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Interactively Build GraphQL Queries for OpenTargets

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The goal of graphql.parse is to parse GraphQL schemas in an R-style way


You can install the development version of graphql.parse like so:



query_builder() walks up and down the schema, enabling users to dynamically select the fields they wish to be returned

query_string <- query_builder()

Options in Query; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

 1: meta                     2: target                   3: targets               
 4: disease                  5: diseases                 6: drug                  
 7: drugs                    8: search                   9: associationDatasources
10: interactionResources    11: geneOntologyTerms       12: up 1 level            

Selection: 6
Options in Drug; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

 1: id                          2: name                        3: synonyms                 
 4: tradeNames                  5: yearOfFirstApproval         6: drugType                 
 7: isApproved                  8: crossReferences             9: maximumClinicalTrialPhase
10: hasBeenWithdrawn           11: blackBoxWarning            12: description              
13: parentMolecule             14: childMolecules             15: approvedIndications      
16: drugWarnings               17: similarEntities            18: literatureOcurrences     
19: mechanismsOfAction         20: indications                21: knownDrugs               
22: adverseEvents              23: linkedDiseases             24: linkedTargets            
25: up 1 level                 

Selection: 1
Options in Drug; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

 1: id                          2: name                        3: synonyms                 
 4: tradeNames                  5: yearOfFirstApproval         6: drugType                 
 7: isApproved                  8: crossReferences             9: maximumClinicalTrialPhase
10: hasBeenWithdrawn           11: blackBoxWarning            12: description              
13: parentMolecule             14: childMolecules             15: approvedIndications      
16: drugWarnings               17: similarEntities            18: literatureOcurrences     
19: mechanismsOfAction         20: indications                21: knownDrugs               
22: adverseEvents              23: linkedDiseases             24: linkedTargets            
25: up 1 level                 

Selection: 19
Options in MechanismsOfAction; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

1: rows
2: uniqueActionTypes
3: uniqueTargetTypes
4: up 1 level

Selection: 1
Options in MechanismOfActionRow; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

1: mechanismOfAction
2: actionType
3: targetName
4: references
5: targets
6: up 1 level

Selection: 1
Options in MechanismOfActionRow; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

1: mechanismOfAction
2: actionType
3: targetName
4: references
5: targets
6: up 1 level

Selection: 3
Options in MechanismOfActionRow; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

1: mechanismOfAction
2: actionType
3: targetName
4: references
5: targets
6: up 1 level

Selection: 5
Options in Target; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

 1: id                     2: alternativeGenes       3: approvedSymbol         4: approvedName        
 5: biotype                6: chemicalProbes         7: dbXrefs                8: functionDescriptions
 9: geneticConstraint     10: genomicLocation       11: geneOntology          12: hallmarks           
13: homologues            14: pathways              15: proteinIds            16: safetyLiabilities   
17: subcellularLocations  18: synonyms              19: symbolSynonyms        20: nameSynonyms        
21: obsoleteSymbols       22: obsoleteNames         23: targetClass           24: tep                 
25: tractability          26: transcriptIds         27: similarEntities       28: literatureOcurrences
29: evidences             30: interactions          31: mousePhenotypes       32: expressions         
33: knownDrugs            34: associatedDiseases    35: up 1 level            

Selection: 1
Options in Target; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

 1: id                     2: alternativeGenes       3: approvedSymbol         4: approvedName        
 5: biotype                6: chemicalProbes         7: dbXrefs                8: functionDescriptions
 9: geneticConstraint     10: genomicLocation       11: geneOntology          12: hallmarks           
13: homologues            14: pathways              15: proteinIds            16: safetyLiabilities   
17: subcellularLocations  18: synonyms              19: symbolSynonyms        20: nameSynonyms        
21: obsoleteSymbols       22: obsoleteNames         23: targetClass           24: tep                 
25: tractability          26: transcriptIds         27: similarEntities       28: literatureOcurrences
29: evidences             30: interactions          31: mousePhenotypes       32: expressions         
33: knownDrugs            34: associatedDiseases    35: up 1 level            

Selection: 3
Options in Target; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

 1: id                     2: alternativeGenes       3: approvedSymbol         4: approvedName        
 5: biotype                6: chemicalProbes         7: dbXrefs                8: functionDescriptions
 9: geneticConstraint     10: genomicLocation       11: geneOntology          12: hallmarks           
13: homologues            14: pathways              15: proteinIds            16: safetyLiabilities   
17: subcellularLocations  18: synonyms              19: symbolSynonyms        20: nameSynonyms        
21: obsoleteSymbols       22: obsoleteNames         23: targetClass           24: tep                 
25: tractability          26: transcriptIds         27: similarEntities       28: literatureOcurrences
29: evidences             30: interactions          31: mousePhenotypes       32: expressions         
33: knownDrugs            34: associatedDiseases    35: up 1 level            

Selection: 35
Options in Target; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

1: mechanismOfAction
2: actionType
3: targetName
4: references
5: targets
6: up 1 level

Selection: 4
Options in Reference; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

1: ids
2: source
3: urls
4: up 1 level

Selection: 2
Options in Reference; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

1: ids
2: source
3: urls
4: up 1 level

Selection: 3
Options in Reference; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

1: ids
2: source
3: urls
4: up 1 level

Selection: 0
query gql( 
  $chemblId: String! 
) { 
   drug(chemblId: $chemblId) { 
      mechanismsOfAction { 
         rows { 
            targets { 
            references { 

Template for variables:

variables = list(
   chemblId = character(1)

This query_string can then be passed along with the necessary variables to the API

run_query(query_string, variables = list(chemblId = "CHEMBL1201828"))
#> $drug
#> $drug$id
#> [1] "CHEMBL1201828"
#> $drug$mechanismsOfAction
#> $drug$mechanismsOfAction$rows
#> $drug$mechanismsOfAction$rows[[1]]
#> $drug$mechanismsOfAction$rows[[1]]$mechanismOfAction
#> [1] "Complement C5 inhibitor"
#> $drug$mechanismsOfAction$rows[[1]]$targetName
#> [1] "Complement C5"
#> $drug$mechanismsOfAction$rows[[1]]$targets
#> $drug$mechanismsOfAction$rows[[1]]$targets[[1]]
#> $drug$mechanismsOfAction$rows[[1]]$targets[[1]]$id
#> [1] "ENSG00000106804"
#> $drug$mechanismsOfAction$rows[[1]]$targets[[1]]$approvedSymbol
#> [1] "C5"
#> $drug$mechanismsOfAction$rows[[1]]$references
#> $drug$mechanismsOfAction$rows[[1]]$references[[1]]
#> $drug$mechanismsOfAction$rows[[1]]$references[[1]]$source
#> [1] "DailyMed"
#> $drug$mechanismsOfAction$rows[[1]]$references[[1]]$urls
#> $drug$mechanismsOfAction$rows[[1]]$references[[1]]$urls[[1]]
#> [1] ""

The schema can also be fetched once then re-used in additional queries

schema <- get_schema()
cat(substring(schema, 1, 50))
#> type APIVersion {
#>   x: String!
#>   y: String!
#>   z: S

This can then be used in the query_builder() without hitting the endpoint just to retrieve the schema

query_builder(schema = schema)

Alternatively, the Genetics API can be used. When an api_url is specified in query_builder(), it is stored in the query string and accessible to run_query

qs <- query_builder(api_url = OT_GENETICS_API)
Options in Query; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

 1: meta                                   2: search                              
 3: genes                                  4: geneInfo                            
 5: studyInfo                              6: variantInfo                         
 7: studiesForGene                         8: studyLocus2GeneTable                
 9: manhattan                             10: topOverlappedStudies                
11: overlapInfoForStudy                   12: tagVariantsAndStudiesForIndexVariant
13: indexVariantsAndStudiesForTagVariant  14: pheWAS                              
15: gecko                                 16: regionPlot                          
17: genesForVariantSchema                 18: genesForVariant                     
19: gwasRegional                          20: qtlRegional                         
21: studyAndLeadVariantInfo               22: gwasCredibleSet                     
23: qtlCredibleSet                        24: colocalisationsForGene              
25: gwasColocalisationForRegion           26: gwasColocalisation                  
27: qtlColocalisation                     28: studiesAndLeadVariantsForGene       
29: studiesAndLeadVariantsForGeneByL2G    30: up 1 level                          

Selection: 4
Options in Gene; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

 1: id            2: symbol        3: bioType       4: description   5: chromosome    6: tss        
 7: start         8: end           9: fwdStrand    10: exons        11: up 1 level   

Selection: 1
Options in Gene; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

 1: id            2: symbol        3: bioType       4: description   5: chromosome    6: tss        
 7: start         8: end           9: fwdStrand    10: exons        11: up 1 level   

Selection: 2
Options in Gene; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

 1: id            2: symbol        3: bioType       4: description   5: chromosome    6: tss        
 7: start         8: end           9: fwdStrand    10: exons        11: up 1 level   

Selection: 4
Options in Gene; Select next level, or 0 to finish 

 1: id            2: symbol        3: bioType       4: description   5: chromosome    6: tss        
 7: start         8: end           9: fwdStrand    10: exons        11: up 1 level   

Selection: 0
query gql( 
  $geneId: String! 
) { 
   geneInfo(geneId: $geneId) { 

Template for variables:

variables = list(
   geneId = character(1)
run_query(qs, variables = list(geneId = "ENSG00000197405"))
#> $geneInfo
#> $geneInfo$id
#> [1] "ENSG00000197405"
#> $geneInfo$symbol
#> [1] "C5AR1"
#> $geneInfo$description
#> [1] "complement C5a receptor 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:1338]"

Canned Queries

Some canned queries are available. To fetch the dataVersion

#> Warning in api_url.default(query_string): No api_url detected on this object
#> $name
#> [1] "Open Targets GraphQL & REST API Beta"
#> $dataVersion
#>      year     month iteration 
#>      "23"      "09"       "0"

#> Warning in api_url.default(query_string): No api_url detected on this object
#> $name
#> [1] "Open Targets Genetics Portal"
#> $dataVersion
#> major minor patch 
#>    22    10     0


This video provides a great overview of the OpenTargets GraphQL API.


This package is designed to work with any GraphQL schema, but is currently limited to those endpoints which support a plaintext schema hosted at <GRAPHQL_API>/schema. An improvement to this package would involve fetching the schema itself via the API.

The OpenTargets (and OpenTargets Genetics) GraphQL APIs are currently supported and the APIs are stored as exported variables in this package, OT_API and OT_GENETICS_API.


Interactively Build GraphQL Queries for OpenTargets






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