model for your map, Map
, as this object represents the matching OpenLayers object.
.add(new Tile("Global Imagery",
new TileWms("",
ImmutableMap.of("LAYERS", "bluemarble", "VERSION", "1.1.1")));
More information may be found in the openlayers3-examples
project. To get an idea of what these maps look like, you
may build and run the application via Maven.
cd jdk-1.6-parent/openlayers3-parent/openlayers3-examples/
mvn jetty:run
The project will be built and launched inside a Jetty instance. You can take a look by visitng http://localhost:8080.