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File metadata and controls

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mpegts.js API

This document use TypeScript-like definitions to describe interfaces.


mpegts.js exports all the interfaces through mpegts object which exposed in global context window.

mpegts object can also be accessed by require or ES6 import.





function createPlayer(mediaDataSource: MediaDataSource, config?: Config): Player;

Create a player instance according to type field indicated in mediaDataSource, with optional config.


Field Type Description
type string Indicates media type, 'mse', 'mpegts', 'm2ts', 'flv' or 'mp4'
isLive? boolean Indicates whether the data source is a live stream
cors? boolean Indicates whether to enable CORS for http fetching
withCredentials? boolean Indicates whether to do http fetching with cookies
hasAudio? boolean Indicates whether the stream has audio track
hasVideo? boolean Indicates whether the stream has video track
duration? number Indicates total media duration, in milliseconds
filesize? number Indicates total file size of media file, in bytes
url? string Indicates media URL, can be starts with 'https(s)' or 'ws(s)' (WebSocket)
segments? Array<MediaSegment> Optional field for multipart playback, see MediaSegment

If segments field exists, transmuxer will treat this MediaDataSource as a multipart source.

In multipart mode, duration filesize url field in MediaDataSource structure will be ignored.


Field Type Description
duration number Required field, indicates segment duration in milliseconds
filesize? number Optional field, indicates segment file size in bytes
url string Required field, indicates segment file URL


Field Type Default Description
enableWorker? boolean false Enable separated thread (DedicatedWorker) for transmuxing
enableWorkerForMSE? boolean false Enable separated thread (DedicatedWorker) for MediaSource
enableStashBuffer? boolean true Enable IO stash buffer. Set to false if you need realtime (minimal latency) for live stream playback, but may stalled if there's network jittering.
stashInitialSize? number 384KB Indicates IO stash buffer initial size. Default is 384KB. Indicate a suitable size can improve video load/seek time.
isLive? boolean false Same to isLive in MediaDataSource, ignored if has been set in MediaDataSource structure.
liveBufferLatencyChasing? boolean false Chasing the live stream latency caused by the internal buffer in HTMLMediaElement. isLive should also be set to true
liveBufferLatencyChasingOnPaused? boolean false Chasing the live stream latency caused by the internal buffer in HTMLMediaElement even if HTMLMediaElement is paused. Effective only if isLive: true and liveBufferLatencyChasing: true
liveBufferLatencyMaxLatency? number 1.5 Maximum acceptable buffer latency in HTMLMediaElement, in seconds. Effective only if isLive: true and liveBufferLatencyChasing: true
liveBufferLatencyMinRemain? number 0.5 Minimum buffer latency to be keeped in HTMLMediaElement, in seconds. Effective only if isLive: true and liveBufferLatencyChasing: true
liveSync? boolean false Chasing the live stream latency caused by the internal buffer in HTMLMediaElement by changing the playbackRate. isLive should also be set to true
liveSyncMaxLatency? number 1.2 Maximum acceptable buffer latency in HTMLMediaElement, in seconds. Effective only if isLive: true and liveSync: true
liveSyncTargetLatency? number 0.8 Target latency in HTMLMediaElement to be chased to when latency exceeds liveSyncMaxLatency, in seconds. Effective only if isLive: true and liveSync: true
liveSyncPlaybackRate? number 1.2 PlaybackRate limited between [1, 2] will be used for latency chasing. Effective only if isLive: true and liveSync: true
lazyLoad? boolean true Abort the http connection if there's enough data for playback.
lazyLoadMaxDuration? number 3 * 60 Indicates how many seconds of data to be kept for lazyLoad.
lazyLoadRecoverDuration? number 30 Indicates the lazyLoad recover time boundary in seconds.
deferLoadAfterSourceOpen? boolean true Do load after MediaSource sourceopen event triggered. On Chrome, tabs which be opened in background may not trigger sourceopen event until switched to that tab.
autoCleanupSourceBuffer boolean false Do auto cleanup for SourceBuffer
autoCleanupMaxBackwardDuration number 3 * 60 When backward buffer duration exceeded this value (in seconds), do auto cleanup for SourceBuffer
autoCleanupMinBackwardDuration number 2 * 60 Indicates the duration in seconds to reserve for backward buffer when doing auto cleanup.
fixAudioTimestampGap boolean true Fill silent audio frames to avoid a/v unsync when detect large audio timestamp gap.
accurateSeek? boolean false Accurate seek to any frame, not limited to video IDR frame, but may a bit slower. Available on Chrome > 50, FireFox and Safari.
seekType? string 'range' 'range' use range request to seek, or 'param' add params into url to indicate request range.
seekParamStart? string 'bstart' Indicates seek start parameter name for seekType = 'param'
seekParamEnd? string 'bend' Indicates seek end parameter name for seekType = 'param'
rangeLoadZeroStart? boolean false Send Range: bytes=0- for first time load if use Range seek
customSeekHandler? object undefined Indicates a custom seek handler
reuseRedirectedURL? boolean false Reuse 301/302 redirected url for subsequence request like seek, reconnect, etc.
referrerPolicy? string no-referrer-when-downgrade Indicates the Referrer Policy when using FetchStreamLoader
headers? object undefined Indicates additional headers that will be added to request


function isSupported(): boolean;

Return true if basic playback can works on your browser.


function getFeatureList(): FeatureList;

Return a FeatureList object which has following details:


Field Type Description
msePlayback boolean Same to mpegts.isSupported(), indicates whether basic playback works on your browser.
mseLivePlayback boolean Indicates whether HTTP MPEG2-TS/FLV live stream can work on your browser.
mseH265Playback boolean Indicates whether H265 over MPEG2-TS/FLV stream can work on your browser.
networkStreamIO boolean Indicates whether the network loader is streaming.
networkLoaderName string Indicates the network loader type name.
nativeMP4H264Playback boolean Indicates whether your browser support H.264 MP4 video file natively.
nativeMP4H265Playback boolean Indicates whether your browser support H.265 MP4 video file natively.
nativeWebmVP8Playback boolean Indicates whether your browser support WebM VP8 video file natively.
nativeWebmVP9Playback boolean Indicates whether your browser support WebM VP9 video file natively.


interface MSEPlayer extends Player {}

MSE player which implements the Player interface. Can be created by new operator directly.


interface NativePlayer extends Player {}

Player wrapper for browser's native player (HTMLVideoElement) without MediaSource src, which implements the Player interface. Useful for singlepart MP4 file playback.

interface Player (abstract)

interface Player {
    constructor(mediaDataSource: MediaDataSource, config?: Config): Player;
    destroy(): void;
    on(event: string, listener: Function): void;
    off(event: string, listener: Function): void;
    attachMediaElement(mediaElement: HTMLMediaElement): void;
    detachMediaElement(): void;
    load(): void;
    unload(): void;
    play(): Promise<void>;
    pause(): void;
    type: string;
    buffered: TimeRanges;
    duration: number;
    volume: number;
    muted: boolean;
    currentTime: number;
    mediaInfo: Object;
    statisticsInfo: Object;


A global interface which include several static getter/setter to set mpegts.js logcat verbose level.

interface LoggingControl {
    forceGlobalTag: boolean;
    globalTag: string;
    enableAll: boolean;
    enableDebug: boolean;
    enableVerbose: boolean;
    enableInfo: boolean;
    enableWarn: boolean;
    enableError: boolean;
    getConfig(): Object;
    applyConfig(config: Object): void;
    addLogListener(listener: Function): void;
    removeLogListener(listener: Function): void;


A series of constants that can be used with Player.on() / They require the prefix mpegts.Events.

Event Description
ERROR An error occurred by any cause during the playback
LOADING_COMPLETE The input MediaDataSource has been completely buffered to end
RECOVERED_EARLY_EOF An unexpected network EOF occurred during buffering but automatically recovered
MEDIA_INFO Provides technical information of the media like video/audio codec, bitrate, etc.
METADATA_ARRIVED Provides metadata which FLV file(stream) can contain with an "onMetaData" marker.
SCRIPTDATA_ARRIVED Provides scriptdata (OnCuePoint / OnTextData) which FLV file(stream) can contain.
TIMED_ID3_METADATA_ARRIVED Provides Timed ID3 Metadata packets containing private data (stream_type=0x15) callback
PGS_SUBTITLE_ARRIVED Provides PGS Subtitle data (stream_type=0x90) callback
SYNCHRONOUS_KLV_METADATA_ARRIVED Provides Synchronous KLV Metadata packets containing private data (stream_type=0x15) callback
ASYNCHRONOUS_KLV_METADATA_ARRIVED Provides Asynchronous KLV Metadata packets containing private data (stream_type=0x06) callback
SMPTE2038_METADATA_ARRIVED Provides SMPTE2038 Metadata packets containing private data callback
SCTE35_METADATA_ARRIVED Provides SCTE35 Metadata packets containing section (stream_type=0x86) callback
PES_PRIVATE_DATA_ARRIVED Provides ISO/IEC 13818-1 PES packets containing private data (stream_type=0x06) callback
STATISTICS_INFO Provides playback statistics information like dropped frames, current speed, etc.
DESTROYING Fired when the player begins teardown


The possible errors that can come up during playback. They require the prefix mpegts.ErrorTypes.

Error Description
NETWORK_ERROR Errors related to the network
MEDIA_ERROR Errors related to the media (format error, decode issue, etc)
OTHER_ERROR Any other unspecified error


Provide more verbose explanation for Network and Media errors. They require the prefix mpegts.ErrorDetails.

Error Description
NETWORK_EXCEPTION Related to any other issues with the network; contains a message
NETWORK_STATUS_CODE_INVALID Related to an invalid HTTP status code, such as 403, 404, etc.
NETWORK_TIMEOUT Related to timeout request issues
NETWORK_UNRECOVERABLE_EARLY_EOF Related to unexpected network EOF which cannot be recovered
MEDIA_MSE_ERROR Related to MediaSource's error such as decode issue
MEDIA_FORMAT_ERROR Related to any invalid parameters in the media stream
MEDIA_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED The input MediaDataSource format is not supported by mpegts.js
MEDIA_CODEC_UNSUPPORTED The media stream contains video/audio codec which is not supported